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View Full Version : Stripped Screw On Carb!!!

08-06-2002, 09:34 PM
Well.. I was trying to take the choke out of the carb and that soft brass screw holding in the choke plate, well i stripped the head almoast round. Any tips? i was thinking about taking a dremmel and cutting a line in the head of the screw with the cut off blades, then using a flat blade screwdriver. Will it work? Any better ideas?

08-06-2002, 10:06 PM
It will work. I did the same thing to some other carb screws and I still use them even though they are "modified!":D

08-07-2002, 07:56 AM
dont cut it too deep, otherwise you will really weaken the head of the screw. causing the two halves to break off, if you can picture what im saying, be careful, and dont screw it up.:D

08-07-2002, 07:58 AM
LoL when i did it it came down to i actually just broke the 1 stripped screw off then got in there wit small needle nose pliars and unscrewed it that way....those damn little bolts are not very reliable.... just be careful an make sure to not get any shavings or the like inside...


2K1 300EX
08-12-2002, 01:53 AM
When I am messing with my carb I use needle nose vice-grips pliars so i dont' strip the soft brass screws, hadn't had any problems so far.