View Full Version : And you wonder why we look bad....

05-30-2006, 12:03 PM
Everyone knows I am a quad guy through and through. I stand up for atv's, I defend atv's, and i have even been known to get into heated debates over the whole bike versus atv arguement at tracks. Well, this weekend I witnessed why we are looked upon with distain in some circles.

I had to scratch my head after watching moron after moron on atv's act like complete, well, idiots. Thier actions showed complete disrespect for anyone near them. From ripping up the parking area, to showering families with dirt and dust, to breaking not only every track rule, but being down right idiotic with thier actions.

Now these were nice fellows I assure you, I know because I spoke with them. I did not ask them what prompted such stupidity, or why they felt the need to act like thier common sense was left at home. They were just unwinding and having fun, but when is having fun crossing the line and turns into something bad enough that the one guy who is so into quads would look away in utter disgust? I spoke with a few folks about this and we came to the conclusion that quad guys do not get out much, and when they do they turn into some wild man hell bent on ripping up anything they can without any regard to others property or respect to other people in general. Now I know this is not a blanket thing that covers all quad riders, but I have a feeling it does affect a good majority of them. This could be at your local track, riding area or even at your buddies house. In any event it is uncalled for, disrespectful and down right rude!

When you are at a public facility, or on public or private trails, show some respect. Those that are watching or come behind to see your path of destruction will never listen to those of us who try and do the right thing for our sport if you nimrods keep screwing it up for the rest of us! You may think it is cool to whip your atv sideways in the parking lot to impress your friends or yourself, but what about that lady parked beside you patiently waiting for her child to return from the track who is now covered in dirt and dust, her vehicle covered with roost and she is left with such a bad taste about atv's she will be the first to speak negatively when they are brought up.

Your actions speak louder then my words I promise you. If you are such a great rider that you can do a donut in a gravel parking lot, then why can't you ride in the designated areas? if you can go 50 through the parking lot, why is it you barely get out of second gear on the track? If your quad is so powerful that you can not ride at a safe and respectable speed on the pit roads, why is it so slow on the track?

I will tell you the answer to those questions, it is simply because you are a bafoon and do not have the nutz to ride the quad on the track. You have no skill, so it is easier for you to ride in an area where your lack of skill can be displayed in your effort at making the entire sport look bad. We all thank you for putting on the great riding show as you covered everyone's truck and trailer in rocks. I geuss you do not have what it takes to roost anyone on the track so a parked truck is the next best thing. Idiot.

People...it is up to each and everyone of us to police ourselves. I know not everyone can walk up to a jackazz like this and inform him of his moronic behavior, but maybe you can lead by example, or tell your buddy to knock off the crap just long enough to actually learn how to ride well enough to enjoy the track for which you paid to ride on.

I honestly think a facility with a flat field would make as much money as a fully groomed MX track, there sure seems to be enough dumbazzes in our sport that love to hand over $35 to roost in the parking lot!

Rant Off

G Impala 63n70
05-30-2006, 12:08 PM
I agree yesterday at a local race where the owners politly permitted pit riding which is rare, some idiots had to take advantage of that by throwing gravel and roaring around on there quads by families, there cars trucks trailers and etc. Its just stupid, they just came to watch their freinds race, its like if your soo sweet then why dont you race

05-30-2006, 12:21 PM
AMEN to that Pappy! I saw alot of that stuff this weekend.. We saw a little mishap too because of someone goofing off and almost going into someones nice vechical.

The pits are for going to your truck then going to the track, not to ride bicycles, wheelies and try and go as fast as you can in.

I saw a couple guys fooling around I pulled one over and asked him if he saw the sign he said yes so I asked him if he could stop doing dounuts because everyone was getting covered. This kid must of spun around 10 times it was like a dust storm when he was done..

When ever people do dumb stuff like that it's no wonder the bike riders dont like us.

