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05-13-2006, 01:00 AM
Once again my thread about Loose Change was shut down. It blows my mind because people are too close minded to think that our Govt. would stand for such a thing. Well I will give it to everyone right now. I am a college grad with a major in hist. so don't tell me I don't know my facts. Our country was founded by slave owners who drove away native Americans to found a new country that is founded on the belief that every man is created equal. Ok thats great but what about the native Americans that have their roots here that we drove out to found our "new" nation? The reason I state this is because I have native American heritage in my family background. Also its a joke because our country had slaves that were owned by such people as Jefferson and Washington yet all men are equal. Also its great to know that during WWII African Americans as well as native Americans faught for our country, yet when they returned they were still not given the same rights as whites. This is what makes me believe our Govt. would stand for this. Also just look at Vietnam, Kennedy even admitted that it is a war we couldn't win. So I guess what I am trying to say is that the men and women that are in Iraq and Afghanistan are there dying for no real cause. What are we winning over there? NOTHING! I have friends I graduated with that came back to tell me that they had no clue why we were there. There were no weapons of mass destruction, and yet we still have soldiers that are there dying every day and yet most people here could care less. The people who are attacking our troops will continue to do so until we leave. I love people that claim they are patriots to the cause and hate people who have beliefs like me but at the same time they are the ones who will never have to be in the military. I just wish people would wake up and realize what is really going on in political matters. This film uses actuall newscasts and has real people that were there to give their testimony on what really happened. And to the people that think this is BS need to actually watch instead of just being close minded to think that our gov. would never do this. Well I have news, our gov. denied its own people the same rights as whites and drove out a native culture from its land claiming they were "barbarians and murderers." I know that most people will think I am an idiot but I don't care because I know whats going on. My family has served in every major American conflict since WWI and I am 100% American but I do believe that our gov. is hiding facts from us. And once again a thread was closed down by the Mods who felt that this was againts their conservative beliefs. This site is a joke and I don't care if I get banned from it because it isn't worth my time here if my thread gets closed down for expressing the truth. I just hope some people out there know that what I am saying holds truth and that it could be true that our gov. isn't what most people believe it is.

05-13-2006, 01:15 AM
thats nice:D

sorry if you think thats rude (not trying to be)

05-13-2006, 02:09 AM
Edited because you cant use logic, in a fight with an idiot.....

05-13-2006, 05:58 AM
There was a LooseChange thread with 54w8905 pages already. Go SEARCH it if you want to see it.

05-13-2006, 06:13 AM

Take your anti war, anti american views else-where. Some kook makes a twisted video with distorted facts and now people want to believe it.

You can cry all you want about the way we run this site, we dont care. you can cry to the heavens we sensor your opinions, we dont care. You can claim all you like, you can use your families history to try and bolster some form of "expierence" and you can use your "college" buddies to try and support your non-sense. Its great to see another brainwashed college kid.

Your thread and opinion is still available for people to see, but your venue to try and influence those that do not have the life expierence or education is closded, atleast here on this site. You are free to get your d!ck twisted and leave, or you can force the issue and I will gladly remove your membership. You have ample warnings, and if you are so versed in logic you will know when you have run into the immovable object and move on to other subjects more suited to an ATV site.

And funny you ridicule those that claim they are Patriotic without serving in the military while you use other people who have served as examples. When your boots get dirty, call me. Until then, stfu.

Johnny & Monica
05-13-2006, 08:02 AM
Amen Pappy , He`s about to go to war with the Mod. Squad :devil: Enough is Enough This is the 3rd time the topic has been closed 3 strikes your out .........