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View Full Version : should i get a twist thottle?

08-11-2002, 04:30 PM
should i get a twist throttle? pros? cons? just wonderin, any help is appreciated.:confused:

08-11-2002, 04:58 PM
it depends on what riding you do the most. a twist trottle is great for long roads and slow trail riding.but when I ride mx I think its very dificult to jump with it and also when we are riding fast in tight trails its tough to.so I remove it for summer cuz I ride mx and I jump a lot .

just my opinion

08-11-2002, 06:10 PM
i love it but its personal feel - opinion cuz i have a bum thumb lol.

08-11-2002, 07:27 PM
yeah its all personal opinion. i have one and love it wouldnt trade it for any thumb throttle. yes it can be a little difficult on a track. but once ur used to it then it is like second nature to use. at first(unless u used to ride dirt bikes or still do) it can be a pain to learn. but once u have it down they r sweet. but like i said it is all personal opinion and some people cant use them for anything. the only way to find out is to either ride someones quad that has it or buy the twist and try it.

08-11-2002, 08:29 PM
i crashed n my friends quad twice because when i do somethin hard i hold on tighter and forget that that makes me turn my hand or something, i donno, i hate them but there is alot of people that love them its all personal reccomendation

08-11-2002, 09:22 PM
I have a motion pro turbo twist that used for 1 ride. i liked it but i want to stick with my thumb. Its forsale if your interested. PM me about it.

08-14-2002, 07:35 PM
HAHA, all u guys that have twists on quads, HAHA, i almost got one but thought "wut if" i take a turn and lean 2 far off the side and nail the throttle by mistake, or "wut if" i hit a jump and get pitched sideways and have a hard landing and nail the throttle, or "wut if" u land wrong off a jump and take the landing with your legs, and u go 2 one side and hang off 2 keep it from rolling, u r gonna nail the throttle cuz your arms will b down and most likely u wll forget about not turning your wrists, u dont gotta wry about this stuff on a bike cuz u dont realy lean on a bike, so on bikes, i luv them, but on a quad i laugh at the thougt