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View Full Version : This bothers me

05-13-2006, 01:04 PM
I was thinking today, people are getting out of hand in our society. Whatever happened to the good old hard working family? The only thing that I see on the news is Jim is sueing Sally because he slipped on a wet floor at the convience store. Or a real case, two NUNS are sueing a contractor for his stairs collapsing while they were on it, years after it was built. No longer is anyone out to make an honest living. It's turned into 'who can I sue and be set for life'. In doing so, you ruin these lower income people's lives. By lower income, that counts as anyone who actually works for a living.

Does anyone agree with me? I propose a new act for our President. (I am not bashing the Government or our President by ANY means). I think there should be a 'No more victims' act. Because that is what these people are, is victims of someone elses greed.

I would like to hear some thoughts on what you people think. I am open to either side of this discussion. Please don't let this get out of hand. I would like to see a discussion last more than a few hours before it gets closed down.

05-13-2006, 01:09 PM
Ya dude I agree 100% with you... People are sueing for the stupidest reasons, now I believe people should be able to still sue, cause somethings they do deserve to sue about. But when its something stupid then it should just be thrown out.

05-13-2006, 01:13 PM
i work 50-60 hours a week. i like it.

05-13-2006, 01:13 PM
I have to agree with you. I think at one time there was legislature on this exact thing trying to ban all frivolous lawsuits. Not sure what happened to the bill, but I definitely agree that it has gotten extremely out of hand. Now if the claims are legit that's a different story, but its like the lady with the McDonald's coffee, people are always looking for a quick way to make a buck.

05-13-2006, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by fandl450r
I have to agree with you. I think at one time there was legislature on this exact thing trying to ban all frivolous lawsuits. Not sure what happened to the bill, but I definitely agree that it has gotten extremely out of hand. Now if the claims are legit that's a different story, but its like the lady with the McDonald's coffee, people are always looking for a quick way to make a buck.

I could make a laundry list in about 5 minutes just off the top of my head about all the stupid lawsuits I've heard about.

A man driving an RV puts it on cruise control going down a highway and goes to make a sandwich, but of course, it crashed. He won the law suit because it didn't actually say you needed to be in the drivers seat

A lady was in a furniture store and sued for being "harassed" by a child, then she hit her leg on a table and fell down. She said the store managers should have kept control of the child. The child was her son. She won.

Most are on the Darwin Awards. It's pathetic.

05-13-2006, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by TheX1992
It's pathetic.

That it is. Unless there is a legit, and by this I mean DAMN good, reason to sue someone, they should just tuck their tale between their legs and take a walk. As Bill would say, "Here's your sign."

05-13-2006, 01:22 PM
I think if someone is sueing someone else, then the suit gets thrown out or they just lose,than they should have to pay back the company or person they were suing,plus pay all the fee's and then a fine and on and on, and than maybey you'll think twice about suing someone for something really absord;) I remember a couple years ago some women was suing nike cause the laces where too long and she tripped :ermm: the case got thrown out. now if she had to pay for EVERYTHING maybey she would have thought twice about such a STUPID lawsuit!

05-13-2006, 01:28 PM
I think if someone is sueing someone else, then the suit gets thrown out or they just lose,than they should have to pay back the company or person they were suing,plus pay all the fee's and then a fine and on and on, and than maybey you'll think twice about suing someone for something really absord;) I remember a couple years ago some women was suing nike cause the laces where too long and she tripped :ermm: the case got thrown out. now if she had to pay for EVERYTHING maybey she would have thought twice about such a STUPID lawsuit!

05-13-2006, 01:29 PM
oops! didn't mean to do that.:blah:

05-13-2006, 02:18 PM
Im on pace to make 20,000 my senior year in highschool (this year)...I dont mind working one bit.

05-13-2006, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by TheX1992
I could make a laundry list in about 5 minutes just off the top of my head about all the stupid lawsuits I've heard about.

A man driving an RV puts it on cruise control going down a highway and goes to make a sandwich, but of course, it crashed. He won the law suit because it didn't actually say you needed to be in the drivers seat

A lady was in a furniture store and sued for being "harassed" by a child, then she hit her leg on a table and fell down. She said the store managers should have kept control of the child. The child was her son. She won.

Most are on the Darwin Awards. It's pathetic.

Those are both fake, snopes.com is your friend!

Lawsuits have thier place, I think the problem is people hand out these retarded amounts of money for stupid things, and it just ends up hurting the consumer more. You get in a car wreck and want to sue? Fine, win 1.2 million? now I've got a problem with that....

The problem is everyone is getting lazy, sueing Mcdonalds cuz you have no will power to not supersize your meal? Roll your fat A** off the couch and do some fricking work. Dont give me the, I have a high metabolism, or I'm just big boned, no, your fricking fat. Alot like these guys who ride the welfare bus, its not that there aren't good paying jobs out there, its that your F*&%*^% lazy, and you'd rather ride the system than bust your tail.

I dont think anyone who works is low income, I'm making about 40K this year, at 21, and if I get this new job, I'll be pulling 60-80 next year. Without ever earning a college degree. However, I bust my tail to do so.

05-13-2006, 06:07 PM
ya dude i worl about 80 hours of week so i can afford to go to college and have a good time during the school year. I fell on the job site and soem lawyer called me saying i could make 100,000$ of of that i just b*tched him out knowing full well if i did that the small company i work for would be in reall bad shape. My boss works harder than anyone i know for his small business, and because i was limping for a couple days i shouldn't screw him over. Rarely now a days will a lawsuite be legitamit. It pisses me off