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View Full Version : Are you ready?? Round 5 Clay Peak MX park roll call

04-25-2006, 12:28 AM
Whos coming!! :macho

Ill be shooting a good amt. of video and pictures as well. Lets hope for good weather!! I hope we have a good rider turnout,for those who havent raced this track you are in for a treat.

My famliy will be racing Prod A,+30A
Kids will be racing the 90 and the 90-open class and what ever else my Daughter can run-if anything ...??

Stop by and say hello.:)


04-25-2006, 08:52 AM
I would like to make it just not sure if it's in the cards or not. It's a pretty long drive from Las Vegas and we pretty much just have the truck and the trailer we haul the quad on. I know I definitely do not want to drive all day, race and then drive all the way back, way too long for that. If I go, I would like to make it in time for the practice round on Friday.

We shall see. If not this one maybe one of the two in Washington.

I'm shooting for 4 worcs races. I did Rd 4. I plan on doing the Utah and Pismo rounds, so that leaves one left.

I'll be running in the Womens B/C

04-25-2006, 09:31 AM
If you need a place to crash the night before or before you head out, your welcome to crash here. We are only 40 minutes away from the track ;)

04-25-2006, 01:01 PM
I'll be heading to Idaho :D It's going to be soooooooooooo nice not to have a 20+ hour drive each way this round!! The driving has been one of the hardest parts of this series so for but the next couple races are going to be much nicer driving for us Washington fools.
I'm actually heading over early to work in Boise, arriving Wed afternoon, working Thursday, finishing up Friday morning, and then heading to the track for practice.

04-25-2006, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by out4sand
I'll be heading to Idaho :D It's going to be soooooooooooo nice not have a 20+ hour drive each way this round!! The driving has been one of the hardest parts of this series so for but the next couple races are going to be much nicer driving for us Washington fools.
I'm actually heading over early to work in Boise, arriving Wed afternoon, working Thursday, finishing up Friday morning, and then heading to the track for practice. Well, if you have some free time Thurs. Stop by the house for a visit!:) I took Thurs off to load up.

04-25-2006, 04:50 PM
I'll see what I can work out ;) Either way, we'll have to meet up at the track too :D

04-25-2006, 05:38 PM
I'm trying my hardest to make it to this race.

If I can't race, I at least want to show up

04-27-2006, 07:54 AM
I'll be there, Hope to see some of you guys.

04-27-2006, 10:28 AM
Hows the R running??? Did you get it dialed in?

04-27-2006, 03:49 PM
We are going. 40+C, open A, 200cc mod and hopefully the pro-am on sunday.

Thumpin's bike is running real good. He was flying at Horn Rapids on Sunday.

04-27-2006, 09:28 PM
The R is running like a spotted butt ape. I need to get the jetting down a tad better but for the most part I'm happy. We'll see how it runs on them big Idaho hills though. I forgot to say my classes though I'm planning on production and open A along with Pro-am.

04-28-2006, 08:56 AM

04-28-2006, 10:37 PM
Update on the quads running condition. Race motor is down. 15 dollar part failure requires a full bottom end tear down becuase that 15 dollar part is in the center of the cases but hopefully nothing else went down with it. I'm still game on though I have the 04 motor to fall back on. These things are doing any thing at all possible to avoid a WORCS race. I will be there whether or not the quad likes it.

04-28-2006, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by ThumPIN_450R
Update on the quads running condition. Race motor is down. 15 dollar part failure requires a full bottom end tear down becuase that 15 dollar part is in the center of the cases but hopefully nothing else went down with it. I'm still game on though I have the 04 motor to fall back on. These things are doing any thing at all possible to avoid a WORCS race. I will be there whether or not the quad likes it.

DANG!! I sure feel bad for all the luck you have had :(

04-30-2006, 09:51 AM
Ok... Maybe ya'll can help me figure this one out...

Sat. at 330 It says the LadiesB/C class,Sport8-15 71-90cc class and the 200class are racing....

Is that Correct?? How can they race the 71-90cc with the B/C class Ladies...???

I know my Daughter ran this class last year and it was minis only on the track. the little ones I dont think can go on some of the stuff in the back section at Clay Peak it gets pretty rough out there :huh

adrelnalinefreak~~Give me a Buzz... We will be driving back and forth to the track this year so you and your ole man are welcome to stay with us if you need a place to stay. ;)

04-30-2006, 01:22 PM
In the first 4 rounds that has been the case, the women's b/c are running on the track at the same time as some of the smaller quads.
I'm not sure if they have yet this year but last year at Goldendale they modified/shortened the course in the xc section for that very reason for the womens b/c & smaller quad classes.

04-30-2006, 04:28 PM
Thats interesting.. .Ill have to see if she could run with the 200 class or something then

Have you all been preacticing with the bikes as well?? Sean told me we will be sharing practice Fri with the bikes.