05-30-2006, 01:12 PM
like u said about if ur so good do do 50 mph in a parking lot y not the track, and all the other examples you gave are totaly true

most people that finsih in the top 5 ride ver very slow to the race and back and some even push there quads to the line or trailer, but most (not all) people that finish last have to make it up by doing wheelies and burnouts

05-30-2006, 01:18 PM
all i can say is amen and wow if you took the time to type all that up i RESPECT you pappy. that is the most down to earth truth you can possibly get. i tell you what when you go to races for instance you dont see chris borich whipping around. only thing you see a down to earth guy lke him to is kick everyone arses on the track.

Amen pappy and i hope everyone listens to this beacuse it is so true.

05-30-2006, 03:37 PM
This is one of the thing's that anger's the dirtbike guys that I've spoken to.... its rude and careless

05-30-2006, 03:53 PM
Thats true but the samething goes for the dirt bike guys, this stuff is just back and forth. My friend rides MX and was at glen helen in souther california and parked about 100 yards away from the track. To make a long story short some guys on dirt bikes were blazing back and forth dusting my buddy and his friend out when one lost it and ran right into my friends truck.

05-30-2006, 04:23 PM
Isn't it the idiots that always have to ruin a great sport? Hell, I see it all the time. A while back I was passing around some tracks leading to a few fields ( Used for growing all kind of stuff), and I see some idiot blazing through some guys plants in his field like he was going through woops. When I confronted him and asked him why he was destroying someones hard work he replied that he was practicing for a race. Now THAT is being smart! Use someone elses private property and hard work as your playing ground becuase you need to practice. It doesn't really matter where you go or what you are into, there are always some people who just have to mess things up because they don't have a clue. :mad:

05-30-2006, 04:53 PM
very well said. i've watched the same things you have several times and it just.. well makes me wonder why someone would do that. i see it more times not at the track, but just seeing people out riding. they dont respect anything... they just try and show off the machine they are riding. i've been there i guess... we were whipping some donuts in a ditch and the owner of the trails we were right by told us not to ride there anymore... lost some of the best trails by my house. if your going to rip stuff up or ride that wreckless, do it on your own property and away from others.

05-30-2006, 05:18 PM
Wut a great thread we all should have made a long time ago.

I love riding and I don't wanna tear up someones ground so they say I can't come back.

People I know say they go threw other peoples property and roost and do donuts in the nice yard or wutever, you know just stuff that tears everyone elses stuff up. I tell them to their face that they are F**king it up for all of us, just cuz they are to stupid.

I rode at my girlfriends yesterday and took it real easy around there house then on the rough rock roads I would get on it and in the woods. Thats the same at everyones private place.

At flat river in the pits is just for idling, some people roost and do donuts there and fling up rocks and that piss's me off, I'm like, "You got 2000 acres of sand flats and 5 billion trails 10 feet away, don't mess up everybodys stuff."

At the tracks around here everyone is calm in the pits, except for one guy was ridin without a helmet tryin to jump in the pits and there was roost from him, so people yelled at him to stop.

If you can't go fast on the track you gotta look like a badass in front of them some way or another.:huh

The morons.

Respect makes us look good!

05-30-2006, 05:29 PM
that is all true. my grandfather owns a farm with a TON of land and my own grandfather hates me:( just because other atv/dirt bikers go right threw his fields, killing all his plants and he thinks its me. now that just goes to show u how bad they tare his fields and other peoples fields up so bad that he gets mad enough to were he will hardly talk to me or somethimes even look at me... it just makes me sick to think that people r that dumb to do stuff like that

05-30-2006, 06:43 PM
Well said Pappy:)

There is absolutely no reason for that kind of activity and it needs to stop. How often do those who do this kind of stuff get kicked out of the track? Or suffer some sort of discipline other than being told 'hey, stop that'? I don't like to see it go that far but sometimes someone has to be made an example:ermm:

Also, I don't view this as atv vs. dirtbike, it's people vs. people.

