View Full Version : Cut my fenders with a cut-off wheel......

04-19-2006, 02:11 PM
Well I got my fenders cut today.I dont know exactly how long it took but it wasnt long.Anyways I had to use a cutoff wheel and this is my first time cutting fenders so I think I did pretty good.BTW I left the little piece that sticks out just because I wanted to see if I liked that better and i think I do.My hood comes tommorow so I am puttin it on then seein what it looks like.Its a Maier 250R Carbon Fiber Scooped hood.Anyways heres the pics.


04-19-2006, 02:11 PM


04-19-2006, 02:13 PM


I dont know I like it and yes I didnt wash underneath the fenders before cutting them.;) Now I just need some gas and then I am ready to ride.:D

04-19-2006, 02:58 PM
It doesn't look like you're set up for mx, what prompted you to cut your fenders? You like getting extra muddy? Looks like you did a nice job nonetheless.:)

04-19-2006, 03:15 PM
What made me want to do it more was getting the hood.Plus I just like the look of it and next year when I turn 16 I want to get into some racing.Anyways thanks.:D

04-19-2006, 03:34 PM
dude that looks.. bad and not in a good way... u shaved those fenders too much, why didnt u get the shave kit from rockymounain atv its like 4.95 and tells u exactly what to do.. You need new fenders now.. u ruined those I wouldnt ride with my quad lookin like that they are too pointed at the end too.

04-19-2006, 03:39 PM
i've seen better cuts...they dont look bad though..I have a question for you..Why did you shave you fenders if you dont race mx?? you are just going to get muddy on trails..very muddy

04-19-2006, 04:28 PM
looks like you need to take a little out of the back bottoms.

i agree with everyone else about the mud. you better have tear offs

04-19-2006, 06:03 PM
i have to say it dont look that good

04-19-2006, 06:06 PM
i had my fenders cut that way and didnt get any more muddier, also your front left tire looks pointed out

04-19-2006, 06:07 PM
Alright I guess its my own preference then.At least they arent like everyone elses.:blah:

04-19-2006, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by 500exracer
i've seen better cuts...they dont look bad though..I have a question for you..Why did you shave you fenders if you dont race mx?? you are just going to get muddy on trails..very muddy
lol has anyone noticed how this guy is always so negative about everything that has to do with a 400ex

04-19-2006, 06:08 PM
Oh yeah and the tires and rims are off a Z250.At least give me some credit lol I dont have that much money to spend.Anyways everyone thats seen it today in person thinks its looks good.i rode it today also and I didnt get too muddy plus now I can see where my tires are which is kinda helpful.

04-19-2006, 06:46 PM
i dont want to intrude on your thread, but mine is cut shorter than yours and i have no problem with mud. if you like them, that is all that matter's.

04-19-2006, 06:51 PM
Nice quad.Looks good with the scoops like that.I need to get some.Tinner never emailed me back yet though...

04-19-2006, 07:06 PM
hey DOHC...you are gay...i have had a honda..i i dont personally like the cut...and thats my opionion now stop mouthin me

04-19-2006, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by 500exracer
hey DOHC...you are gay...i have had a honda..i i dont personally like the cut...and thats my opionion now stop mouthin me
honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda lol, im sorry dont go cry on me now :blah:

04-19-2006, 07:12 PM
DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC...IS GAY..i said i like hondas..and i ride red...hell my kfx is red...now stop being a complete ***

04-19-2006, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by 500exracer
DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC...IS GAY..i said i like hondas..and i ride red...hell my kfx is red...now stop being a complete ***
ok im sorry i wont bug u anymore im just in a bad mood tonight, i like kawis, honda, suzukis, yamahas, c'dales i like em all as long as u ride hard ur a cool guy in my books man

04-19-2006, 07:16 PM
honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda honda lol, im sorry dont go cry on me now

no lol was needed, that was about the gayest post on exriders....

DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC...IS GAY..i said i like hondas..and i ride red...hell my kfx is red...now stop being a complete ***

Now that was funny.... and DOHC actually he has the right to his own opinion and he stated that and so u should respect his opinion and move on... all ur doin is making a complete *** out of uself.

04-19-2006, 08:13 PM
My ****ed up fenders have brang out the best in people I see.

04-19-2006, 08:16 PM
Its about to bring the best outta my fist beatin the **** outta DOHC's face in a second

04-19-2006, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by DOHC
lol has anyone noticed how this guy is always so negative about everything that has to do with a 400ex I dunno about his , but Im starting to notice some of YOUR posts:grr: :rolleyes:

04-19-2006, 10:54 PM
I think they look great. By the way who's riding the quad, yeahh none of you are! So leave the kid alone! I know what you mean about the $$ factor. It took me awhile before i started to get stuff on my quad but im all about cut fenders. It looks much cleaner when there cut and i like seeing my front tires rather then having some huge fenders blocking my view. Keep working and it'll come togther!!

