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06-05-2006, 09:54 PM
Safety experts advocate stringent rules for ATVs

The Associate Press
Washington – Three-wheeled all-terrain vehicles would be banned and four-wheelers intended for children wouldn’t go faster than 15 mph under rules being proposed by the Consumer Safety Protection Commission’s staff.

The recommendations would also require ATV manufactures to offer free training to buyers. “Limiting maximum speed is the most critical safety factor for youth ATV models”, The commission staff said last week in a report outlining a series of recommendations to reduce the death toll from the vehicles.

ATVs cause hundreds of deaths every year and tens of thousands of injuries.

The commission said at least 18 Americans died in ATV accidents during the Memorial Day holiday a week ago, Sever thousand people were injured.

The commission staff recommended:
1) For children 6 to 8, ATVs shouldn’t go faster than 10 mph.
2) For children 9 to 11, ATVs shouldn’t be able to go faster than 15 mph and should have a device, which parents could turn on or off, that would limit their speed to 10 mph.
3) For those 12 and older, ATVs should go faster than 30 mph and should have devices that could limit their speed to 15 mph.

Manufactures and distributors of ATVs should have to give people who buy an ATV a certificate entitling them and their immediate families to free training on the vehicle, the report said.

A patchwork of state regulations apply to ATVs, but there are no federal laws.

The staff recommendation will be presented June 15. Commissioners are expected to vote later on whether to accept or reject the proposals.

06-05-2006, 10:03 PM
If my bike could only pull 15-30mph id die

06-05-2006, 10:05 PM
the atv's and the power of the atv's is not the problem, its the people riding them that make mistakes....not the atv's

06-05-2006, 10:21 PM
whats everyone's problem with quads?

06-05-2006, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Doober
whats everyone's problems with quads?

id like to know the same thing...

06-05-2006, 10:30 PM
isnt this kinda like...

guns dont kill people.
people kill people.

just stop drinking and riding people!

06-05-2006, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Rico400
isnt this kinda like...

guns dont kill people.
people kill people.

just stop drinking and riding people!

pretty much....

its not drinking tho, its people that dont know how to ride go and act like idiots, that or parents dont care and let their 12y/o get on a full size ute un-supervised that he has no business being on in the first place

06-05-2006, 11:01 PM
Maybe you should have to pass an intelligence test before they sell you a quad..... Oh well, you can't fix stupid.

Vindex Injuriae
06-05-2006, 11:08 PM
Not surprising really. Personal responsibility for your actions and for your childrens actions has been pushed away for a long time now. Common sense really isn't to common anymore.... I especially see it in where I am in the military, USAF, ya'll have no idea the hoops we have to jump through just to be able to ride a motorcycle or do anything else that might be percieved as hazardous. Forms, classes, briefings, meetings with the commander, "motorcycle mentors" that have to escort you around any time you want to ride until they agree to sign you off as knowledgeable. This doesn't just cover on base riding, its mandatory for riding period. Overseas they limit the engine size for new riders to less than 600 CC's. Ever see many cruisers a full size adult can comfortably ride that is less than 600 CC's? The push lately has been to have all of this extended to off road bikes as well. Some like this and view it as good, I find it intrusive and asinine. Leave me alone and let me ride in peace!! Do we need more laws? No. Let the parents decide what they want their kids to ride and how fast they should be able to go. Some will and some won't do this responsibly, but that is an aspect of life we cannot control no matter how hard we regulate.

Wasn't trying to hijack your thread ;) Got on a thought train and couldn't stop!


06-05-2006, 11:24 PM
at least i could still stunt

06-06-2006, 12:00 AM
what a joke, about 2.5 million people died in the US in 2005, death rate of 8.25 per 1000 people and we have about 300 million people, so..

2.5 million / 365 days in a year = 6850 people die a day

and they say 18 people died during memorial day holiday period, which is like a 3 day period, so that is 6 per day

6 / 6850 = .08%

so atvs account for .08 %of the US death rate

and that is on memorial day weekend, which is obviously high or they would have singled it out

I think they should limit cars to 20 mph, A LOT more people die in car wrecks than on quads

Honda TRX250ex
06-06-2006, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Doober
whats everyone's problem with quads?
ATV get a bad reputation because there are some people who are not smart that own them. The people that own them ride on private property and tear it all up. When you ride on other peoples property and they dont want you to its like them riding in your back yard. Another thing is the noise. They are very loud and people just dont want to hear them all the time. There was a thread on here about these people who went and rode on a golf coarse and tore it all up. It cost the owners thosands of dollars to repair it. See stupid things like that give atv a bad rep. Just ride with a little brains and responsablity he people wont have a problem with you. (I'm not saying that the guys and gals on here dont ride respolsible I'm saying its the other people who dont care)

06-06-2006, 06:40 AM
15MPH? How the hell are you supposed to hit jumps? I'm guessing all tranny's would be automatic, too, if that happened, but I'm sure it won't. Insane.