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View Full Version : Finally got it, 250r.

04-24-2006, 04:07 PM
So I am on this forum for the races around my house. In my sig I put "Looking for a 250r" cuz I was. Then I make this thread about harescrambles, and this guy Wes replyed and said he knew a guy with one. So he gave me the number and everything. So I call the guy and its an 89 Honda 250r with a header and silencer pipe. The rest is mostly stock. I'm like, "Thats EXACTLY wut I want". So he tells me where to go look at pictures of it. So I did and I'm like "Sweet". So I call him back and we made plans to meet yesterday, Sunday April 23, 2006.

So its a 2 hour drive up there, and we go and meet him then we followed him to his house. He had a nice house, like 5 or 6 acres and a lake and a nice lawn and room to ride. So we get there and it was sitting outside, I'm like, "Awsome!" He has 5 quads thats why he wanted to get rid of it. He was ganna leave for a race so we had to get there early and get out of there so he could race, at Taylorville, IL.

So he talks about it, I ask about it, this guy takes great care of everything, and has a quad mechanic he takes it too and he threw all the paperwork he had on it to me, and boy he had it ran threw after winter before he rode it and other stuff too, so its in great shape. So we talk about it. Then 2nd kick he starts it up, he rides it around the house, and I'm quiverin because I LOVE 2-strokes, and the sound of it and the fact that it is a 250r is just awsome. So he comes back and he's like, "Alright you can ride it." So I go get my helmet(Very important). I hop on it and had a blast on it. It died on me cuz it wasn't warm yet and I didn't hit the gas. I kicked and kicked it wouldn't start, he comes over and of course gets it kicked the 2nd time again. So its just ganna take me some time learnin how to start that.

So I'm ridin it, gettin used to it so I don't flip it. Hahaha. After about 45 seconds I give just a little tug and throttle and I rode a wheely. Im like, "Man that was easy." So then I sat on the gas tank and did the same thing, a small tug and throttle and the front end came up and I rode that one. Man are those 250r 2-strokes bad@$$!!!!!!!!!!!! So that got me pumped up even more. I also got on it to see the acceleration, and it hauls! I wasn't runnin the crap out of it just to let you know, I was easy since I didn't hand over the cash yet. Although you do have to ride 2-strokes hard. And he said he rode it hard, but man its in such great shape.

So I come around the house and my dad and girlfriend were with me and I come around and turn it off, and said "Wow.......I'm sorry Kaitlin, but........I think I'm in love."

So I go into his house and he gives me the paperwork and his name is Andy Nash. He tells me he has skidplates for it. I'm like "Oh man, those are somethin I'm ganna buy for it." He's like, "Oh, I got some if you want them, I'll throw them in for free." I'm like, "Oh yeh man." Then he said he had A-Arm skids for it to so we went to his work and he gave me them too.

It doesn't have a case saver on it so he said he'll knock $25 bucks off of it so I get one. So I thought that was nice. He was a real nice guy and he really takes care of everything.

He redid the whole thing over the winter, had it stripped down to the frame and repainted it and everything, so that was awsome.

So I get all the extra's which he gave me a 5 gallon race gas can and it had 1 gallon of the gas he runs in it and also a quart of transmission oil which he said he changed constantly. 32:1 with 93 octane. Sound good? With Castrol TTS oil.

So we load it up and go to his work for him to give me the A-Arm skids and he must have forgoten about the money cuz I still had it. I thought that was funny. So he gives me the skids and the name and number of his mechanic for his quads, then we talked about it more and he asked wut I was ganna do with it. I said play ride in sand and woods and prolly race XC and Flatrack. So we talked and I gave him the money and we took off.

I suck at starting it, I finally kick started it today. Like 3 times, but it'll just take some time.

This is long so Congratulations if any of you read the whole thing.

Here's some pictures.

04-24-2006, 04:08 PM
We are prolly ganna hook up at St. Joe, aka Flat River and ride with him so that will be fun.

04-24-2006, 04:10 PM

04-24-2006, 04:10 PM

04-24-2006, 04:14 PM
Hey congrats man on the new acquisition!! That's a reaaal clean R from what I can see in the pic. Beautiful quad man. What did he let it go for if you don't mind me asking?

04-24-2006, 04:18 PM
Hey thanks. Its also got the mods in my sig, a head and valves and shocks and stuff.

I bought it for $4000, then the $25 off so...


