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View Full Version : Kill switch starter

05-18-2006, 06:04 PM
Besides getting a cr style kill switch, how do I go about getting rid of my stock starter/headlight switch assembly. I removed my headlight and tailight and now want to get rid of my dash panel. Will the kill switch hook up with the two wires (the yellow with black stripe, I think, and the ground) nice and easy like I'm hoping.


ryann mx68
05-18-2006, 06:55 PM
hey knarf, i think you need a yz style kill switch, i thought if you use the honda it will ground out to the bars, youll have to wrap w/ electrical tape. the yammi doesnt ground to the bars.

electrical tape will work, but you run the chance of blowing a fuse, maybe at a bad time also, miles from home, y know

05-19-2006, 06:37 AM
Ya on my 400 I had a cr starter with the electrical tape wrapped around the bars. If the yz style one wont cause any problems I'll prob go with that one.
When I hook it up is it just a simple hook up to the two starter wires?

ryann mx68
05-19-2006, 02:01 PM
im gonna do mine also, havent yet. but all the posts ive read were saying to use the yz killswitch.

i had pulled it off my yz250 to switch it and i ended up selling the bike [yz] so i put it back on.

do a search "killswitch" should be able to find some info

05-22-2006, 04:08 PM
Yep when you pull your switches off the bars just cut the 2 wires to the start button and splice them to the kill switch if its a honda style you'll need to rap the bars with somthing a little heavier than electricle tape.I used tape and the nylon collar off and old clutch perch.The tape works fine until you ALMOST go over the bars and land on the button,the metal ring cut through the tape shorted out on the bars blew the fuse and resulted in a long push back to the truck(better yet go with the yz style).

05-22-2006, 06:31 PM
thanks for the help guys.