View Full Version : Where is everyone?

06-13-2006, 03:05 PM
Is is just me or has activity on this forum died out almost completely. I remeber when you could log on and there would be 10 new posts. Whats going on?

06-13-2006, 05:49 PM
same thing i was thinking,its not like the 400ex fourm where you long on everytime and theres atleast 5 new postes,haha well maybe its a good thing that there arent many postes just shows that the z/kfx/dvx doesnt break much so they dont need to ask many questions:D

06-13-2006, 06:27 PM
haha well maybe its a good thing that there arent many postes just shows that the z/kfx/dvx doesnt break much so they dont need to ask many questions thats true you know.:D
yea I agree with this forum dieing down though.

06-14-2006, 09:15 PM
Here's my theory:


When the Z400 came out, it was the first quad built with a bike-based engine and neater than store bought sliced bread. Since then, everyone has built a quad or 2 with a bike-based engine - but they're faster!

06-15-2006, 05:52 AM
I don't know. I'm right here, lol. I've been reading posts myself, but am kinda bored lately. I've responded to a few posts, but most are all the same topics/questions, etc.

We need some new ideas for the 400's. Some new products to come out. I don't know.

06-15-2006, 09:23 AM
Well I am doing some new mods to mine...just picked up a FCR39 and been reading up on that install. Later this year I hope for the 434 Athena to be going on. I have too much time and money invested to even think about a 450, nice as that would be I love this machine in the trails.
Also to be honest I only get a minimal amount of info from this site anymore....don't get me wrong lots of good peeps here with good info just that there is in fact less and less interest in the Z's here.:(

06-15-2006, 10:50 AM
yeah ive noticed that also...with the arrival of the ltr450 and the other 450s the 400 class is dying out slowly and people arent as interested in these bikes. (even though theyre still a great bike imo) like lolli2 said we need some new ideas or something. we've all seen just about everything done to a Z already and it takes more money to get them race ready than a quad thats already a 450. so surely people have sold theirs and moved on to the bigger machines. over on z400central sometimes i check out the older posts and you can see how excited people were when they got some new parts or did a home-made mod. but now its dying out which is sad to see...i would like to see someone do a hybrid mx quad, even though it would be pointless...it might spark a few new ideas or something. Z400's are still competitive in racing, we just need something to get people back into them more. sorry for the long post but ive been noticing this section dying out also.

06-15-2006, 10:46 PM
Well, within a couple weeks I'll be puting a Z together, yep, all by myself, a girl, lol. It's a different color combo than I've seen and hopefully might even get some more girls riding. THere's been quite a few frequenting Z400central lately. It's good to not be the only girl on the site, lol.

I'll post some pics and stuff when I'm building. Just gotta get a few more things powder coated and waiting on the engine, which will be back this coming week.

I found a couple different things to put on it that I haven't seen on anyone's Z's. Maybe it will make people revamp their Z's! LOL

Ok, let's just see if I can get it all together and running first, lol!

I think the 450's are cool, but way too much for me and no reverse. Plus I love the Z seat.

06-15-2006, 11:50 PM
Your right about not being the only girl( it sucks)!!! But lately there have been more girls it seems on the z400central site which is good!!!! By the way I cant wait to see your new z, I know it will run!!! I love the way your Z looks so I know that this one you are building now should look nice!!! You will diffently need to post pictures at this site and z400central b/c I cant wait!!!

Well the 450s are diffently getting some of us not the best of us thou lol:D !!! But thats why I like having my 434 athena kit and pulling up to the drags at the sand dunes or whatever and beating some of them!!!( it diffently makes them upset when they see that they lost to a girl!!) I mean when I went to Little Saraha, Ok in April some of my family friends were out and one has a pretty fast yfz 450 ( faster then my dvx) and everyone that he talked to or my dad or one of the people with us talked to the people always asked if they had seen the fast red dvx with #8 stickers on it ( so that was pretty cool til the battery box broke when my dad was drag racing it)!!!!

Sorry so long I just had stuff to say I guess!!!

06-16-2006, 08:06 AM
LittleMissE...i think i saw on one of the sites somewhere where people were talking about that dvx...its good to see they are still noticed and looked highly on in some places. :cool:

06-16-2006, 10:50 AM

It might have been on yfz central b/c I know that tersejr ( one of the family friends with the faster 450) posted stuff everywhere!!!

06-16-2006, 11:06 AM
haha yeah i think thats where i saw it and i think there were a few pictures also

06-16-2006, 11:44 AM
Yeah there were pictures!!! There were also pictures at z400central since he goes there b/c his wifes quad is a dvx also!!! He is the one that built my quad!!!

06-16-2006, 12:20 PM
awesome!...your quad looks great...plus not many people have red dvx's so it stands out and is fast too! haha sweet quad i just checked out the pictures again a few minutes ago.

06-16-2006, 02:41 PM
hey somebody post the pics or a link to them

06-16-2006, 03:08 PM

here ya go...im pretty sure these are them...its a super nice quad.

06-16-2006, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by yellowzo3

here ya go...im pretty sure these are them...its a super nice quad.

You beat me too it!!!

06-16-2006, 06:27 PM
heres the one at yfz central I am pretty sure the pictures start on page 3!!!


06-18-2006, 09:11 AM
that quad looks fast misse:eek2:
So do you like the power from the 434? I'm thinking about going with the 455 kit this winter. Anyone have one or seen one?

06-18-2006, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by rockman
that quad looks fast misse:eek2:
So do you like the power from the 434? I'm thinking about going with the 455 kit this winter. Anyone have one or seen one?

I love the power from the 434 I think that is plenty enough for me now but once I run into a extremely faster z then mine that might change :D !!! I havent ever seen a 455 kit in action so I dont know what they do and I havent heard much about them so I am no help there!!!

06-18-2006, 10:46 AM
I really want to see one of the 455 kits in action. heres a link to the maxpower website, they are the same people who make the ice cube cylinders for the 450's

455 kit (http://www.maxpower-engines.com/atv-bb-suzuki.htm)

06-18-2006, 10:57 AM
That looks cool!!! But I would wait until more people get them and you hear about them before I bought one b/c thats what the site that is selling them says and for all we know they could be lying to sell the product!!!! I am not saying that the kit isnt good theres just a chance that there could also be flaws in it so you want to learn from others mistakes do you dont waste your money and blow it up or something like that!!!! And I know that I also like to witness drag racing against something that I think or know is already fast so that I have something to compare it to!!! But thats just what I would do!!!

06-18-2006, 11:13 AM
oh i know trust me. I won't be putting one in until this winter. I just bought the quad. I figured i would stick with what i have on it for a while, let it break in for a season. Then we'll see from there. By the way that company is awesome, the ice cube cylinders they make are probably the best cylinder's made for 450's. If you see a drag quad, it probably has a ice cube cylinder.

06-18-2006, 11:33 AM
Yeah I know about the icecubes b/c I was beating alot of honda 450s but then I went up against one with an ice cube cylinder and lost!!! I only had my quad 7 months before I got it upgraded to what it is now!!! I got my quad then my dad got his 250r and he always said that his was getting upgraded before mine and that didnt happen!!!

06-18-2006, 03:12 PM
It does seem really slow in this forum :o