View Full Version : Got hit by a car

Smokin 440
06-16-2006, 10:35 AM
Tuesday night I got myself a bike, a 2000 Yamaha R6, not that new but still pretty nice for a first bike. By last night I was starting to feel comfortable on it, but was still definately takin it easy. I was on a county highway in a 35 mph speed zone doing around 30mph or a hair more as I was coming to an intersection that crosses where I had the right of way (the other road had stop signs) I saw a van coming and it stopped and turned right to meet me oncoming and then there was a car coming behind him that slowed but didn't stop, probably rolling at 15 mph and T-boned me on my bike. When I got hit I kept it up even though the bike slid over a few feet, I'm fine except my ankle hurts like hell because it was between the car and bike, and the part that holds the shilfter and peg is bent in pretty good. My ankle isnt broken, but I'm still missing work because I can't put weight on it, and some minor stuff on my bike is broken/bent. I'm pretty pissed because its a couple hundred bucks I'm out just b/c this guy hit me... Just venting if you have any helpful info about what i should do it would be appreciated... Thanks

06-16-2006, 10:40 AM

Smokin 440
06-16-2006, 10:53 AM
Yeah... The bike is titled and insured under my dad and the other guy has insurance

06-16-2006, 11:06 AM
its really simple. if the other driver knows and admits is was all his fault ,you dont need to take him to the cleaners but you could call him up and tell him for 500$ you wont persue anything. and Im SURE he'd jump all over that deal. and if he starts to play hardball tell him you ankle is really reallt sore ;) just my .02

06-16-2006, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by krazy
haha pwnt.

Dude, that's awesome. And sorry about the accident.

06-16-2006, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by krazy
haha pwnt.

Yea that's funny because car accidents are not serious or anything. Get a life dousche, nice first post.

Sorry to hear about your accident man. Hope you get to feeling better. Always have to drive defensive when you're on a motorcycle, even more so than a car. I assume you got all of their information? Police report etc?

06-17-2006, 08:31 AM
You should come out ahead on this assuming he had insurance and you haven't signed anything yet. Your bike will get fixed, you'll get time off work paid plus they'll give you $ for pain and suffering. My wife got in an accident that resulted in a scratch on her ankle and their first offer for pain was $1000.

Smokin 440
06-17-2006, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by fandl450r
Yea that's funny because car accidents are not serious or anything. Get a life dousche, nice first post.

Sorry to hear about your accident man. Hope you get to feeling better. Always have to drive defensive when you're on a motorcycle, even more so than a car. I assume you got all of their information? Police report etc?

Yeah the police came after us sitting there for 2 hours, got an accident report, and i got to leave. The Guy in the car got a failure to yield right of way citation, and i also found an eyewitness that said the guy made no attept to stop, which is what i thought, but I dont know if the cop knew that, so i went ahead and left to cop a message letting him know that...

06-17-2006, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Smokin 440
Yeah the police came after us sitting there for 2 hours, got an accident report, and i got to leave. The Guy in the car got a failure to yield right of way citation, and i also found an eyewitness that said the guy made no attept to stop, which is what i thought, but I dont know if the cop knew that, so i went ahead and left to cop a message letting him know that...

Sounds like you're doing the right thing, make sure you have the witnesses info, in case this would end up in trial or something. Fact is the makority of people don't look out for motorcycles, thats why driving defensively is the best way to look out for yourself. Well if he got the citation you should have no problem having them pay for medical bills, fixing your bike, time lost at work, etc. Assuming he/she has insurance.

06-17-2006, 10:42 AM
sucks man, atleast it was at a slow speed, becareful with that thing