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05-28-2006, 04:21 PM
ok i know this is a big topic but im just always wondered this. ok who here smokes and y. i dont smoke and i never plan on smoking but why smoke when you know it will kill you. youve all seen what smokers turn into when they get old and how it makes you look really old when you not that old. but not the occasional smokers i think thats fine. thanks to anyone that gives a opinion. :confused:

05-28-2006, 05:21 PM
JOEX smokes:p

05-28-2006, 05:23 PM
I am 24 and so are most of my friends, none of us smoke, no reason really, just dont like it. I will smoke a cigar on occasion, like when i go up north with the guys.

05-28-2006, 05:36 PM
I smoke cigars on special occasions with my buddies, and usually all the males of age in my family (uncles, cousins, grand parents)sit down and smoke cigars at family runions. Its kinda like a right of passage for us, it really relaxes you. I don't consider myself a "smoker" though, its more of a recreational thing.

05-28-2006, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by PowerJunkie
ok i know this is a big topic but im just always wondered this. ok who here smokes and y. i dont smoke and i never plan on smoking but why smoke when you know it will kill you. youve all seen what smokers turn into when they get old and how it makes you look really old when you not that old. but not the occasional smokers i think thats fine. thanks to anyone that gives a opinion. :confused:

Why is this such a big deal all of a sudden? To put it very simply, if you smoke, you know why it's so hard to quit. If you don't smoke (meaning never have) then you don't. You don't because you can't know. There's nothing like addiction to screw everything up.

I don't smoke much, like 5-10 cigs/day, but each one I light, I KNOW it's helping kill me, but I still want one. And so I smoke it. Just the way it is.

Can I man up and just quit? I don't know. Probably but who really knows. Once you're hooked, you're hooked. And it doesn't really matter if you know it's bad, because until you just nut up and stop, you'll keep on smoking in spite of what you know.

05-28-2006, 07:43 PM
I don't smoke. Tried it, but don't smoke it.

05-28-2006, 07:46 PM
my dad started smoking when he was young, he said his friends got him to try one, and the addiction just grew from there...

he has told me that it just kills your energy and stamina, not to mention leading to the road of pain, cancer, and death

though, he has been trying to quit this year, hes down to only maybe a couple puffs out of a cigarette a day, so i think hes on the road to rehabilitation.

since quiting, he has been so much more alive and energetic, he doesnt get tired as fast, and his horrible snoring has gone away (not sure if its related, but i think so)

i never would even go near one, just the smell makes me want to vomit, also, both my great grandfather and grandfather died from smoking related lung cancer, and i cant imagine going through what they did just for an addiction

05-28-2006, 08:12 PM
Smoke tires not cigaretts.

05-28-2006, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
JOEX smokes:p

05-28-2006, 09:01 PM

05-28-2006, 09:02 PM

05-28-2006, 09:12 PM

IMO most people start smoking because of the people they are around... parents, friends, coworkers ets... anywhere they want to fit in and feel accepted by adapting to the surroundings.

I belive tobacco is the only legal product available that when used as intended will harm you:ermm:

05-28-2006, 10:20 PM
I smoke whenever I have cigs. I useally chain smoke at parties or like one or two smokes while chilling out with my friends. About 95 percent of my friends smoke too. About 85 percent of them are under 18 too.:ermm:

05-28-2006, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Mx_523
I smoke whenever I have cigs. I useally chain smoke at parties or like one or two smokes while chilling out with my friends. About 95 percent of my friends smoke too. About 85 percent of them are under 18 too.:ermm:

Originally posted by JOEX
.....IMO most people start smoking because of the people they are around... parents, friends, coworkers ets... anywhere they want to fit in and feel accepted by adapting to the surroundings....

05-28-2006, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
How you quote two people at once?:confused:

05-28-2006, 10:38 PM
Not sure if theres another way, but you have to quote both of them, then copy one of the quotes in to one message....thats how I do it...

05-28-2006, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by JOEX

IMO most people start smoking because of the people they are around... parents, friends, coworkers ets... anywhere they want to fit in and feel accepted by adapting to the surroundings.

I belive tobacco is the only legal product available that when used as intended will harm you:ermm:

Originally posted by Mx_523
I smoke whenever I have cigs. I useally chain smoke at parties or like one or two smokes while chilling out with my friends. About 95 percent of my friends smoke too. About 85 percent of them are under 18 too.:ermm:

Originally posted by ride hard man
How you quote two people at once?:confused:

Same way I quote three times but 1/3 less time:p

05-28-2006, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
Originally posted by Mx_523
I smoke whenever I have cigs. I useally chain smoke at parties or like one or two smokes while chilling out with my friends. About 95 percent of my friends smoke too. About 85 percent of them are under 18 too.

Lmao... Heres my try.
One step at a time Grasshopper......:chinese:

05-28-2006, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
One step at a time Grasshopper......:chinese:
:o LOL.. I'll be deleting that one now:macho

Edit: Back to the topic... Smoking is pretty gross IMO, but when your addicted I guess you can't really stop... My Grandpa was diagnosed with lung cancer after having a Heart Attack... After that he never picked up a Cig. again, but went to Cigar's instead:ermm:

05-29-2006, 06:06 AM
Tried it last year and havn't been able to stop.

05-29-2006, 09:06 AM
Quitting is very hard. Try giving up something else for a week. Such as drinking pop, or whatever. You know pop is bad for you, but you just want to have another.

Your stamina and energy go WAY down once you start. I can't walk a flight of stairs without losing my breath now. I've tried almost every method of quitting, but I just can't seem to kick it for more than a couple weeks.

05-29-2006, 09:43 AM
Qutiing is hard but it can be done with willpower. I smoked a pack a day since I was 15 and quit about three years ago. I decided I had enough with cigs, not the health risk but the cost, and didn't buy another pack. As my wallet got bigger my health got better and I have seen no reason to start again. You can quit if you really want to. Just think about the quad those cigarettes could buy you, see what I got in my signature:devil:

05-29-2006, 10:25 AM
Zyban helps. If you take a pill in the morning and don't smoke all day, you will not get withdrawl symptoms such as headaches or get *****y.

05-29-2006, 01:36 PM
I got started in high school...or junior high...one...anyways. I quit after school for a year or two...now i'm to the point where i don't smoke unless i'm out at the clubs or hangin w/my buddies. For some reason if you used to smoke and are around it, it's so hard to resist. But overall, i usually don't care for one.

05-29-2006, 01:59 PM
im 15 and smoke almost a pack a day:( i got started when i was 12 whent threw some ruff times tryed to stop its hard i wish i didnt but o well ill stop one day

o yea this is my 1000 post lol

05-29-2006, 02:22 PM
Prolly on your next 1000th post youll have cancer. i smoke, just not cigaretts.

05-29-2006, 02:25 PM
myb....myb not hopefully people will learn from my mystakes and not be come a smart *** just like u:scary:

05-29-2006, 02:29 PM
LOl dont get you panties in a bunch, i was jk, im about to die with heat stroke, its 30 degerss out.

05-29-2006, 03:38 PM
and then theres my friends that go with " I only smoke when I'm drinking" I'm thinking you must be an alcoholic because you have a cig in your mouth everytime I see you :rolleyes: