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View Full Version : Axle Bearings?

06-09-2006, 07:35 PM
OK, First off will riding with a rear bent rim cause my bearings to go bad. and if so how can i tell if they went bad? Because i have no clue. Will it ride different or what?


06-10-2006, 10:15 AM
if the rear wheel is bent bad that could cause the wheel to have a vibration and could cause the bearing to go bad.what do u ride and how old is it?.put the rear of quad off the ground on a stand.shake the axle and see if there is any movement in the rear carrier,that is on the inside of the swing-arm,were u would tighten the chain.if the rear bearing are bad.i would prob. go with a after market carrier.they have heavier bearings in them and the can be greased for service.