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05-16-2006, 07:46 PM
what's everyone studying in H/S or college? what do you want to do out of your schooling? also, what got you interested in this profession? yes... i'm extremely bored. :bandit:

05-16-2006, 07:50 PM
I'm gonna do something along the lines of aviation. I'm almost done with my pilot's license right now, but not wure which area of aviation I want to go into.

05-16-2006, 08:00 PM
ever see 'the aviator" ?

its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future, its the way of the future,

05-16-2006, 08:03 PM
show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints


05-16-2006, 08:05 PM
i want to get into industrial management. Im not a guy who wants to sit in an office all day, but I hear management is where the money is at.

05-16-2006, 08:09 PM
I want to have my own carwashing business or something kinda like that with my friend we allready talked about it carwashing is something I like to do and it is something you can make a lot of money at but it could get boring after a whil but It is something I would like to do I just cant think of anything else I would like to do

05-16-2006, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by stoled_400_:(
show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints show me the blueprints

:D repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeatrepeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat

05-16-2006, 08:10 PM
Air brushing, autobody and custom paint jobs.

That or I want to build and work on v twins maybe open a speed shop one of these days, it's my dream anyways. I've built 2 allready for my brother and brother in law :D

05-16-2006, 08:25 PM
Go to the Air Force, and be either a cop or mechanist... Not sure exactly.

05-16-2006, 08:30 PM
Graphic Artist.

05-16-2006, 08:33 PM
I build bridges.

05-16-2006, 09:03 PM
im in college getting my degree to be a mechanist. i love it. i can make just about whatever kind of part i want

05-16-2006, 09:06 PM
i heard a statistic on the radio the other day; top 3 most unpopular jobs for youth, machisnist was number 3.

I cannot believe it, that would be my dream job, I never choose to go that way, cuase i thought there would be lots of work shortages. ah well I would much rather it be a hobby. if i won a billion dollars, i'd buy every piece of shop equipement and enroll in every class i could, then build a big robot suit.

05-16-2006, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by the gangsta
i heard a statistic on the radio the other day; top 3 most unpopular jobs for youth, machisnist was number 3.
I figured mechanist would be on the top lists, but I guess not... Its always fun for me, I would much rather do hand on work, then work in a cubical all day.

05-16-2006, 10:38 PM
aviation flight and aviation managament but apparently someone on this site thinks i mwasting my time since my school is just a bunch of inbred corn growers......:rolleyes:

05-17-2006, 01:16 AM
i dont know what i want to do, but i am thinking a high school history teacher.

05-17-2006, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by ride hard man
I figured mechanist would be on the top lists, but I guess not... Its always fun for me, I would much rather do hand on work, then work in a cubical all day.

I worked at a cnc shop for 2 days and couldnt stand it lol

05-17-2006, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
i want to get into industrial management. Im not a guy who wants to sit in an office all day, but I hear management is where the money is at.

There is good money to be made , but there's also 10 times more responsibility .

Unlike being a regular employee and being done at 5pm , being in Management involves a lot of overtime and you usually bring your work home with you . When something goes wrong , you're the one that has to deal with it , you have to answer to the people above you if an employee screws up or goals aren't met . Also if you're in management , expect to be in an office often enough .

I'm not trying to deter you from going after a management type job , just trying to let you know that it's not all smiles and high-fives with a big chunk of change in your pocket .. it's a lot of work . There are a lot of PROs and CONs to the job .... your best bet is to job shadow someone for not just a day , but for a few days or even a week to see how things really work .

As for me , I took Civil Engineering out of highschool . It was a toss up between that and mining engineering . I never pursued a career in it cuz I didn't enjoy that line of work . I'm planning on going back to college and taking either Fish and Wildlife or something to do with Aviation ( Helicopter or float plane pilot)

05-17-2006, 08:31 AM
I currently work in telecom as a consultant. It's okay, the money is great, but it can be very boring. Especially since I sit at a desk for 10+ hours a day most of the time. I'm currently looking into going back to school to be a pharmacist. They are in very high demand and pay serious money. Usually around $90k/year to START!!!

05-17-2006, 10:56 AM
Im in real estate right now and im studying engineering at Cal Poly in CA. I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop out of college though and pursue a career in real estate after this year.

05-17-2006, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by the gangsta
i heard a statistic on the radio the other day; top 3 most unpopular jobs for youth, machisnist was number 3.

