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View Full Version : Lost Dog

05-07-2006, 06:39 AM
well theres been this dog that keeps comin over and sniffin round my dog (lexi) pen and yesterday i was down at the wood pile and just happened to look up and see this big black dog sittin beside her pen...shes in heat by the way....so i jump on the 400 and chase the dog off, i hadda let off 3 times or i would hit him, i wish i would have now even though i probably wouldve been in for a ride as well. so i call my dad and tell him and he says if he comes back to chase him off, but he doesnt so when my dad gets home he goes and looks and all around her pen is tore up so we think were gonna take her to the vet monday and get her a shot. so he says to go get 2 of my foot traps and set em round her pen jus so if he comes back hopefully hell get caught and scared off, so i get 2 and set em round her pen. dad was also gonna be listenin for my other dog to bark and any noise because her pen is directly below my parents room. about 630 this mornin my dad gets up and says lexis gone...im goin fishin. at this point i was pissed and told him he wasnt goin anywhere and told him to go drive round while and look, so he comes back and nothing and then we both go drive and still nothing...i dunno what to do...im not sure if shes smart enough to come home and im pissed at myself for not hittin that son of a **** when i had the chance...ive raised lex since she was 5 weeks old....she slept in bed with me for 2 weeks and i even took her to school with me cuz she was so lil...its like my little girl :(

05-07-2006, 06:42 AM
damn dude, find out where the black dog lives and search in that area.

05-07-2006, 06:53 AM
when i chased him he ran off one way so when we got home from lookin i went down and let my other dog out and told to him to go find lexi and we walked down to where i saw em headin clear up to the houses over there and nuthin...dad thinks they went the other way...theres only 2 dogs that r big and black round here and im goin to call those people after noon, dad also jus left to go fishin....im pissed...im temtped to go get my gun and go search for that dog

05-07-2006, 06:58 AM
heres pics of what i saw...

05-07-2006, 07:00 AM

05-07-2006, 07:00 AM
last one

05-07-2006, 09:36 AM
Jeez dude that sucks... But I guess when there in love not even a fence can hold em back:( You'll find her though don't worry... Has she been fixed though?

05-07-2006, 10:21 AM
no..shes only 2 years old and shes a field trial champion dog....her father was the champion in like 2003 i believe....we were gonna get pups outta her...i found out that theres 6 black dogs within a mile of where i live when pops get back were goin door knockin...ima kick that dogs ribs in if he ever comes back

05-07-2006, 06:23 PM
well i went and put signs up at the 2 gas stations and theres one like 200 yards from me so my dad goes up to get my mom a newspaper and he comes back and said that petra (store owner) told him a lady came in and said she saw the lexi...but didnt remember where...stupid old ladies...and petra didnt write down her number or anything....stupid people :grr:

05-07-2006, 11:30 PM
i hope you find your dog, i just bought myself a dog and man i cannot think of not having her right now. good luck i am sure you will find her