View Full Version : How do you guesset a z400 frame??

06-15-2006, 10:50 AM
I have a 2003 z400 and i havent had any problems with my frame yet but i dont want to deal with the frustration if it does happen?? So if you could just explain it to me that would be great.

06-15-2006, 11:32 AM
well, it depends. if you know how to weld you can make your own gusset kit. but if you dont know how to weld youll have to send your frame out to get the gusset kit put on and then painted. the reason you have to get it repainted (powdercoated) is because they have to take the paint off the frame to weld the gussets on. so after its all done you need to get the frame repainted. some companies that do gusset kits are Bare Performance and i think Pappy also does if you send your frame to him to get gusseted and powdercoated (im not positive if he does though). im pretty sure you can also buy just the gussets so you can weld them on yourself (if you know how to weld).

06-15-2006, 12:03 PM
So, how much do you think it would cost?

06-15-2006, 12:19 PM
from bare performance its $75 for the gusset kit and then $375 for them to install it and powdercoat your frame. im not sure what pappy charges but pappys powdercoating is very nice as im sure is the rest of the work he does.

06-15-2006, 09:36 PM
or just weld it yourself, or a friend do it/ whatever free

than have someone pc your frame locally (cheaper)

and be able $100 happier

06-15-2006, 10:35 PM
yeah that is wat i was thinking but how much would if cost to get the frame powdercoted again if i welded it myself???