04-20-2006, 08:28 AM
I'm amazed that you guys don't know where your tires are at when you are riding. I have never had a problem with knowing where my machine is at, I guess I'm just used to it. I'd never cut my fenders in order to "see my tires."

04-20-2006, 09:09 AM
I think the fenders look fine. It's just plastic and if you really want to, save up some money and buy some more. It's not like 400EX fenders are going to be in short supply any time soon.

Who knows maybe the kid is doing some basic jumps and wants to make sure he's landing right. We all know the kite effect sucks on the 400EX. Fenders could be wings for all we know.

Dude, you cut your fenders the way you want. If some of the guys here think you did it wrong, oh well. It's not their quad. It's yours. Have some fun with it, you're not going to have that quad forever. Plus I have seen more messed up jobs on fenders from guys that suppose to know what their doing.

Tips for your next cut.

First, use electricians tap to mark your area. This is easy to remove and re tap if you need to balance out the cut.

Second. Use some kind of a Jig saw blade or hack saw blade. I find either cut the plastic very well.

Third, Sand off the burs with a medium grit sand paper, then go over it with fine. This will make it look like you took the time to do the work. It also makes it look some what of a factory look if you take your time.

Finally, enjoy and take pride in your work. No matter how it turns out. Keep practicing in what ever you do. You'll only get better. I have had friends pay me 30 bucks to cut fenders. They tell me how they want it and I do it they way I'm told.

Have fun and don't let some asshats get you down.

04-20-2006, 09:16 AM
This is my quad, and it took me a few hours to get the fenders just the way I liked it.

04-20-2006, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by 450R-acer73
Its about to bring the best outta my fist beatin the **** outta DOHC's face in a second
Im so scared :p , im just playing with yea man

04-20-2006, 03:16 PM
good job cuttin' man - esp. for dooin' it w/ a cut off wheel - I was pretty nervous cuttin' my 1st set ( on an old lt250) - like someone already said - try some sandpaper on the edges - then slightly hit it w/ a torch - yes slightly - - it'll put a nice finished edge on em' - just ignore the pricks comments around here - they'll go back to their 2 wheelers soon - they always do -

04-20-2006, 03:35 PM
hey lets all act like 9 year olds and find out who gets banned 1st. come one kids cant we just type and get along.

i do like the look of cut fenders but i like my bike functional not stylish. i have riden a 450r with its fenders off in the mud and mud was all i saw till we packed the track in. but that was just my experiance.

04-20-2006, 03:44 PM
my freinds 450r has fullbore fenders that are already cut on his, we mouth him about gettin muddy all the time until we get on the track and he smokes us. And if you like the way ur fenders look its ok, I personally dont like when people "cut" there fenders.. On my old 400ex I cut them and they didnt look good and I used a kit to cut mine and did everything right but the only way cut fenders look good is when you buy a manufacturers fenders and they are cut when u buy them....

04-20-2006, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the comments guys and keep em coming.I will have to get a pic of me and my friends biggest jump at his dads sandpit.I have been getting some good air off it and we are fixin up the pit and blocking it off so noone can get in but people we like cuz some ****ers rip up to be ***holes!:mad: Thanks again.

04-20-2006, 09:13 PM
I wasn't saying i didn't know where my tires were i was just saying i like the open look more then huge front fenders. Plus i dont know about many of you, but how much mud do you take your quads through. All of you are complaining about mud in your face. I use my 440ex for jumping if i wanted to mud with it i'd get a 4x4, I dont know why you all are getting on this kids case. Obviously he's using his 400ex for what it's made for JUMPING not mudding. So how about you not bash the kid, atleast he's riding and he's no poser. All i can say is keep riding man, dont worry about what other have to say!!!

04-20-2006, 11:15 PM
i think you did a nice job. Looks great now i just gotta cut mine

04-20-2006, 11:45 PM
I like em, nice job! yea, lol, I dont see why people are whining about the mud. If you didnt wanna ge muddy, you would have been smart enough not to cut em, so it's pretty obvious you plan on jumping and getting into mx. I like it a lot though.;)

04-21-2006, 12:58 PM
Thanks again for the comments on them.Im going to see today if I can get a video of me hittin the ramp once I get my hood on right.:mad:

Crazy lil punk
04-21-2006, 02:47 PM
ya man, if you like ur fenders then who cares, your the one riding your bike, you paid for your bike, so you can cut your fenders how u want, personally i like them, i want to do the same to my 400

04-21-2006, 04:49 PM
Thanks.Heres a couple pics with my Maier hood.I still gotta smooth out the part where I cut the front of the plastic.I like how it looks and with a little more work on it I can probally make it look even better.(like putting on black tie straps...)Here you go.


04-21-2006, 04:49 PM
One more...


