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View Full Version : 400 ex Cutting out

400 SS EX
04-29-2006, 09:51 PM
Ok heres the deal, I had a race this past weekend and my bike was running strong until about the third lap I let off to go into a corner and the motor cut out. It sounded the same has if I would hit the kill switch or put the choke on. 3 to 4 seconds later it came back ( and I managed to get 1st, haha ) and I rode the rest of the race no problems until my second heat race it did the same thing, then no problems in my first main event then it did it again in my second main event. My mods are on my signature, I race at about 150-175 feet above sea level run a 165 main with a 40 pilot needle in the 4th position, and I run straight 93 premium, time to step up to 110 / 93 mix maybe. If anyone else has had this happened to them you advice would be appreciated !!!! Did pull my plug seemed fine maybe just too low on octane, or the racing is harder on it but it was about 70 degrees out and i've gone riding / drag racing for fun all day before in 95 degree plus no problems

04-29-2006, 11:43 PM
seems like your pilot may be too small and/or clogged a bit and causing an in-constent drip, once you let off the gas the only place for the motor to draw fuel from during deceleration is the pilot circuit, try richening ur air-mixture jet or moving up a pilot size, good luck

p.s. a 42 pilot would do the trick