View Full Version : 04 z lost all spark

06-04-2006, 06:29 PM
On a ride at the dunes last weekend I dropped over the back of a razorback. I was nosing down a little so I went to gas it in the air and it died. I got towed back to camp and tried to get it to start. After cranking it for a while i pulled the plug and it didnt look to goodl. so i through a new one in and still nothing. So i pulled that new plug out and grounded it against the exhaust. While cranking i saw absolutely no spark. I checked all connections and found nothing. Where should i go from here? Is there any tests for the coil and cdi to check if these are the problems? Im lost guys help me on this!

thx in advance

06-04-2006, 07:22 PM
my friend with an 03 z had a problem kind of like that. he replaced the celenoid(sp?) and it works fine. i think the way you check and see if its that is touch a piece of wire to it so it connects them, but hold the wire with some rubber handled plyers.

06-04-2006, 10:46 PM
Is there fuses anywhere that could possibly be blown? anyone else know anything about this?

06-05-2006, 08:43 AM
theres a fuse right next to your battery in that little green case looking thing...also check all grounds to make sure they are tight. if neither of those are the problem your coil may be bad...hope that helps

06-07-2006, 12:03 AM
Do cdi's and coils go bad very often? any way to test these to check if there good?