View Full Version : Hit a deer with the 450R today

06-10-2006, 05:54 PM
Went riding today and to get to where i ride i have to go through some tall brush fields on my way home i had knocked down enough of a path to beable to see fine, well I didnt see there was a little deer covie or what ever you wanna call it a doe ran out in front of me and I hit it at about 55 60 mph threw me off rolled the deer it got up and i think I broke some of its ribs. i dont know if it knocked me out or not but I dont remember getting thrown from the quad all it did was bend my front brake lever and bend my prm bumper bars bent down from me I think going through them lol I looked all over the quad to make sure i didnt puncture the deer and then i went to look for it but no luck finding it. Just a thought to those of you that ride fields fast keep your eyes peeled cause that wasnt fun that has to be the worst thing ive ever hit cause I race XC and ive wrecked my share of times if i can find my digital camera i will get pics of the PRM it is bent down and broke a bolt off but other than that its fine i am not gonna run any other bumpers other than PRM now lol even though im sponsored wow is all i have to say.


06-10-2006, 06:05 PM
that sucks but the only thing that matters is that ur ok. its kida scary going threw fields where i live cuz there are so many deer. i came about an inch frome hitting one after it ran across in front of me i was toped out in 5th gear. then the other day my cuz hit one on this little bear tracker 250 and it bent the rack, there is fur and skin hanging from his bumper:scary:

06-11-2006, 08:32 PM
thats a pretty crazy story. good thing it wasnt a huge buck, you probly would have gotten the short end of that stick.

06-11-2006, 09:41 PM
yea it wasnt fun i know im gonna watch the fields a little closer. First time ive ever hit an animal ive seen deer while we are racing but not close enough to hit.


06-12-2006, 09:24 AM
I was crusing down the edge of a field one time and a deer ran out accross my path, missed it by a few feet. Then another one came out right after it. I thought it was going to hit me from the side but it turned, ran next to me for a few sec then shot back into the woods.

06-12-2006, 09:32 AM
i drove under a jumping deer once on my old atc 125 when i was younger...almost hit the first one, the second on clipped my helmet as i ducked...mid afternoon and i went home to change my pants...not really...lol

my neighbor is not allowed by his doctors becasue he hit a deer on his 250x years ago...he now walks witha cane and evn though i have known him all my life..he does not remeber me and haas a hard time remembering his wife and kids. no helmet though. the good thing is that he usually had his daughter with him whne he was rding too and from the neighbors like that day...if you can call that good...

you were lucky, glad you are ok...

06-15-2006, 07:48 PM
I had a few close calls very close........glad to hear your alright
might want to get a pack of them deer things ppl put on there bumper...forget what there called lol.....might help

06-16-2006, 09:57 AM
I saw a rider hit a pig at a Missouri race about ten years go. He was runnig 5th gear wide open and hit it square dead center. The pig died from it injuries and the rider went on to finish the rac. the best part it was caught tape.

06-16-2006, 02:01 PM
my buddy and i went to black river falls, wis. last fall. got off work at 8 packed up and headed north. got up there about 1 in the morning or so and we were hungry so we hopped on the quads and flew to the bar. about 45 min away by trail. on the way home we were strung out as fast as we could go and a herd of deer were standing in the trail. my buddy hit a little doe and i took out a fork buck. my predator ended up with a broken headlight, bend blingstar, and bent a-arm. the 450r ended up bent bars, a-arms,steering stem, cracked plastic. so on so on. so instead of limping the quads back to the hotel we went and closed down the bar. Quads looked good as new when we stumbled out of the bar. the pretty little bartender took us back to the hotel. went and got the quads in the morning. We were sore in the morning but we were ok. Helmets and full gear were worn.