I ordered the case saver today from C & D Racing cuz they are the huge @ss sponsor from here. So I got one for $20. I'm like, I know you guys from exriders, just to give them credit and let you know, they guys like, "Oh, Ok, you get 10% off then since your a member." I'm like "Holy F**k!!! Sweet!"


04-24-2006, 04:24 PM
That is a very nice R looks brand new.

04-24-2006, 04:50 PM
the story was quite entertaining actually :p

man, i cant believe he didnt take the money before you loaded it up and took off on the street :eek2:

you were the right person and didnt take it...that was nice

i would of though :cool:

just kidding lol

have fun with it...i guess this means ur 300ex is for sale now huh?

04-24-2006, 04:53 PM
Haha, yeh I told my dad "Oh, here's the money still, oh damn, lets just take off." But I was totally kidding.

Yup 300ex is for sale!

04-24-2006, 04:59 PM
Thats a very nice R you got. Really clean. Here is a tip for kick starting it. Get the kicker at about a little more than 90 degrees, in relation to the ground and just give it a good solid kick. That was a problem my friend had trying to start mine. You don't need to get a full kick from having it all the way up. I don't know if that made sense, hopefully it helped.

04-24-2006, 05:01 PM
looks sweet scott, looks like i might have a new riding partner;)

04-24-2006, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
Thats a very nice R you got. Really clean. Here is a tip for kick starting it. Get the kicker at about a little more than 90 degrees, in relation to the ground and just give it a good solid kick. That was a problem my friend had trying to start mine. You don't need to get a full kick from having it all the way up. I don't know if that made sense, hopefully it helped. thats how the 450s are. it puts the piston at the top of its stroke or something

04-24-2006, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike
thats how the 450s are. it puts the piston at the top of its stroke or something

I don't know what it does with the piston, but it just puts the kicker in an easier position to give it a good kick. If it's still up all the way then sometimes you kick down, and since it's straight up it just stays there, or gives you more resistance or something.

04-24-2006, 05:14 PM
looks good man.:blah:

04-24-2006, 05:53 PM
Thanks for all the comments guys!

And thanks TheFontMaster. Cuz he starts it easy, I started it by repeatedly kicking, no stop in between, but that messes my ankle up, its still sore. Hahaha. I'll try wut you said, thanks man.

04-24-2006, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
I don't know what it does with the piston, but it just puts the kicker in an easier position to give it a good kick. If it's still up all the way then sometimes you kick down, and since it's straight up it just stays there, or gives you more resistance or something.

I should try it that way next time I start a 250R. I have three friends with 250R's and I have a hard time starting their high comp motors. I always start at the top of the kick and usually end up with a nasty kick back to the ankle if i'm not wearing boots. Hurts like a mofo lol. Seems like it's harder to kick from the top because you are kicking forward and down instead of just downward. Banshees are sort of like that. I can start those no problem, just a quick chop and it's alive.

04-24-2006, 06:02 PM
that things nice man, you got a legendary bike there!

04-24-2006, 06:03 PM
sweet. thats an 89 huh? too bad it didnt come with the headlight on the plastic. Nice though

04-24-2006, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
I should try it that way next time I start a 250R. I have three friends with 250R's and I have a hard time starting their high comp motors. I always start at the top of the kick and usually end up with a nasty kick back to the ankle if i'm not wearing boots. Hurts like a mofo lol. Seems like it's harder to kick from the top because you are kicking forward and down instead of just downward. Banshees are sort of like that. I can start those no problem, just a quick chop and it's alive.

some drag banshees ive seen without fenders kick to the back, why? do they set it up like a dirtbike so it will kick to the back instead of the front?

04-24-2006, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
some drag banshees ive seen without fenders kick to the back, why? do they set it up like a dirtbike so it will kick to the back instead of the front?

All banshee's kick to the back.

I always start at the top of the kick and usually end up with a nasty kick back to the ankle if i'm not wearing boots. Hurts like a mofo lol.

Haha, When my friend did just that when he started trying mine. It put a nice 3 inch or so cut in his leg.

04-24-2006, 06:41 PM
nice but i really like when the kicker is wet and your foot slips off then it comes back and bruises your shin........... I like it

04-24-2006, 06:44 PM
That a clean R man. Keep it in that condition.:macho

04-24-2006, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Eddiesanders250
nice but i really like when the kicker is wet and your foot slips off then it comes back and bruises your shin........... I like it

that sucks dude

04-24-2006, 07:11 PM
Yeh, I've had it kick back. And I've had it nail my shin.

