View Full Version : Video Editing Software

04-24-2006, 07:00 PM
Does anyone know a site that I can download software to edit video's that I took with my camera. I don't need anything major just something to change the speed and maybe add music. Thanks.

04-24-2006, 09:42 PM
Windows Movie Maker is probably the easiest to use...


If you want something more advanced (for purchase), get Adobe Premier.

04-25-2006, 07:50 AM
go to download.com and search editing software....I got nideo editing magic from that site

04-25-2006, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by omaits
Windows Movie Maker is probably the easiest to use...


If you want something more advanced (for purchase), get Adobe Premier. Adobe takes alot of time to learn. Vegas is probably the next step after WMM, not Premier.

04-25-2006, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by MXFourTwoEight
Adobe takes alot of time to learn. Vegas is probably the next step after WMM, not Premier.

Yeah....I know. That is why I used the word "Advanced."