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10-06-2001, 10:54 PM
While trail riding today, me, dane (enad58) and my cousin decided to go ahead of the group (BSing at the bar). We were going along fine, when all the sudden there was a fallen tree in the middle of the trail. We went over it on the way there, but had forgotten about it. Adam (my cousin) was leading on the ds650, and stoped just short of it (it was one log across the trail, and another slanted down from about 15 feet up, down to the ground. When adam stoped, the ds rolled off the trail into the woods. Dane had time to stop (I think he had Adam in sight the whole time, not sure) but I was about 20 sec behind them, and I was at about 3/4 throttle in 5th gear. I didnt see them untill about 30 yards before the tree. I locked up the brakes, but it was too late. I was going to go through, and seriously thought I was going to run into a solid log, and die. I just hit all 3 breaks as hard as I could, and prayed for the best. I flew through the leaves going about 35-40 mph and out the other side, no damage to me or machine. I went back to survey the scene, and if I had been about 6 inches more to the left, I would have hit my head on the log that slanted down to the ground, and broken my neck. I dont know how the ex stayed on the ground going over the log on the ground (about 6-8" in diameter), but if I had gone airborne, I would have hit my head on the log. The bad part was it was on a strait strech of the trail, and none of us could figure out why we didnt see the tree. The only damage was a slightly kinked rear ds650 fender, and some really shooken up riders. I hope I dont push my luck too much, I might not be so lucky next time. It is weird, I have been riding for about 6 years, and I am the only person in our group under 30 that hasn't crashed yet.

10-06-2001, 11:03 PM
hehe my dad rolls the blaster about 50% of the time he rides it down by the bike trail on the hills, it scares the crap out of me because he is always doing all the big stuff and doesn't ride enough to know what to do if something goes wrong.

10-06-2001, 11:03 PM
that was kinda close! where u wearing a helmet???

10-06-2001, 11:04 PM
phew, that sounded like a VERY close call... i bet your heart was pounding like a jackhammer. well im glad you came out ok.... i guess god didnt want you to get hurt that day or something.... but im glad to hear youre aight!

10-06-2001, 11:17 PM
yeah, I was wearing a helmet, and damn glad I was! I really didnt get scared untill I went back and looked at the ds on its side, and how close I got to the tree! I had adrenilne pumping, and couldnt stop shaking! (plus I was freezing my *** off! it was only about 45 degrees out)

10-06-2001, 11:24 PM
good thing you were wearing a helmet the've saved me from concussions and head wounds lots and lots and lots of times. I've driving my dirt bike into houses 4th gear PINNED becuase i was falling the back off the bike and those dang twist throttles. I've crashed at 60mph and cracked a rib. I've hit trees, and nothings gone bad. all in all I got a tore up helmet and a ok head.

10-07-2001, 07:23 PM
actually, when I came upon the tree, I could see adam jumping up and down in the middle of the trail, I also remembered about the log, and the scenery was getting familiar so I was about 1/3 throttle 5th gear. That really sucked.

10-07-2001, 07:44 PM
Good to hear you're ok, I was riding at Haspin one time coming around a high grass corner hugging it too tight and hit something. I went back and found this huge rock about 1' high and 3' across. I thought I might have brushed it with the side of my tire and rim, but no marks were visible. The grass looked mashed down on the top corner of the rock which would have meant that the left front tire went over this rock with out really getting jarred or thrown off the bike. This rock could have easily shreaded a tire or bent my a-arms but I somehow rode right over it. What's the moral of this story? All of you asking about which quad to buy? I suggest a 400EX as ride red has also found out.
Be safe,

10-07-2001, 08:19 PM
Yeah, after I went through, I was sure that both my front tires where flat (I was on the breaks so hard, they were squating). No damage at all! I still dont get it!

10-09-2001, 06:39 PM
If the log didn't have any limbs on it or I could go beside them i would have just downshifted and hit it with a wheelie. Thats what I always do.

10-10-2001, 04:58 PM
Yeah, the log on the trail was no biggie, it was the one slanted down that worried me. Here is a crude drawing, but you get the idea.

10-17-2001, 07:35 PM
I had something similar to that happen to me about 5 years ago. I was flying down a trail I was just on a couple weeks earlier, but this time someone decided to dump some trash on the trail in the mean time. I was on a little rm 80 pinned in 5th. I hit the pile, went over the bars, landed dead on my head, and broke my back! I broke three of my upper vertabra right in half. Luckily, my spinal cord was not damaged. I was in a body cast for three months though. Moral is, even if you think you know the terrain, ride over it slowly to make sure there isn't anything that will hurt you!!!