View Full Version : Wheelie Help! please Help me!

06-09-2006, 01:50 AM
okie.. im riding on a ds650.. and.. i cant seem to ride a wheelie for nuttin... im starting in 2nd from a stop.. i get it up fine.. and 1.. either loose my nerve.. n let go end up on my butt.. or 2.. cant keep it up.. i dunno i can ride a good one on a ex.. but thur dont seem to be much of a ballance point on this 650.. ne help please tell me..

06-09-2006, 09:48 AM
You have to use your clutch and know exactly when to shift...like everything else, practice makes perfect. Keep at it, you will get it.

06-11-2006, 08:17 PM
try this bomby it help me with my switch to the pred.and if not practicehttp://www.atvriders.com/articles/atvwheelie.html