View Full Version : Graphics?

05-18-2006, 05:47 PM
Is there any steps I should take prior to putting on my graphics? Also , are there any hints or tricks/ suggestions to getting them to go on smooth and look nice? Thanks alot!

05-18-2006, 06:41 PM
Make sure the surface is spotless, and dry. Hold up the graphics to the plastic first (keep the backside on), and make sure you dont need to do any trimming to make sure they fit. Go slow and do it right, dont rush it and you should be fine.

05-18-2006, 06:52 PM
One more thing:

If your putting these onto a 250r, I noticed this area was troublesome.

http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/6546/img27326rz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
I suggest making a small slice down the middle so it all sticks to the plastic.

http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/7595/img27307mw.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

The picture above shows where it doesnt touch. The dark area is dirt that got under. This is where I would make the slice.

05-19-2006, 09:20 PM
I just installed graphics and that piece was the hardest to get to lay out right. I ended up using a heat gun to get it to flex and it layed in there fairly easy.

I layed the graphics on the plastic and taped them down, made sure all the lines would line up and started at the center and worked my way out each side. Go slow and have a heat gun or hair dryer handy just in case. I ended up trimming mine after they were installed.