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View Full Version : leak down test question?

05-20-2006, 06:32 AM
i did a leak down test on my motor, and after finding small leaks around the reed cage, which was easily fixed. I notice that one crank seal was leaking a little. The stator side. The gauge drop from 6 psi to 5 psi over the 10min test. But during this i grapped a heat gun and heated the crank shaft a little. just warm to the touch to simulate a warm motor, plus it is only about 60 in the garage. as soon as i did this the leak was instantly gone. was this just common sense? being how it was so cold this morning? Is there a certain temp to do a leak down test? Every thing is brand new crank, oem seals, new cases etc.

05-20-2006, 03:06 PM
A leakdown test, as the name implies, is used to find leaks. It's a useful diagnostic tool, but it's not the end-all of all tests.

A 1psi drop over 10 minutes isn't that bad at all. Me, personally, I'd be satisfied with that and go riding. But that's just me.

If you REALLY want a definitive answer, then do the test as close to actual riding conditions as you can, because that's where your actual performance is going to come in to play. That would mean riding it around until the whole engine gets up to temperature, and THEN doing the leakdown while it's still hot.

05-21-2006, 09:27 AM
i went with your first answer. I put everything back together and finally went riding i have about a half tank of gas ran threw it