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View Full Version : well, i got it

08-02-2002, 08:59 PM
well, i went to littlerock, ak today to pick up my 65' mustang from the paint/interior shop, and stopped by the suzuki place on the way there, and, i got it........THE INFAMOUS SUZUKI Z400!!!


let me list the advantages over my 400ex......reverse, manuverabilty(steering is REALLY light), clutch is alot easier to pull, more comfortable, softer suspension that's better for trails and jumping, easier to work shift lever, more power, and i love the style

there is not one advantage i have seen that the EX has over the Z

btw, i got the package with the yoshi pipe, nerf bars, bumper, skid plates, and other acceceries.

08-02-2002, 09:07 PM
thats cool your happy with it. you seem pretty excited. but how may i ask that you can jus decide to get one off the top of your head and get approved you must have a killer job or something?

08-02-2002, 09:50 PM
yeah sweet it sounds like your really happy with it...:D

08-02-2002, 10:25 PM
Should have saved your money for the CRF450, or whatever honda does. You know it will be better :)

08-03-2002, 12:35 AM
hope u like it they sound awsome! but i agree with honda400ex you shoudve waited for honda to come out with there new quad! its gonna rule!:cool:

08-03-2002, 12:37 AM
have fun with it .............

08-03-2002, 01:55 AM
Congrats dude!! stop by Z400central.com!! lots of Z400 lovin people there!

08-03-2002, 02:08 AM
umm I would of put that 6k into your 400ex. To each his self

08-03-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by TheX1992
thats cool your happy with it. you seem pretty excited. but how may i ask that you can jus decide to get one off the top of your head and get approved you must have a killer job or something?

my dad does, lol

thanx guys, i figured i'd get flamed for saying all that, but it's true, and i bet honda's bike will be even better than, or just as good as, the Z, because the only problem with the 400 right now is old technology. but anyway, the Z is a great bike and i'm glad i bought it, also i needed a better bike now and didn't want to wait for honda, and for me, the Z has enough power, if it had anymore then it would be too much for what i ride, but i definitely couldn't go any less than my 400ex, so it may not be for everybody, but it's perfect for me

but i can still keep my s/n(still got a 400) and i still have on more honda, the 250ex

08-03-2002, 08:07 AM
and i want to drag them before i sell the EX, but just the other day i took off all the plastic, wheels, and a bunch of other stuff so i could clean it good, and right now it looks like new, so i didn't want to go out and drag them and get it dirty again, but we'll see.......

oh yea, on thing i don't like about the Z is that with the stock pipe on it, it sounds like a freakin' TRX90, i recommend to anybody that buys a Z to DEFINITELY get the Yoshi slip on with it, it sounds like a monster with it, and without it sounds like a freakin mouse or something:p