We went to Clay Peak yesterday and it was as rough as it gets!:scary:


Alot of Blue GRoove and deep ruts and holes.

I guess this is one good way to train for a race :p lol

Track should start grooming Im guessing in another week.

04-30-2006, 07:56 PM
The youngins do race with the womens b/c. I passed about 5 or 6 of them in my race in April...they're so cute...they had a official or someone from the event following one of the littlest guys he/she was so cute just kind of rolling over the whoops...

I guess they figure the women (which I was) would be careful when passing instead of being all about the race and hurting the kids just to gain 10 seconds but not sure. I don't mind them...one was kind of all over the place made it kind of hard to pass but I made it...

I'll give ya a call Tina...Probably Monday or Tuesday.

04-30-2006, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by adrenalinefreak
The youngins do race with the womens b/c. I passed about 5 or 6 of them in my race in April...they're so cute...they had a official or someone from the event following one of the littlest guys he/she was so cute just kind of rolling over the whoops...

I guess they figure the women (which I was) would be careful when passing instead of being all about the race and hurting the kids just to gain 10 seconds but not sure. I don't mind them...one was kind of all over the place made it kind of hard to pass but I made it...

I'll give ya a call Tina...Probably Monday or Tuesday.

WOW.... lol Im surprised ! Are the wee ones climbing bill hills too cause Im assuming you ladies do some technical stuff too??I know the 70cc would have issues climbing some of the hills here ,two in particular cause my kids couldnt do it until they got some mods put on but...thats cool! I cant wait to get some footage!

04-30-2006, 08:24 PM
I think in Racetown they had a protion of the course cutoff but not sure it looked like it was rutted up and stuff. They did a good job and went the whole time as well.

I cannot wait for Idaho. I've heard from several people that the track is a treat! I'm excited.

I am going to try and get Thursday off as well. Would we be able to stay with you the whole time? I am assuming we'll be there Thursday, friday, and maybe Saturday night. It depends on how Jason is feeling. I definitely do not want to overextend our welcome!!

I know I want to do the practice and get a good feel for the track. I thought about doing two races on Saturday but then I might be too tired for my main race which is the womens b/c, I was thinking about doing the Sport C class. Who knows.

I am excited to get some better footage of this race too!!

04-30-2006, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by adrenalinefreak
I think in Racetown they had a protion of the course cutoff but not sure it looked like it was rutted up and stuff. They did a good job and went the whole time as well.

I cannot wait for Idaho. I've heard from several people that the track is a treat! I'm excited.

I am going to try and get Thursday off as well. Would we be able to stay with you the whole time? I am assuming we'll be there Thursday, friday, and maybe Saturday night. It depends on how Jason is feeling. I definitely do not want to overextend our welcome!!

I know I want to do the practice and get a good feel for the track. I thought about doing two races on Saturday but then I might be too tired for my main race which is the womens b/c, I was thinking about doing the Sport C class. Who knows.

I am excited to get some better footage of this race too!!

?Unless we get our hands on an RV we will dirive back and forth.Your more than welcome to come stay with us .;)
Check your PM.

05-01-2006, 12:11 AM
I personally think its pretty screwed up to make the Womens B/C class have to run the shortened version of the track, because of the kids. Yeah, the kids can't go through the stuff they cut off...but the Women pay the same money as the big guys, to run the same track.

I would personally be a little angry if I was a Womens B/C rider.....(that sounds a bit odd!)

05-01-2006, 08:44 AM
It definitely sucks if they do cut the track off just because of the kiddie poos. Put up a sign that says kids this way...adults/women ths way or something.

I'm not sure what they did because that was my first race with worcs! Is this the first year they combined the youngsters with the womens?

05-01-2006, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
I personally think its pretty screwed up to make the Womens B/C class have to run the shortened version of the track, because of the kids. Yeah, the kids can't go through the stuff they cut off...but the Women pay the same money as the big guys, to run the same track.

I would personally be a little angry if I was a Womens B/C rider.....(that sounds a bit odd!) They made us race one time with the mini bike once and it sucked bigtime(local MX). I was paranoid of running one of them over!! :eek2: One kid held me up on the straits but I was also nervous to pass him.A quad and a mini would not be pretty , Id squish him like a bug!

I have to agree it is def. odd. I know they didnt do that last year here the sport class ran ther own .

Are you all sharing your practice times with the bikes this year at each round?

05-01-2006, 11:37 AM
I have to agree it is def. odd. I know they didnt do that last year here the sport class ran ther own .

Are you all sharing your practice times with the bikes this year at each round?

My understanding to why they combine the mini's and the women's b/c is because in the past, the women's b/c had a very small turn out and there was not a good gate slot to place them. If the gate numbers keep going strong they will most likely put them on another more competitive gate time.

