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06-21-2006, 08:45 PM
Well today my girlfriend and I were going quad riding on some trails and we got stopped because we were on a road to get to the trail. The owners of the community called the state police on us and the whole shabang. Basically the community were cracking down on quad riding becuase a few bad apples though it would be a great idea to go into the pits and brake the windows and doors off of machines. :mad: So now they are cracking down on it. I never ride in the pits anymore for almost a year before this stuff happened. So now my brother and I can't ride for a while until we get a truck to haul our quads on. :ermm: I got a summance (sp?) and a $106 fine for trespassing. I got off pretty easy though. They were going to fine me for not having it registered or insured but they didn't, thank God. This sucks, but I guess we weren't doing the right thing and we got what we deserved. Even though we were just riding on the roads to get to the trails.

06-21-2006, 08:56 PM
that sucks...
I bet members on here are going to say you shouldn’t of being riding on a public roads.

Honda TRX250ex
06-21-2006, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Jason#19
that sucks...
I bet members on here are going to say you shouldn’t of being riding on a public roads.
I bet the same thing but there isnt any way of getting back to are house w/o riding on the road...

06-21-2006, 10:13 PM
i got 2 tickets for riding down a road to get to my riding spot

$150.00 in tickets and i have to go to court and court fees are $250.00

06-21-2006, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Jason#19
that sucks...
I bet members on here are going to say you shouldn’t of being riding on a public roads.


Mx 523 understands that is indeed his fault and therefore is subject to the consequences. Which is rare considering most kids on here gripe about the ticket even though they know better. I also understand that sometimes you need to ride the road a little ways to get to a trail. If you're going to ride the road just know one day your probably going to get a ticket.

06-21-2006, 11:29 PM
hey man do u live in ohio??

06-22-2006, 07:25 AM
Two days ago i was drunk and riding down the road and met a state cop. So i had to waste a freshly opend busch light running from him. However he never caught me so i dont have any tickets (other than my current ones from last halloween at siu).

06-22-2006, 07:30 AM
put a hitch on the car you own and get a small trailer. better then nothing. i have seen geo's to corvettes with hitches...so anything can be done.

06-22-2006, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by quadsquadron221
Two days ago i was drunk and riding down the road and met a state cop. So i had to waste a freshly opend busch light running from him. However he never caught me so i dont have any tickets (other than my current ones from last halloween at siu).

Because drinking and operating a motor vehicle is such a smart thing to do. Grow up.

06-22-2006, 07:44 AM
I dont think it has anything to do with growing up. Cops should not be on roads that are not owned by the county. You cant just chase people down lease roads and private roads.

06-22-2006, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by quadsquadron221
I dont think it has anything to do with growing up. Cops should not be on roads that are not owned by the county. You cant just chase people down lease roads and private roads.

Pretty sure the growing up he's talking about is the drunk while driving your bike. which i'm sure just about everyone agree's with

06-22-2006, 08:27 AM
I dont see what it hurts anyone. Seems like anymore you cant do **** even if your on gound that you own or farm lease. Drinking beer while farming and riding to the other tractor down a lease road is legal. Is farming and riding drunk smart, no. But neither is eating McDonalds, driving a vehicle too fast, or juming 350+ pound machines over motocross jumps, but we all do it. Just seems like the only people that have freedom in this country are the ****in mexicans that walk across the border and get **** handed to them.

06-22-2006, 08:34 AM
k lets back this up, having a beer or 3 while you ride or if your camping and have a couple, what ever man, but being DRUNK, on any machine, weather it be tractor, truck, quad, bike, puts yerself and others at risk man, thats a fact, no if's and's or but about it, now if you wanna get all lit up and killer down a road, and hit the ditch or a tree cause your reaction time just wasnt there, giver hell man, but dont sit on here talking about how its ok, and harp about your freedoms

Honda TRX250ex
06-22-2006, 08:43 AM
quadsquadron221 Please stop. You were driving a quad drunk down a road... Just shows you how smart you are buddy. And cops shoulden't be on the road? are you retarted thats their job they kept towns and citys from going insane.:rolleyes:

06-22-2006, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Honda TRX250ex
quadsquadron221 Please stop. You were driving a quad drunk down a road... Just shows you how smart you are buddy. And cops shoulden't be on the road? are you retarted thats their job they kept towns and citys from going insane.:rolleyes:

no, they only go on roads i say they can go on!! lol, jk, but yea seriously quadsquadron221, thats just stupid

06-22-2006, 08:56 AM
Im not harpin about ****. I just dont think people should rag on you for what you do that has nothing to do with them. Now if i got all liquerd up and drove my pick up through the front of a house that would be a different story. I was not running wide open down a road or running into trees or ditches. I was drunk and farming, i was minding my own business having a cold beersky as i was on my way to move a tractor to where i needed it and some ******* cop chases me down a private road. This is not a city this is not a town. This was on a PRIVATE ROAD, meaning i have ownership to it. Not the county. Last time i checked you can drive whatever you want whenever you want however you want on your own ground. Yes it looks like a county gravel road, i have a lot of upkeep cost to keep it that way thats why the cop thought he could do somthing about it, but he cant.

06-22-2006, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by quadsquadron221
I dont think it has anything to do with growing up. Cops should not be on roads that are not owned by the county. You cant just chase people down lease roads and private roads.

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

06-22-2006, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by quadsquadron221
Im not harpin about ****. I just dont think people should rag on you for what you do that has nothing to do with them. Now if i got all liquerd up and drove my pick up through the front of a house that would be a different story. I was not running wide open down a road or running into trees or ditches. I was drunk and farming, i was minding my own business having a cold beersky as i was on my way to move a tractor to where i needed it and some ******* cop chases me down a private road. This is not a city this is not a town. This was on a PRIVATE ROAD, meaning i have ownership to it. Not the county. Last time i checked you can drive whatever you want whenever you want however you want on your own ground. Yes it looks like a county gravel road, i have a lot of upkeep cost to keep it that way thats why the cop thought he could do somthing about it, but he cant.

What's your name.....?

06-22-2006, 09:01 AM
Whatever *** hole. I dont tell you what to ****in do so what makes you think you can tell me what to do.

06-22-2006, 09:02 AM
quadsquadron221, stop posting in my thread, your going to get it closed.
We live in Northeast Pa, about 15 minutes away from a town called milford. I was talking to one of the workers, he said that the owner got sued (the owner of the community) because a guy was riding his quad drunk and he fell off a huge snow bank and got hurt. Its people like him that ruins our sport. Now I don't have any money. I was going to get back into bmx again this summer but now I don't have enough for a bike. I'm trying to find a job but I'm having no luck. And this is all because of a few bad apples that is ruining our sport.

06-22-2006, 09:05 AM