View Full Version : krylon Fusion

Caseys 300ex
06-20-2006, 09:37 PM
Well im planning on paintin my plastic with the krylon fusion paint and i was wondering about how people felt its quality was and if they woudl recommend me to use it. And plz dont give me the link to the other thread about this product. Thanx for helping out a fellow rider.

06-24-2006, 07:41 PM
It works great I wouldn't heasitate to use it on your plastics. Just be shure to prep the plastic good. The right prep is critical to any good paint job. The paint sticks really well to the plastic, and can hold up very well to the bending and flexing the plastic does. The only thing with the fusion paint is it's more of a semi gloss, than a full gloss paint. I have heard that they sell clear coat in fusion, but I haven't seen it yet, and even if you can find it I would sugest to not use it because if some of the paint starts to chip, or scratches then it's much harder to fix that one part.

06-25-2006, 08:44 AM
i was thinking about doing it to
what kind of prepping should you do first

Caseys 300ex
06-25-2006, 11:53 AM
Before you paint ur plastic ur supposed to clean ur plastic really good to get rid of all materials that could mess with ur paint quality, then u sand ur plastic with a 320 or 400 grit sandpaper( this helps ur paint stick), finally you paint ur plastic with about 2-4 coats of paint leaving 15 minutes between each coat so the paint will cure. make sure u do these steps to each side of the plastic.

06-25-2006, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Caseys 300ex
Before you paint ur plastic ur supposed to clean ur plastic really good to get rid of all materials that could mess with ur paint quality, then u sand ur plastic with a 320 or 400 grit sandpaper( this helps ur paint stick), finally you paint ur plastic with about 2-4 coats of paint leaving 15 minutes between each coat so the paint will cure. make sure u do these steps to each side of the plastic.

The only thing you forgot to put in there is to make shure that after you sand your plastics, and right before you paint them to go over the whole surface of the plastic with a wax and grease remover. Just put some on a paper towel, and rub it on the plastic. Then rub it off with a dry paper towel.

07-06-2006, 12:46 PM
I just did a test of the stuff on my buddys old plastics and it turned out great. I did satin white and you wouldnt even be able to tell it was painted. I am painting my R the same color tommorrow. I turned his plastics almost inside out and the paint held. It did chip once when a rock hit it but im sure if I would have prepped it better it may have held up. I just did a quick clean/sand because it was just scrap plastic. I highly recommend this product.

Caseys 300ex
07-06-2006, 03:11 PM

07-06-2006, 09:49 PM
Just an FYI- My stepdad was an engineer for Rubbermaid and they did extensive testing with krylon fusion and found it does NOT hold up well. They tried different types of plastic and different prep methods and none of them held up for more than one season. And this is just on plastic outdoor furniture so I really doubt it will hold up long on a quad especially for trails. You could get away with it in the sand though.

07-06-2006, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by 300exOH
Just an FYI- My stepdad was an engineer for Rubbermaid and they did extensive testing with krylon fusion and found it does NOT hold up well. They tried different types of plastic and different prep methods and none of them held up for more than one season. And this is just on plastic outdoor furniture so I really doubt it will hold up long on a quad especially for trails. You could get away with it in the sand though.

Lawn furniture is different than quad plastic. There are several people on this site, but me and Josh (MXJunkie) are probably the best known for doing this to our plasitic. I have 6 months of riding on the plastic with it being painted with this, and Josh had about a year on his. The front plastics have shown no signs of wear, other than a few scratches, and they don't show too well, and the plastic is black undernieth. The rear plastic I have had some chipping. But that rear plastic of mine if you have seen my quad is totaly shot. It sags, and flops all over the place, but the only cracks have been where there is LOTS of flexing. And it took about 4 months for it to start chipping. Josh's plastic only chipped in 2 small spots in the rear fenders when he was beating on it at Raush for 3 days in a row, with about 15-20 pounds of mud caked onto the fenders. Those small spots are also a 10 minute fix at the most. Regardless of what your dad's friend said I have used this product myself, and on quads, not plastic furniture, and I can atest to how well it works.

07-06-2006, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
Lawn furniture is different than quad plastic. There are several people on this site, but me and Josh (MXJunkie) are probably the best known for doing this to our plasitic. I have 6 months of riding on the plastic with it being painted with this, and Josh had about a year on his. The front plastics have shown no signs of wear, other than a few scratches, and they don't show too well, and the plastic is black undernieth. The rear plastic I have had some chipping. But that rear plastic of mine if you have seen my quad is totaly shot. It sags, and flops all over the place, but the only cracks have been where there is LOTS of flexing. And it took about 4 months for it to start chipping. Josh's plastic only chipped in 2 small spots in the rear fenders when he was beating on it at Raush for 3 days in a row, with about 15-20 pounds of mud caked onto the fenders. Those small spots are also a 10 minute fix at the most. Regardless of what your dad's friend said I have used this product myself, and on quads, not plastic furniture, and I can atest to how well it works.

Doesn't sound like it held up that well to me. And if you read my post it was my stepdad who was involved in the testing-not some friend. Also they didn't try just one type of plastic (there are many different types and the plastic on quads is a very common type). It is a lot of work to go through for only 4 months of durability.:ermm: But to each his own.

07-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Read it again it was only a couple small spots that cracked, and they are a 10 minute fix. The rest of the plastic is holding up great for me.

07-07-2006, 08:52 AM
:) my old 400 with krylon