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View Full Version : Sand Paddle for MX 125 dirt bike?

Chris S.
04-29-2006, 05:34 AM
A friend of mine is taking his 125cc RM to the dunes and needs to buy a paddle tire. He has seen any where from 7-9 paddles per tire for sale. Any recommendation on what a 125 2 stroker can handle? I won't be going to Silver lake this trip I had knee surgury Thursday and got to heal.

04-29-2006, 09:52 AM
first off all, he doesnt need sand tire. if he rides there alot , he should invest in one. 7 paddles seems good id guess

04-30-2006, 10:47 AM
My brother put a 6 paddle tire on his YZ125 and it worked out really well. A 8 paddle is definately to big, but a 7 paddle may work. Their was a group of dirt bikers and they had the same 8 paddle tire. The 250cc dirt bikes did great, but the one with a 125cc did clearly worse than the 6 paddle.