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06-08-2006, 11:41 AM
Not sure how many of you guys and girls follow this at all , but Iran has agreed to slow down their nuclear enrichment for the time being to talk about the concerns the UN has with them . What's your thoughts on this issue ???

Here's the article taken from www.ctv.ca


Iran slowing nuclear enrichment, UN watchdog says
CTV.ca News Staff

Iran has slowed its nuclear enrichment work over the past month, says a report by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency.

But the UN nuclear watchdog's confidential report, which was made available to The Associated Press, says Iran continues its experiments with the technology.

The document report, which was distributed to the IAEA's 35 member nations, also suggested nuclear inspectors have made little headway on clearing up other concerning aspects of Tehran's past nuclear activity.

Details of the report were released as president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran is ready to discuss "mutual concerns" over its nuclear program but warned that threats would not work to defuse the standoff.

While Ahmadinejad refused to first suspend uranium enrichment, he did not say, however, whether Iran would accept a Western proposal for resuming negotiations.

The proposal demands Tehran suspend uranium enrichment in return for a package of incentives.

"On behalf of the Iranian nation, I'm announcing that the Iranian nation will never hold negotiations about its definite rights with anybody, but we are for talks about mutual concerns to resolve misunderstandings in the international arena," Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech that was his first public comment since a plan backed by six world powers was presented to Iran.

"If they (the international community) think they can threaten and hang a stick over the head of the Iranian nation and negotiate at the same time, they should know the Iranian nation will reject such an atmosphere," he said at a rally in Qazvin, west of the capital Tehran.

The international community is awaiting Iran's response to the proposals presented by European Union foreign police chief Javier Solana on Tuesday.

Shortly after it was delivered, Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said the package of incentives contained some "positive steps" -- but also some "ambiguities."

"We hope, after we study the proposal in detail, we will have another round of talks and negotiations to achieve a balanced and logical conclusion," he added.

Details of the package have not been made public, but diplomats close to the negotiations told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that the U.S. would give Iran nuclear technology.

Washington said Iran must suspend enrichment work during any talks but Western diplomats said the package would allow Iran to eventually resume such work after strict conditions were met.

The package also reportedly offers economic and political rewards if Iran abandons domestic uranium enrichment and contains the implicit threat of UN sanctions if Tehran remains defiant.

The Associated Press, citing diplomatic sources, reports that Washington sweetened the original offer drawn up by France, Britain and Germany, saying it will lift some trade sanctions on Tehran.

Officials from the United States and Germany said the world powers would discuss the other terms in the proposal if Iran suspends uranium enrichment. The plan's other backers are China and Russia.

Ahmadinejad and other Iranian officials have previously rejected Western demands to abandon uranium enrichment, saying it is a national right. But officials have hinted Iran might discuss the scope of their nuclear program.

Western nations fear Iran is enriching uranium to build weapons-grade uranium for nuclear warheads while Tehran says its nuclear program is for the purposes of peaceful energy production.

Iran is the world's fourth-largest oil exporter and the second-largest producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

With files from The Associated Press

06-08-2006, 11:45 AM
i think there just buying time,they go back and forth on there plans,i think the whole middle east for the most part should be a giant atv park ran by our military:devil:

06-08-2006, 12:30 PM
The more they talk, the more I think we should just give them a damn nuke so they'll shut up.

Perferably if we deliver it via a cruise missle to Tehran

06-08-2006, 01:00 PM
I doubt they will slow anything down... IMO they will continue behind our backs and something bads going to happen.

This man is a physco and needs to be stopped before its to late.

06-08-2006, 01:10 PM
They WANT NUKES GIVE THEM NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2006, 01:25 PM
they arent slowin crap down....they are just going to have to hide it better now, IMO, they're planning to attack Israel

that new president is a physco

06-08-2006, 01:33 PM
Its okay, let them have nukes in small quanity in a couple of years.

By around 2008, we will have the Airborne Laser. If they launch at us, there going to become made into dust.


I would honestly not tell Iran about it, so when there all gung-ho about it, and launch, it gets shot out of the sky and gets a giant missile in the face.

Of coarse the military could not afford to wage another conventional war, so the launch of a nuke by Iran, would be a gateway for us to launch tactical nukes at them, doing most of the killing for us. When we invade, its going to be butter to take over there oil factories.

tim colston
06-08-2006, 01:34 PM
I agree with redrocker. I think the ol' anola gay should be brought out of retirement.

06-08-2006, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Lax
Its okay, let them have nukes in small quanity in a couple of years.

By around 2008, we will have the Airborne Laser. If they launch at us, there going to become made into dust.

Iran isnt going to attack us, they're going to attack Israel

06-08-2006, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Lax
Its okay, let them have nukes in small quanity in a couple of years.

By around 2008, we will have the Airborne Laser. If they launch at us, there going to become made into dust.


I would honestly not tell Iran about it, so when there all gung-ho about it, and launch, it gets shot out of the sky and gets a giant missile in the face.

Of coarse the military could not afford to wage another conventional war, so the launch of a nuke by Iran, would be a gateway for us to launch tactical nukes at them, doing most of the killing for us. When we invade, its going to be butter to take over there oil factories.

Dont count on it, the laser doesn't exactly work as billed.

However, they dont have a missle that could fire into the united states either. And I wouln't say we couldn't fight a conventional war right now either. We have more than enough troops and equipment to turn a third rate army into a mobile junkyard.

Remember, Iran was fighting Iraq, and neither side could gain the upper hand. And we walked through Iraq in how long?
yeah, chalk me up as terrified of that army.....

06-08-2006, 02:19 PM
Iran is stalling, waiting on the best deal they can get.

IMO, we should already be talking about how Iran USED to exist:p

06-08-2006, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Iran is stalling, waiting on the best deal they can get.

IMO, we should already be talking about how Iran USED to exist:p

we cant do that, because we have a reputation to withhold:rolleyes:

our government is way too concerned with what other countries think of us, and how they see us......gotta make everyone happy! (NOT!!!!:mad: )

06-08-2006, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
we cant do that, because we have a reputation to withhold:rolleyes:

our government is way too concerned with what other countries think of us, and how they see us

what reputation, they already think we are the lowest form of humanity, why not live up to it:macho

06-08-2006, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
what reputation, they already think we are the lowest form of humanity, why not live up to it:macho

thats what im sayin, but the folks in charge dont agree:grr:

06-08-2006, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Iran is stalling, waiting on the best deal they can get.

IMO, we should already be talking about how Iran USED to exist:p

lol. I like your way of thinking. I'm voting pappy on my 2008 presidential election ballot