I cannot believe it, that would be my dream job, I never choose to go that way, cuase i thought there would be lots of work shortages. ah well I would much rather it be a hobby. if i won a billion dollars, i'd buy every piece of shop equipement and enroll in every class i could, then build a big robot suit.

robot suits ROCK!

05-17-2006, 12:56 PM
knarly robot suit!


05-17-2006, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by PismoLocal
Im in real estate right now and im studying engineering at Cal Poly in CA. I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop out of college though and pursue a career in real estate after this year.

I thought about Real Estate too. The market here is out of control and there is a lot of money to be made. The only problem is that it seems like everyone else has the same idea. The market here is currently flooded with realtors. After you divi up all the opportunities there really isn't all that much $$ to make if you are not already firmly established in the area.

05-17-2006, 01:48 PM
I'm planning on going to the Unviversity of Virgina, and getting a major in Mechanical or Civil Engineering and then a Minor in Business.

Real Estate is the way to go these days, From Reading the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I can tell you that you are not going to get "Rich" by working for someone.

Owning your own business, or investing in real estate, ect. is the way to go in today's society.

05-17-2006, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by rtm1216
I thought about Real Estate too. The market here is out of control and there is a lot of money to be made. The only problem is that it seems like everyone else has the same idea. The market here is currently flooded with realtors. After you divi up all the opportunities there really isn't all that much $$ to make if you are not already firmly established in the area.

Ive taken my real estate prionciples and practice class here in CA and in both classes we started out with around 50 students and ended with a little less then 20. Selling real estate isn't the only way to make big bucks either. I'm in mortgage financing right now processing loans. Loan officers here make around 2-3% comission off of the loan value. Most loans are either 100k (home equity line of credit) or around 400k and up for purchases. Some of our loan officers close 10 transactions in 6 months and take the rest of the year off. There are many ways to make money in the industry. I'm most likely going to be doing loans by fall if i drop out of college after this semester.

05-17-2006, 02:17 PM
Yeah, I took all my classes for my RE license but was put on a waiting list to take the licensing test. They are backlogged here real bad. I have a friend who does loans and she is making great money - +$300k a year and she's only 26. I live about 50 miles North of New York City and the market here is out of control. Everyone is moving this way because of the easy commute (One hour train ride to Manhattan) and better schools. I'm getting in on the game a little too late. Good luck though.

05-17-2006, 03:04 PM
Ya my parents own a mortage brokerage here in CA and they want me to start working for them now and to take over the company in 10-15 years. I'm actually scheduled to take my exam at the ending of june. My ultimate goal would be to get my brokers license and expand my parents company once im the boss.

05-17-2006, 05:13 PM
I'm in college working on a mechanical physics degree to be a high school physics teacher

05-17-2006, 05:20 PM
Im planning on taking over my dads bussiness, he took it over form his dad and i plan to carry it on. He owns a swimming pool bussiness called Seven Seas Pools. They've been in bussiness for 30 years. I've acually been thinking of making my plasic blue and putting number 7 on it in my grandpas honor.

05-17-2006, 05:26 PM
Im going to be a chiropractor.. right now im a biology major 2 years into it... It sucks because since I live in Florida, I have to get my 4 year degree eventho I have already meant the pre-reqs to get into the chiropractor school, oh well.

05-17-2006, 05:28 PM
I'm a full-time plumber going back to school for computer programming. I'm only 24, so i got time for school still.

05-17-2006, 06:31 PM
civil engenieer here. i'm doing a masters in construction administration, so far i build houses for private people with my brother that is an architect. now getting in to private residences.

here in mexico, houses are very different in the building process, most of them are from bricks or concrete blokcs, and the areas are sorrounded by walls.

went for my senior year in long island ny and got into an architect class, the final exam was to make an scale house, so i did but like they are over here, the teacher coudnt belive it, but thats the way they are here. we have a web page.

05-17-2006, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
Go to the Air Force, and be either a cop or mechanist... Not sure exactly.

i'm in the air force right now, let me know if you have any questions bout anything. i just got from iraq so ive seen and done alot. my job is supply for weapons and aircraft

05-17-2006, 08:34 PM
getting rich is not everything. sure you can own your own company and have a lot of money if your smart. but..you dont get paid vacations, and benifits, etc. if you get into retail then YOU have to be there when the people are there. that means holidays and weekends. after workin at a gasstation/bait shop for 3.5 years i couldn't stand it anymore. i hate working all weekend and holidays. now i got a job tuesday-sat and holidays off. i dont have to deal with the public anymore and i have more time to do what i wanna do on the weekends. i really considered being a cop..i think it would be a awesome job, but i hate working weekends and dont wanna work nights..so thats out.