05-30-2006, 07:31 PM
This, as weird as it may seem, relates almost 100% to the whole MySpace controversy. It's not everybody, not even 1/1000000 of the users that get molested and hit on by 40 year old men, it's just the dumbasses that can't use the internet responsibly. Same with ATV's, you never hear about all the great times had or all the new friends made, you hear about the kid on the 3 wheeler with no helmet that rode off a cliff and took 2 cars with him. You don't hear about all the friends made on myspace, you just hear about the dumb ***** that got abducted and raped because she posted her highschool info and all that other **** so anyone in the world can know where she'll be at 2:15. That's the **** that makes the news, and the retarted goons with no helmets that ride on the road and on provate property are the only ATV riders you hear about. It's the idiots that ruin it for the rest of us.

05-30-2006, 10:36 PM
It's not always true, but I've also found in the majority of cases, it's a teenager.

But it's ALWAYS a novice. The people new to the sport (which explains why they can't ride on the track). And this sport is growing faster than just about any other sport right now, it's not surprising that it's becoming more prevalent.

05-30-2006, 11:00 PM
One of my local tracks just recently stopped leting quads ride there. The reason?? They were doing doughnuts in the grass and riding up and down the stream which the owners can get sued for, so the shut us off.

Sucks cause that track was the closest to me and the least crowded.

06-05-2006, 07:13 PM
i think this needs to be brought up again. i saw this post right before i left for the weekend to go race. i was suprized to see that 3 people already had ltr's there. this isnt an ama district... its simply a nice quad racing organization in northern wisconsin... last year there werent that many 450's even. anyways.. i was out on the track giving some crappy advice on how to fix the deathtraps of jumps they built, so i had to walk all the way back to the pits and get my gear on... well while i was doing that other quads were already lined up ready to practice. no big deal.... i just rode up there after i was ready, slowly putting along and just before i get to the entrace for the starting gate some dumbass on a ltr450 has his front brakes locked and dumps the clutch. he didnt know i was behind him, he was just showing off.... well what if it wasnt a rider in full gear getting a blast of roost, but a 4yr old girl? then not to mention later that day he is hauling through the pits and towards the end of them is open field... where i am parked. starts riding wheelies about a foot away from my truck that is fairly new, to me atleast... not to mention without a helmet on. of course im sure he thought he was hot *****, but i thought he was an idiot.

06-05-2006, 07:36 PM
Parking lot pros is what I always called them :)

06-05-2006, 08:01 PM
i love looking at the race results for those idiots you see in the pits. they are always at the bottom. the guys that are good don't need to prove themselves to anyone. they let it go on the track.

NO PIT RIDING means NO PIT RIDING. why don't people understand this...this doesn't mean you can warm your bike up in the pits allll the way at the back...this means NO PIT RIDING.

i want the authority at races to pull peoples passes when i see them over 1st gear or without a helmet. IDIOTS. try that chit at a GNCC or GNC race and see how quick you get yanked.

06-05-2006, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by gbcap
try that chit at a GNCC or GNC race and see how quick you get yanked.

it just depends on who you are and who you know at the gncc or gnc races. if you are certain people you can do whatever you like, but some of us see you and geuss what, we dont support your company anymore.

i have to becareful at either, ive been damn near run down at both series from folks that have no common sense or just plain dont care.

06-05-2006, 08:52 PM
I too was almost struck last Sunday at Gopher dunes multiple times by a bunch of arseholes who think I should move out of the way flying up behind you only to realize if you dont move hes going to rear end you and hard. (not on the track)

06-08-2006, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by gbcap
i love looking at the race results for those idiots you see in the pits. they are always at the bottom. the guys that are good don't need to prove themselves to anyone. they let it go on the track.

Thats right man.

One race I raced at they were singing the National Anthem, so the audience and all the riders in the pits and every person there stands up to honor the flag. Well some dumbass jumps on his lt250, starts it up, and rides it around. Boy was I pissed.

Thats another thing, we all say they are stupid, but they don't have respect.

Yeh the good riders come in to the pits and are worn out and want to chill and cool themselves and their bike down, and they're happy so they don't need to show off cuz they just showed they know how to ride. The morons go act like idiots on theirs to try to show that "They actually are good":rolleyes: and they're pissed so they feel like they gotta let their aggresion out.