To this point, we have not been on the track at the same time as the bikes. I thought the only time we would be racing/practicing on the same weekend was round 9 at Pismo but I was told that they are going to have two separate tracks so we still would not be on the same track as the bikes

05-01-2006, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by out4sand
My understanding to why they combine the mini's and the women's b/c is because in the past, the women's b/c had a very small turn out and there was not a good gate slot to place them. If the gate numbers keep going strong they will most likely put them on another more competitive gate time.

To this point, we have not been on the track at the same time as the bikes. I thought the only time we would be racing/practicing on the same weekend was round 9 at Pismo but I was told that they are going to have two separate tracks so we still would not be on the same track as the bikes

I can see it both sides ..

I guess the bikes have opportunity to run practice same day as us this year at Clay. I wonder wht they wont give them there own practice the next Fri before there race (unless they get to do both maybe )if I throw my Daughter in with the ladies she wont be so stressed that she wont have any open class minis to run with lol :p :macho

See how dry it was this past wk end..


IT was the 1st wk end of really nice warm weather since I can remember when!:scary:

05-04-2006, 06:32 AM
if I throw my Daughter in with the ladies she wont be so stressed that she wont have any open class minis to run with lol :p :macho

I think Cole Fite (and some others) will be riding in the "91cc Open" class. That's for kids with "small quads" that are more than 90cc's.

05-04-2006, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by daddio
I think Cole Fite (and some others) will be riding in the "91cc Open" class. That's for kids with "small quads" that are more than 90cc's.

Thats Great news ..Thanks for the info Daddio ;)
This time next year so wont be on here mini anymore :(

Do they only have one race for the wk end? Or do they have two dif. ones they can run??

05-04-2006, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Thats Great news ..Thanks for the info Daddio ;)
This time next year so wont be on here mini anymore :(

Do they only have one race for the wk end? Or do they have two dif. ones they can run??

Well........ if they stick with running the 71-90cc sport with the women, I don't see why she can't ride her bike against the women b/c. There will be smaller bikes on the track anyway, and if she is like most "fast kids" she'll beat most of the women anyway.................. :D

05-04-2006, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by daddio
Well........ if they stick with running the 71-90cc sport with the women, I don't see why she can't ride her bike against the women b/c. There will be smaller bikes on the track anyway, and if she is like most "fast kids" she'll beat most of the women anyway.................. :D

LOL.... WEll... I duno if she could beat em but I know she would LOVE to be out with the big girls!:D

I think we may just do that if Sean permits.

05-07-2006, 03:08 PM
Less than a week away. Looks like we will be leaving on Thursday morning, which will put us there sometime Thursday night....

Does anybody happen to have a stock front rim laying around in there garage somewhere? Its for my 400ex. Last weekend we went riding and I hit a large rock and it dented my rim and I am kind of worried about it losing its bead or something in the race?

I am taking into work tomorrow to let one of the guys look at it...maybe he'll be able to pound it out or say it's fine!

Can't wait to get there and race...and meet a bunch of new people...very exciting

05-09-2006, 08:19 AM
Weathers looking MIGHTY FINE this year!! :blah: Temps supposed to be in the 70's.

05-14-2006, 04:35 PM
well, the wk end was some sweet racing!!

I will have many photos Ill be posting bt PLEASE give me some time. I need to re-size them and there is over 1500 for me to go threw

I also got some video and I think I got every class but two on Sunday. We was just too pooped to be up for the morning racing :o :(

As always, never enough time to meet everyone, but I did finally get to meet a few from Calf. and Wash.
Lots of nice folks in the sport:)

Hope everyone had a great time

BTW... Anyone else as sunburned as I am?? :p

05-15-2006, 08:36 AM
We had a blast and enjoyed the company ;)

The drive was long in both directions but we made it. Got in at 10:30 our time last night. Both of us were pooped. What a great weekend. I got to meet several people and everyone was so nice!!!

Wish we had the tracks and race opport. you guys have up in Idaho!! Very Nice.

We'll I have to get to work now....

05-16-2006, 07:55 AM
I had a good time out there. Especially dominating the open A class saturday. Getting my *** ran over during the pro-am wasn't the best though. It was nice to meet you QJ and adrenalinefreak.

05-16-2006, 08:40 AM
likewise....it's nice to put faces and personalities with names!!

I also had a blast...maybe just maybe we might make it to one of washington races! if i find a sponsor to absorb the cost of driving\and staying then I definitely will!!

05-16-2006, 08:43 AM
There is a topic in the Race Coverage section thats open for race discussion.
hopefully I can catch up with ya'll at annother Round ,maybe race the next one :D

05-16-2006, 11:27 AM
What a grrrrrrrrrrrrreat weekend! This was by far the fastest track so far in the series. Good times!!