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View Full Version : cornering and turns training

05-09-2006, 07:04 PM
what is the BEST training for turns and and cornering and ground attacks...thats what i realy need training on and need some tips....post picts if possible....:macho

05-09-2006, 07:11 PM
ive posted so many topics about this but noone really has an answer without riding with you. Its hard to explain. For me if its a berm(up and down berm) ill go into it as hard as i can, and break at the last second(try not to lock up back brakes and slide) and if the turn goes left, ill keep my back wheels on the berm(railing it) and i keep my front tires off of it.

if its a flat corner, just go into in fast and barley brake and jus almost lock your front breaks up and turn the bars and the back end will just slide around. And jus lean as far over as you can. I usually lean as far over and leand back. Like on the back fender.

and for like a sweeper corner aka banked corner, i jus go into them as fast as i can, and not really brake and jus lean and keep the back wheels turning. Hope this helped?

05-09-2006, 07:21 PM
just do all your brakeing befor the corner starts, and pin it on the way out.

05-09-2006, 07:36 PM
dont think about it so much and just keep on hitting different turns as fast as you can, it will eventualy come to you.