I call all of them F**ktards.

06-08-2006, 03:51 PM
it seems its always a pack of like 15-16 year old freinds..

06-08-2006, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by wvspeedfreak
Parking lot pros is what I always called them :)
Now that's funny!
The reason it's usually quad riders is because any idiot can do doughnuts and shoot roost on a quad; there isn't a whole lot of skill required. Now have some idiot newbie try to get crazy on a CR450F and see how fast he gets bucked off. A bike will prove how bad you suck at riding every time you ride it.:devil:

04-17-2009, 03:04 PM
Yeah, this could use a bump

04-17-2009, 06:39 PM
i dont race or ride on a track but i love to ride i ride trails mostly and we all do donuts and ride wheelies and play in the mud. but from what you are saying is that if you dont race you dont know how to ride or have any skill? please explain


04-17-2009, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Yeah, this could use a bump
This is an oldie:p

Unfortunately as long as there are people who don't deserve their toys or respect others this will always be an issue:(

I'm guessing a recent occurrence brought this back?

04-17-2009, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by ridered92
i dont race or ride on a track but i love to ride i ride trails mostly and we all do donuts and ride wheelies and play in the mud. but from what you are saying is that if you dont race you dont know how to ride or have any skill? please explain

Re-read the original post.... maybe more slowly:)

04-17-2009, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by JOEX

I'm guessing a recent occurrence brought this back?

The nice weather brought back a few riders to the area that havent been heard or seen since last fall

Rider #1 is about 16 or so, maybe even 17 now. Loves to ride wheelies down a double yellow lined road behind a school bus. He has run folks off the road, done this stupid stuff with a rider on the back and ofcourse no helmets.

Riders #2 through #10 have re-emerged as they insist on riding the state fire roads (illegal) I was at the lake the other day when you could hear them coming. They sure looked to be having fun, but the picture doesnt exist to them. ATV's arent permitted and they kill any chance we would ever have at getting them allowed. They run from teh Park Officers and Police, trash the place up (new gravel put down in a parking area is almost gone thanks to the donuts) The hiking and biking trails look like a GNCC track after a race:p

I just dont see things getting better for East Coast riders as they dont have many options for public riding nor the resources to fund them. I know riding is fun, but if we dont take a look at the bigger picture or get involved in some way, we dont stand a chance.

I used to be able to ride down the road responsibly and not worry about being pulled over, now I wouldnt risk it. I used to be able to ride the power lines, now I am positive I would have lead slung at me by irate landowners. (powerlines here are considered private property)

04-17-2009, 07:05 PM
Some people just don't get it:confused: and it's so frustrating. What's a responsible person to do? The result of these negative activities mostly affect those who are responsible. More laws can be enacted but those who are doing this will continue and make it even worse:(

04-18-2009, 06:41 AM
You gotta call people out when they do stupid stuff. I think it will make a much bigger impact on them if they are called out by a fellow rider. I'm not even saying that it should be some sort of an angry confrontation; even a just a quick explanation of the effects of what they're doing, and maybe offer suggestions of LEGAL places to ride next time. If the condemnation doesn't come from the ATV community, it isn't going to mean much.

04-18-2009, 07:12 AM
another angle on this subject of trashing other peoples land, or being a public nuisance(nice word for it).. theres also the loud pipes issue..

how many can you imagine have pipes, off track, that exceed the dB level restrictions? (i think for IL and many others its around 95 dB)

04-18-2009, 07:30 AM
Yeah, I agree with that, too. I moved to Indiana from Utah, so I sold my E-Series and got a Lexx slip-on so it wouldn't be so loud. Great pipe, by the way.

