View Full Version : Recreational Vehicles and the Laws

08-05-2002, 10:01 PM
Here's an article I thought many of you will be interested in because it deals with National Parks where you may ride for fun that will soon be closing if the government has their way and it's all in the name of "Conservation". Kinda long but well worth the read.



08-07-2002, 06:56 AM
Interesting article. I am curious as to this statement:

"In its unique position as an environmental company...."

What does AMSOIL mean by that?

And if you are interested in a bunch more articles concerning OHV's, the environment & the Endangered Species Act, check out my website: www.crowley-offroad.com (http://www.crowley-offroad.com)

08-07-2002, 08:12 AM
Great Question ! As opposed to just about every company on the market, they do not recommend you change your oil every 3,000 miles; they recommend much longer than that ( up to 35,000 miles )depending on the application and type of use of course. They realize that if folks are able to go longer periods of time without changing their oil, that reduces the amount of oil that can potentially be dumped and find it's way into lakes and/or streams. They've been recommending this since 1972 so their track record is solid. They could sell much more oil if they recommended more frequent changes, but I truly believe that's not their main motivation; protection is. Anytime you guys/gals have questions, feel free to ask, that's what I'm here for.
