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View Full Version : Worried About Friend

05-23-2006, 01:20 PM
well about 2 years ago my best friend(pretty much brother) has a heart problem. His heart races alot. Well last week he had to go in for another check up and they found out that not just his heart is messed up when it races it has a messed up heart beat. Like the elecrtic shock that tells the heart to pump is off. So some times the heart wont pump. Then the heart senses it needs to pump so it races. He had a heart monitor on for 24hrs to record his heart beat, and the doctors are very concerned about it. Also what is very scarry is that his uncle died when he(uncle) was in his late teens early 20's from this same thing. And my friend today, was having really bad chest pains. He is in the best shape i have ever seen a kid be in. Do any of you guys know how they would go about treating this? Thanks

05-23-2006, 01:29 PM
Your best bet would be to consult his family with this. I am sure the doctors are keeping them in the loop and the would know more about this specific case then we could even begin to speculate about. I was told I had an irregular heartbeat during a middle school physical, but I was way overweight. They also said a lot of caffeine can do that to a heart. Good luck man, best wishes to your buddy.

05-23-2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by JRP
well about 2 years ago my best friend(pretty much brother) has a heart problem. His heart races alot. Well last week he had to go in for another check up and they found out that not just his heart is messed up when it races it has a messed up heart beat. Like the elecrtic shock that tells the heart to pump is off. So some times the heart wont pump. Then the heart senses it needs to pump so it races. He had a heart monitor on for 24hrs to record his heart beat, and the doctors are very concerned about it. Also what is very scarry is that his uncle died when he(uncle) was in his late teens early 20's from this same thing. And my friend today, was having really bad chest pains. He is in the best shape i have ever seen a kid be in. Do any of you guys know how they would go about treating this? Thanks

Your buddy doesn't drink alot of red bull or crap like that...does he? Cause that could cause a rapid heart beat

05-23-2006, 01:39 PM
no he dosent drink anything like that. hes a healthy person. They just said there not that concerned with the racing of his heart as much as they are concerned with his regular heartbeat.

05-23-2006, 02:28 PM
I uncle had open heart surgery when he was 4 years old the doctors had to take out his heart and do all kind of stuff to it and the doctors told his mom “my grandma” that he want live to about 10 years old, but now he’s 38 years old never went to the hospital since. I’m 14 and my uncle is my best friend. I would just like to share that with you.

05-23-2006, 03:13 PM
My cousin had an irregular heartbeat as well and she was in the hospital alot and still is. Sometimes she gets chest pains and just cant deal with them. It sucks, but hey its life. I would just do normal stuff with him and If the doctors say he has 10 days left act like everyday could be his last, dont expect the best to happen, but keep your hopes up I know and everyone else knows that if u believe and pray to god he will help you through it!!

05-23-2006, 03:20 PM
Sorry to hear that. Who is it? Would I know him?

05-23-2006, 03:41 PM
my grandma has a pacemaker...maybe one of those could help his hear "pace"?