04-18-2009, 09:25 AM
when I used to ride a njorvp, tons of parking lot pro's. Donuts one after another, parents had their kids dong laps around the parking lot, instead of the kids track. It wasn't uncommon to get showered in dust , just idiots. Parents who let their kids ride the atv track and do very dangerous stuff, not caring that there are fast, good riders doing jumps. These kids would stay to the right and ride slow, almost right before a jump they would cut left and barely pull up the jump. I've had to stop real quick at more than few times because of this. I seen seen some kids almost get landed on. When talking the parents, they act like the atv is a baby sitter and YOU need to keep clear of them and tell them what right and wrong. IT'S THEIR KIDS!!!!!!! they should be doing that. when they go riding with the parents, they go 3 accross the track and bring it to a crawl.

As for, praking lot pro's who can't ride. Its funny these same parents and other adults, can throw alot of dust in the parking lot, when on the trails and track they are slow as turds and some do the same stuff that the kids on atv's do. How much of a example is this??? I've seen a good number of people kicked out for parking lot stunts and for not keeping an eye on their kids. Finally some people went to the office about what the kids were doing and lack of any parents watching. There surely are some idiots out there on atv's, that will cause them to be stopped. I ride my dirtbikes(plated) in the woods, can't tell you how many atv's I see, they cut new paths around stuff, instead of just moving or cutting away the downed tree branches. Often are really loud, you can hear them coming for awhile. Ride 2-3 across on the roads and not slow either, almost causing accident. I'd say 1/2 of the atv guys at this place have no idea how to ride their atv, they buy the fastest one they can, but can't control it, can't ride it good, get bucked off on small bumps. Its just sad.

04-18-2009, 02:55 PM
Amen Pappy!
Like that Honda ad said a few years back: Stupid Hurts!

04-18-2009, 03:12 PM
this thread is so true! its crazy how people make themselves feel better about the rider they are, buy spinning donuts and roosting people in a parking lot, because they cant actually ride a track. ive noticed u can usually tell a mature rider from a dumb rider buy the quad there riding. usually a rider with a fully built quad is an actual racer, therefore he is more mature. and the ones on quads that are stock with just a loud pipe, are the ones spinning around in the parking lot, wearing street clothes,lol

04-19-2009, 11:32 AM
Wow, this is an old post, but considering just last weekend I saw the same thing - a couple of dumbasses just ripping up a guys field leaving huge ruts because it was nice and wet. The ground never recouperates from those big ruts because the water never drains away, so it stays wet longer making bigger ruts until someone has to go around and around then it's just a pond.

Here's my take on the whole idiot phenomenon.

We made everything so safe that we are breeding stupidity into our existence. Back in the day, natural selection took the weak, and the stupid.
Now there is so much protection, people who would have died from their own stupidity, continue to live and breed, which makes more stupid people exponentially.

The bikes vs quads argument is an easy one: bike require a little skill to ride - 2 wheels require some balance. Quads with their 4 wheels allows any yahoo to jump on and be able to ride. There is also no requirement to buy and ride an ATV - like licences or skill tests.

It's a shame, but it's something that will never change in our lifetime -> All it takes is a few to ruin it for the many.

Crazy lil punk
04-19-2009, 11:58 AM
We need to shun the *******s of the sport. riding is suppose to be cool, kicking back, having fun with your buds. If you arn't mature enough to know when you need to follow the rules, and when you can be a gooner, then you shouldn't be accepted by this community, quite frankly, if you are that dumb to do 50 is the parking lot, or roost vehicles in the parking lot, I am not so sure I even want to be on the same track as you.

When you see people being *******s, just go up to them, and say, "okay, knock it off, act your age and show some brains" Or if you are a little more ballsy, tell them how much of an Inconsiderate douche bag they are for roosting trucks and not following the rules.

We have a horrible imagine, we need to stick together and clean this **** up! :) its never going to be a clean record, but we sure can try our best to make a differnence.

NOTE: I am aware that other members brought up similar points, I just felt the need to speak up this considering these faulty actions have affected me alot in the past.

04-19-2009, 12:02 PM
seems like theres parking lot pro's at every race, somtimes they even have to get on the loud speaker to tell them stop not only once but several times.

04-20-2009, 01:03 AM
well said