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06-11-2006, 06:09 PM
I didnt really know where to put this soo sryy if its in the wrong section, but. Today me and a bunch of friends went ridin at this place i never been too, i guess i shoulda went slower at a new place.. but i was haulin around this corner and there was a big puddle on the other side so i leaned back and tryed to just skim it kinda. It was pretty deep though i didnt no the front nosedived threw me off and rolled over in the water. Now when i push the start button it dont wanna work u gotta keep pushing it and playing with it for it to finally work.. wat did i mess up? is there water in there ? or sumthin else ? its a Z400 by the way

06-11-2006, 06:13 PM
if your bike starts and runs fine, then it could be that you just have water somewhere in your wiring. sometimes when my start button gets wet i have to mess with it for a second and it works. take apart your starter button and spray it with some wd40 or contact cleaner.

06-11-2006, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by LTZ400ridr
if your bike starts and runs fine, then it could be that you just have water somewhere in your wiring. sometimes when my start button gets wet i have to mess with it for a second and it works. take apart your starter button and spray it with some wd40 or contact cleaner.

thanks... ya if i keep messing with the button and pushin it .. it will fire up and run like normal, just pissin me off lol

06-12-2006, 03:36 PM
i did the wd-40 .. it works now thanks