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View Full Version : Tag T-2s or X-5s

06-16-2006, 01:28 PM
Which bars cost more and which one do you think is better?


06-16-2006, 01:42 PM
t2s cost more but are stronger and are 1 1/8 oversize. if you get those then you'll need to get the bar clamp kit or a taller steering stem. thet x5s are stock height(unless you get the ATV high bend) and are 7/8. they are less expensive and u don't need a steering stem or higher bar mounts, but they are still much stronger than stock. I would get the x5's

06-16-2006, 01:45 PM
Thanks I didn't know any of that

06-16-2006, 04:14 PM
Having run both TAG T2 and X5's in SX bend, I would definitely recommend spending the extra cash on the T2's. The reason I say that is the T2's will be a lot more forgiving on you and will be more resistant to bending. The lack of the crossbar on the T2 lets the bars flex downward with big impacts from jumps and what not. The X5's seemed a lot stiffer and more prone to vibration, but still a lot better than stock.

If you are a recreational rider, I would go with the X5's. If you ride more aggressively like big jumps and stuff, it would be a good decision to go with the fatbar T2's.

06-16-2006, 05:30 PM
ok I think I'll just go with the x-5s then since I'm more of a trail rider and maybe a little jumping every now in then.
