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08-06-2002, 03:09 PM
Hey I just saw a music video by lil wayne "way of life" and it had warriors sittin on 20's:eek:

08-06-2002, 03:21 PM

08-06-2002, 03:37 PM
Yeah I have seen c-dales, raptors, 400's, and even blasters, but this is my first warrior...

08-06-2002, 04:02 PM

08-06-2002, 04:07 PM
man oh man I bet these things scream on top end!!!

08-06-2002, 08:25 PM
Thats a waist of a good quad:(

08-06-2002, 10:59 PM
no itll still top out at 60...lol jk

sorry i got burned by trying to own a warrior..

that quad makes me wanna hurl...:o

08-07-2002, 07:10 AM
LoL i have known about these Sittin on Dub quads for awhile, there was one down in Daytona during Bikeweek/ my spring break, they were filming some video i dont remember, but also lilwayne has had warriors on 20's in his video since his album Lights out came out...the video Shine has alot more quad stuff in it....

The way i look at it... if they wanna spend the money 2 buy the quad, why shouldnt they be able to do what they want with it?
if i had the money i would like a raptor set up like my avatar, but the simple fact is i dont have enough money to do it...LoL...


08-07-2002, 08:13 AM
this is a pic of what i would like... a raptor on 20's but i would like a black and white raptor... i think it would be a nice ride to have, if you had enough money to put that on it...

01 250exman
08-10-2002, 01:00 AM
one word.....:huh ....gay as ****

08-10-2002, 01:09 AM
I think its dumb my self. No point in it either.

08-11-2002, 02:09 PM
some of those look like 21's or 22's.

It looks dumb......but I they had +3 arms, a +6 axle and like a +3 swingarm and lowered the quad, they'd look tight a**

08-12-2002, 09:52 PM
i think that is so stupid~~!!!!! i hate the honda one !!

i would never do that to my 400ex that looks retarded ...

i would say some other stuff but i rather just keep it to myself

08-13-2002, 10:34 AM
yeah i just want someone who has done this to their quad to come to the forums and explain the purpose. i'm the type of person that doesn't like non-functional vehicles, EG pavement pounder 4X4s hehe...there are a ton of "soccer moms" arround here with lifted tahos and other suvs with like 35s and lifts, why? "it looks really cool!"

i guess i just don't like people who have stuff for the "look at me" factor of it. fck those people.

08-14-2002, 06:23 AM
Hot 'en, so Hot 'en hurr...so lets jump on our mo fuggin' quads and drive to the lickre sto' and get some mo fuggin' malt lickre, no whut i'm sayin', G? If ya don't yo betta go ax yo muvva...:devil

01 250exman
08-14-2002, 04:02 PM
:D ya!!!! dat's right my 'g' $$....and a black @ miled ya!!

08-18-2002, 12:13 AM
spincr4hire- no offense to you but what you jus said *typed* had no meaning what so ever..... if basically proved to me.. and anyone who thinks like me that you are a complete moron....
sorry for the vent


08-18-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Crazy4bluEx
spincr4hire- no offense to you but what you jus said *typed* had no meaning what so ever..... if basically proved to me.. and anyone who thinks like me that you are a complete moron....
sorry for the vent

I agree... I think people that make fun of "blacks" like you just did are very racist... I hate people like that....These are the kind of people that get shot down... I dont like blacks that dont like white, and I dont like whites that dont like blacks, hey just let stuff well alone if you dont have nothing to say that will answer my question... I simply asked if anyone saw the vidoe and NO-ONE answered they all just said:it's cool" or " I hate that"... I think I need to go outside and mow the lawn to think about this or something...

08-18-2002, 08:57 PM
flaneledholes- u said it exactly, it just irritates me that people would say something so ignorant....because not all people with cars on 20's talk like they live in the ghetto.... or the same with the WHEELERz... an as for rapping, the rappers i know dont act like what they rap about... they are normal people...


08-19-2002, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Crazy4bluEx
flaneledholes- u said it exactly, it just irritates me that people would say something so ignorant....because not all people with cars on 20's talk like they live in the ghetto.... or the same with the WHEELERz... an as for rapping, the rappers i know dont act like what they rap about... they are normal people...


Hey man it fells good to vent a little every now and then doesnt it??? Pm me and maybe we can chat sometime...

08-20-2002, 05:32 AM
chill guys, just joking around, It was wrote in ebonics, you guys listen to rap and couldn't decipher the post? come on... Yeah Crazy4 I'm a moron, and you can't spell or string a sentence together to make sense, "if basically proved to me"... if ?? you mean it ?? BTW, what 'rappers' do you know ? Any rapper I've ever seen talks exactly the way they rap, and they wonder why people look at them like they are stupid or uneducated. I have no problem with african-americans, or whites for that matter. I do have a problem with hoodrats and rednecks, though.

BTW, I love 24" blades on a slammed Tahoe.:devil

Stay in school, peace out !:D

08-20-2002, 12:51 PM
spincr4hire- I wasnt saying you werent educated in ENGLISH, i was saying you have no common sense if that is how you think.
I also was venting, and maybe blew up on the wrong person to quick. I do happen to know a RAP group, label that is local.
Snake mobb records, they are just simply awesome. They blow most *high strung* rappers away. They are just local so i dont know if you can get ahold of their music. If you ever visit Evansville, South Bend, or Fort Wayne indiana, you might want to look for their new album, Desperado.

ps- yes tahoes look good on 24' blades, oh and about the ebonics, yes i know what your talkin about.
It sounded racist to me, but who am i to judge?


08-20-2002, 01:24 PM
Crazy, wasn't being racist, just joking around.
People typecast southerners as rednecks, wifebeaters, and incestors all the time, and no one gets accused of being racist for doing so, even if it is true for some.
I listen to some rap, mostly Eminem, DMX or Dr. Dre. I grew up listening to old school (Run DMC, LL Cool J, Luke Skywalker, Grandmaster Flash, Ice-T, etc). These new school rappers don't have a clue what its about. They fade out faster than they can spend their millions. There are exceptions for very few, though.

08-20-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
Crazy, wasn't being racist, just joking around.
People typecast southerners as rednecks, wifebeaters, and incestors all the time, and no one gets accused of being racist for doing so, even if it is true for some.
I listen to some rap, mostly Eminem, DMX or Dr. Dre. I grew up listening to old school (Run DMC, LL Cool J, Luke Skywalker, Grandmaster Flash, Ice-T, etc). These new school rappers don't have a clue what its about. They fade out faster than they can spend their millions. There are exceptions for very few, though.

Try living in "West By God Virginia".... I am just trying to put a stop to all this non-sense... People all the time call me a "wigger"... And when I try to get a black friend they are always hesitant because I DO look like a skin head...But I am just trying to tighten up the slack in all of this... I have had black g/f's before and it was cool but I also got alot oftrouble from both blacks and whites... I wish we could all get along, and I think eminem did help it out a little but I just wanna make it better...

08-21-2002, 05:13 AM
f*ck em, do what you feel...you can't please anyone until you please yourself, It took me 30 years to figure that out.

08-21-2002, 03:17 PM
Thanx alot man... I guess people are really cool when you take time to get to know them... I guess I am truely sorry for my short judgment, I guess I put myself in the shoes of one who is racist and it was very wrong...

08-22-2002, 05:18 AM
not a problem, we all make mistakes...:D