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View Full Version : Hand /wrist surgery question(broken arm and wrist)

05-19-2006, 11:04 PM
After having screws installed into you wrist and arm, how long did it take to heal? Any side effects from it? We were warned that the bone might die in there, and could cause the loss of using his thumb.

Would it be better not to do this surgery?

I'm sure that someone else on here must have went through something similar.


05-20-2006, 01:16 PM
I broke both of my wrists about 7 weeks ago and I am out of my casts and everything. I had to have a pin through each of my wrists and the only thing that I notice is that my thumb is numb almost like when your foot falls asleep but the doctor said that this was because when they took my pins out they touched a nerve and "agrivated" it. He also said that it would eventually gain back for the most part all of its feeling. Its not really a problem or uncomfortable, its just that it feels different. I was very happy with the surgery though because I never thought my wrists would be straight after seeing them both just dangling there (really nasty). But they are as straight as they were before I broke them and another thing about taking the option of surgery was that I had temporary casts that they molded to my arm that I could take off because I had physical therapy (because of the surgery) and I was allowed to take showers without the casts on, about 3 days after I broke them. And the physical therapy was actually in my opinion a good way to keep the movement in my wrists instead of having to gain it all back after having permanent casts on.

05-20-2006, 01:41 PM
i dislocated my wrist, didnt break anything, i had all of the little bones in the wrist snaped, the doc put a metal pice to hold back again the hand to the cubitus and radius, it looked like i passed a blade trough the wrist and the hand in a 90º angle, it was holding just with the ligaments. so he cut the skin put the metal pice and stiched back, then for not to move the hand, the doc insetred to long rods or screws, one in to the hand an another in to the forearm and then locketd the two with an horisontal pice, a month later, he tooked the screws of and had a movement in the wrist, not at all, but it moved.
in the same crash i broke my arm, in the middle of the biceps, the doc screw 4 pins in to the bone, two on each side to hold the arm together, it was nasty to look at. 3 months of this, then took it of and a month latter my arm bent and now i have a rod from the elbow to the shoulder.

anyways im ok now, with everthing still in but riding again.

i had a lot of trouble also with my thumb, when the surgery ended and i woke up, i had a terrible pain in the thumb, because the metal pice was rubbing the ligament, oohhhh, i just remember and feel the pain again, i asked the doc for him to cut my thumb, becasue of the pain, i was cring like a baby, asked for morphine or something, it was bad. then they put me to sleep some more, close to a day, then it was ok.

well that was my case.

hope you get well

Yoshi 300EX
05-23-2006, 05:12 PM
i broke my arm and wrist and i went in for the surgery, after you ge the surgery alls you want to do is like sleep for the first few days, then you feel back to normal except after riding my dirtbike twisting the throttle my arm gets very sore, and i cant really write too long.. i have some pics of my scars from the surgery
http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/3470/arm1ey.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/1219/arm17ui.jpg (http://imageshack.us)