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View Full Version : Clanking noise??

05-11-2006, 08:43 PM
Here my quandry my buddy has a DS650 and where all geared to do some dune riding next weekend but today when he fired up his bike and rode for 5 minutes it stalled and when he fired it back up it was making a clanking noise? now neither of us are very mechanical inclined in the quad department but i was thinking this could be a piston? or a bearing anyone know? and does anyone know how much something like this is to fix and how long? i do know one thing though i don't think he does enough maintenance ie: oil changes and filter cleaning thus i believe he could have shaving in his oil thta where running through it? any insight would be greatly appreciated!!thnx

05-11-2006, 10:27 PM
hard to diagnos the situation without seeing/hearing it personally, could it be the cam chain?