04-21-2006, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by 450R-acer73
dude that looks.. bad and not in a good way... u shaved those fenders too much, why didnt u get the shave kit from rockymounain atv its like 4.95 and tells u exactly what to do.. You need new fenders now.. u ruined those I wouldnt ride with my quad lookin like that they are too pointed at the end too. i never seen this item in thier catalog

04-21-2006, 06:33 PM
pretty nice

04-21-2006, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by 450R-acer73
dude that looks.. bad and not in a good way... u shaved those fenders too much, why didnt u get the shave kit from rockymounain atv its like 4.95 and tells u exactly what to do.. You need new fenders now.. u ruined those I wouldnt ride with my quad lookin like that they are too pointed at the end too.

no one ever has anything nice to say.. :grr: :grr: :mad:

they look fine.. just sand them down a lil and ull be okay...

04-22-2006, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by 450R-acer73
why didnt u get the shave kit from rockymounain atv its like 4.95 and tells u exactly what to do..

cause thatd be like askin for directions or reading the instruction.. :huh

those are always last resort options after calling all your friends for their opinion.. :blah:

the fenders look fine.. im not cutting mine, cause right now the mud stops at the top of my boot and thats where id like it to stay..

ive often thought that if i did cut them, id use the excess to make air scoops..

04-22-2006, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by RangerRick
Thanks.Heres a couple pics with my Maier hood.I still gotta smooth out the part where I cut the front of the plastic.I like how it looks and with a little more work on it I can probally make it look even better.(like putting on black tie straps...)Here you go.


imo i think that looks REALLY bad on yellow plastics

04-22-2006, 09:16 AM
if your going to make a comment like that, your better off keeping it to yourself. im sure your 89 250x looks much better:rolleyes:

i like the cut and the hood is definitly original, keep it up man

04-22-2006, 11:28 AM
Looks like you did a fine job cutting the fenders but your quad looks wierd with cut fenders and a mx hood when the rest of the machine is basically stock.

04-22-2006, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by ny300exrider
if your going to make a comment like that, your better off keeping it to yourself. im sure your 89 250x looks much better:rolleyes:

i like the cut and the hood is definitly original, keep it up man

um yea mine does look better :huh

04-22-2006, 11:49 AM
Well whatever.I aint trying to start more fights here but I like mine how it is so it doesnt really matter what anyone thinks.If you like it good and if you dont whatever.By the way I am going to start setting it up for MX as I am going to get into racing next year.Everyone that sees me at the sandpit says I am good at jumping and turning especially for how old I am.Does anyone have some tips for me to get better?Anything would be appreciated.Thanks again.

04-22-2006, 11:50 AM
when i had my 400ex i had mine cut similar to urs but i cut the bottoms some more and it looked nice. i never really got any muddier but i just whent to tracks so who knows http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v367/250ex3/100_2464.jpg

04-22-2006, 11:50 AM
Oh and I do have a piston coming for an 11:1 comp ratio and I want to get a cam so itll be nice for me to get better on.

04-22-2006, 11:54 AM
im not saying its not nice i wish i had it but i dont think the carbonfiber looks good with yellow

04-22-2006, 12:02 PM
I dont have no problem with you I am just sayin I like it.Because of the members on this board I have learned so much so I dont want to make anyone here mad at me.:D

04-22-2006, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by RangerRick
Does anyone have some tips for me to get better?Anything would be appreciated.Thanks again.

go to some tracks that offer practice and ride as much as you can. hood looks good.:D

04-22-2006, 07:08 PM
nice dude i lik it alot ..nice job...why everyone gotta bash somthin a guys proud of..he wouldnt of put it on here just to here people talk bad about it..leave em alone its a nice job;)

04-22-2006, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by frickle400ex
nice dude i lik it alot ..nice job...why everyone gotta bash somthin a guys proud of..he wouldnt of put it on here just to here people talk bad about it..leave em alone its a nice job;)

he wouldnt put it on here if he didnt want peoples opinions :huh

im not bashing though

04-22-2006, 08:34 PM
nice fenders...... and hood...... arent fender cuts usually a little bit more cut in towards the back of the fender though?.....thats just the way i usually see them.... doesnt really matter though.... but now at least u will have a better view of the terrain your rollin over..........and one footed cans and can cans would be more noticable too

04-22-2006, 08:53 PM
Here you go Rick, (I'll make ya feel better!) when I shaved off my fenders way back in the day they were way more naked than yours:o 'course that project was a little affected by my dear friend Bud Light!:devil:

04-23-2006, 08:27 AM
lol im thinking 500ex and 450r acer must be freinds... and they are both pretty much dicks....

look! short fenders and i dont race mx Flame Me

thats ok though, looks like you did a decent job on the cut, ive cut 2 sets myself, one a little wider then yours and 1 a little shorter,,, have fun

04-23-2006, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by tjespo22
no one ever has anything nice to say.. :grr: :grr: :mad:

they look fine.. just sand them down a lil and ull be okay...

what kind of sally needs a kit to cut fenders anyway? lol screw him