And he gave me the original hood that has the light on it. :D

04-24-2006, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
Thats a very nice R you got. Really clean. Here is a tip for kick starting it. Get the kicker at about a little more than 90 degrees, in relation to the ground and just give it a good solid kick. That was a problem my friend had trying to start mine. You don't need to get a full kick from having it all the way up. I don't know if that made sense, hopefully it helped.

I broke my leg awhile ago n now that im regaining strength in it i tried to kick over my friends 450r. I couldnt get it so just kept kicking the chit out of it till it started. Really ruined my day for my leg lol

But i found out put ur foot on the kicker and push it about 1-2" down to get comfortable. Then just give her a nice easy snap n it starts up. A lot easier on the tibia :D

04-27-2006, 05:36 PM
Ok, I went out there yesterday and got her at 90 degree angle or wutever, and did it a couple times and it did nothing. Then I put it at 90 degrees and did the kick kick kick, where you don't stop and like 10 kicks later it had fire and you could hear it start for a little bit. So I did that, then gave it gas, it didn't work, then I tried to let it idle, that didn't work, then I gave it throttle and let off and repeated very quickly and it fired up. So I started it pretty easy. That made me happy.

Yeh, it was good.

I planned on goin ridin to Flat River this Sunday, but they are closed cuz they got a race, so that pissed me off. But I talked to my sisters boyfriend and me and him and his friends, we are ganna try and go somewhere.


04-27-2006, 07:45 PM
im supposed to go ridin this sunday but the forecast says its gonna rain like hell all weekend!!!:mad: :grr: :grr:

04-27-2006, 11:57 PM
I am glad that some people have faith in 250R's. THEY ARENT DEAD!!! They will still kick most bikes butts these days with ease.

Just allow a long warm up period. This will prolong the life of your engine and protect against a lockup.

Also To help kick start, The piston BTDC (before top dead center) and then reset the kicker lever, then give her all ya got. That will start you within the first few kicks. If not, your not kickin hard enough!!!!:p

04-28-2006, 04:51 AM
Very nice!...JW,do you plan on modding it or keeping it as stock as it is? Whatever you do,good luck and congrats! :)

04-28-2006, 12:02 PM
well damn put the hood on it will look alot better IMO

04-28-2006, 12:58 PM
when you gonna bring it to marion/carbondale so i can show you how to ride?

05-01-2006, 03:01 PM
Thanks again guys.

I rode it yesterday, and I plan on keeping it wut it has on it. The header pipe and silencer, and the head and K & N.

So after I finally get it started. LoL. I go warm it up. Get it warm and take off down the driveway. Doing WFO throttle with clutch pull in shifts (not letting off the throttle) Music to my ears. I guess I spun the whole time cuz I left tracks on the rocks and there was 3 feet between the shifts, so I thought that was pretty fast.

I am in 2nd and nail it, and it pulled me to the right, I'm like Woh! then I did it again and it pulled me to the left, then again and it pulled me to the right again. I'm like, ok, I'm ganna have to ease into this, that was on rock and chip. I do a 180 in the rocks and barely give it any throttle vs. wide open with my 300ex, and turned around in the rocks, to do a slide 180 or wutever.

I'm comin back down the driveway in 4th, half throttle, takin it easy and I'm like, Wow, this is prolly toped out on my 300. Haha.

I come up the hill, then get on the level part. I'm in 5th gear and there is a water puddle, I'm dang near on the gas tank of it and I hit the throttle and didn't even pull up much on the bars and the front end popped up about 1 foot with me barely even trying. I just wanted to clear the puddle and my front end came up way higher than I wanted it too, but it was real sweet.

I was in 4th and was just cruisin with some good rpms in it, and I hammered it, did not pull up at all and the front end comes up on me, I'm like, "Holy *****!!!!!!!!!!!"

I love doin 180s and seein the smoke from my exhaust, then you stick your nose in there and give her a good wiff! LoL.

My cousin was standin in his yard I drive by, nail it and roost him, LoL, that back end will kick out whenever you want it to.

So its almost like this:

If you nail the throttle, your either going to roost or your front end is going to come up.

It is insane.

Best money I've ever spent.

Can't wait to go to Flat river in the sand and their bad @ss trails. I'll be in heaven.

Thanks for the comments guys, and I know I always put a lot for you to read but you guys are good. LoL

If the weather looks good we are going to Flat River Sunday if any of you are around here like you Mike.
