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View Full Version : do you use masterlinks?

05-24-2006, 09:36 PM
i was just wondering how many people used the masterlinks when they got new chains? i never can get the clip on so i usely just take a punch and flatten the end like all the other links. but im having a hard time doin it this time and its pissen me off. whats the easiest way to get that clip on there?

05-24-2006, 10:02 PM
insert the link, push the clip on so it's touching the links, get a straight (flat) screwdriver, put it on the end and smack it in with a hammer.

05-24-2006, 10:03 PM
i couldnt get mine on, so i called my friend who races dirtbikes and he came over and used a c clamp, and put the link on, and put two objects (nuts, or sockets) over the pins in the link and compressed it down with the c clamp, took the clamp off and popped the clip on. its pretty much impossible to do without a clamp

05-24-2006, 10:06 PM
tip: always join them on the big sprocket. once you get the flat screwdriver on the end, all you need is a swift smack and she will pop right in.

edit: if it's the new masterlinks that are pressed in i have no clue.

05-25-2006, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by TacomaNC4X4
i was just wondering how many people used the masterlinks when they got new chains? i never can get the clip on so i usely just take a punch and flatten the end like all the other links. but im having a hard time doin it this time and its pissen me off. whats the easiest way to get that clip on there?

Let me guess.. DID chain??? ;)

I always had to take a drill/dremel and ever so slightly ream out the holes on the plate so they would fit onto the studs. I think when they make the groove on the stud it tends to flare the metal out slightly, and causes the plate hang up at the edge of the grooves.

05-25-2006, 09:38 AM
yeah the DID 520 o-ring chain clips dont go on for some reason but if u go to a dealer and get a new master link that clip will go on no problem... its a defect.

05-25-2006, 06:42 PM
the regular links with the clip work just fine

05-25-2006, 08:41 PM
aight i got it. i got another clip while at work today and slaped that bad boy right on there. but yeah its a DID chain