05-17-2006, 08:41 PM
yea it does suck sometimes having a weird shifted job, i spent 6 months in the desert from aug until feb missing all holidays and my anniversary. but part of having a job like this it sounds stupid is knowing that it takes a specail KINDA MAN too work like that. and now that im back home i work 12 hour nights shifts with every other weekend off. you get a since of pride by doing something dfferant like this. im looking at being a cop once i get out next year, but once you work your way up you get some holidays and weekends off some is better than none. the only bad part of it is it really cuts out alot of your racing because you cant hold a postion in points or nothing because off missed races but i ride whenever i can and my wife will let me.

05-17-2006, 08:47 PM
you gotta pay to play..i like working during the week, and playin on the weekend...but thats just me

05-17-2006, 08:51 PM
yep opions are like @$$ holes everybody has one!! LOL

(i think i speeld that right )

05-18-2006, 07:58 AM
I started ITT TECH after high school, dropped out after 6 months(1 hour drive, no car), started working in a warehouse at 18.

I'm now 33 and run a warehouse for a furniture company. I make 60,000 a year with only a high school diploma. I also run a small landscape business with 28 residential accounts. Income from that is 4,500 a month for about 8 months of the year.

I started the lawn business with 5 lawns and grew over a couple years through word of mouth and some fliers on mail boxes. All it takes is a little drive boys and anyone can do the lawn thing, and there is more than enough work to go around. I am in position now to turn work away that I don't like.
Life is good!

05-18-2006, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by TacomaNC4X4
getting rich is not everything. sure you can own your own company and have a lot of money if your smart. but..you dont get paid vacations, and benifits, etc. if you get into retail then YOU have to be there when the people are there. that means holidays and weekends. after workin at a gasstation/bait shop for 3.5 years i couldn't stand it anymore. i hate working all weekend and holidays. now i got a job tuesday-sat and holidays off. i dont have to deal with the public anymore and i have more time to do what i wanna do on the weekends. i really considered being a cop..i think it would be a awesome job, but i hate working weekends and dont wanna work nights..so thats out.

Ya I agree with you I hate working with the public. My job is pretty sweet right now I work monday through thursday 9-5 with an hour paid lunch. I also get paid company holidays (there are only around 15 of them though) and I get a full benefits. Only thing that sux is i go to school from 6-9:30 monday through thursday and I have 2 one and a half hour long classes on friday. But my weekends are off.

05-18-2006, 06:00 PM
become a chef. or a physical trainer (or something along the sport lines like a atheletic director, high school coach, college coach, something like that...

05-18-2006, 06:01 PM
become a chef. or a physical trainer (or something along the sport lines like a atheletic director, high school coach, college coach, something like that...

05-18-2006, 06:01 PM
become a chef. or a physical trainer (or something along the sport lines like a atheletic director, high school coach, college coach, something like that...

05-18-2006, 07:28 PM
I was a PC Admin for a few years at a company that USE to be great. I was 25 making about 50K a year, not too bad. I lost my job due to downsizing and had a really hard time getting back into the field.

Now I'm a Plumber/Pipefitter apprentice that will be making close to $40 an hour in a few years. More money but definately a lot harder work!!!!:scary:

05-18-2006, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by TacomaNC4X4
getting rich is not everything. sure you can own your own company and have a lot of money if your smart. but..you dont get paid vacations, and benifits, etc. if you get into retail then YOU have to be there when the people are there. that means holidays and weekends.

My dad owns his own accounting firm. He has worked there for 26 years, and took it over more than 10 years ago. During Tax season is he always busy, but that is to be expected. When tax season is over, he can leave the office whenever he wants, as long as the work that needs done is still done. Hes gone almost every weekend for carshows and such. Owning his own business is what gives him the freedom to make his own hours, and do whatever he wants.

05-19-2006, 08:29 AM
i work for UPS
working my way up 2 that driver position.
i also work at Lowe's on the side just for the extra dough

05-19-2006, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by 250xridamatt
My dad owns his own accounting firm. He has worked there for 26 years, and took it over more than 10 years ago. During Tax season is he always busy, but that is to be expected. When tax season is over, he can leave the office whenever he wants, as long as the work that needs done is still done. Hes gone almost every weekend for carshows and such. Owning his own business is what gives him the freedom to make his own hours, and do whatever he wants.

Thats how my parents are too if they do really good in first and second quarter then they take a month off work in the fall.

05-19-2006, 12:46 PM
im an astronaut.