View Full Version : Overly Advanced Timing

04-16-2006, 07:56 PM
Soon i will be putting a 416 11:1 compression piston in my quad. I was gonna use my curtis sparks 6 degree timing key in it but was told i will have detonation problems and have to run a higher octane. Long story short, i will be putting on an aftermarket rev box and since most have an advancement in timing will i still have to run a higher octane. I really dont wanna have to run anything higher than 93. If so which ones just raise the rev limiter that's all i want.


04-17-2006, 09:20 AM
if you are going to use the key i would recomend using a higher octane if not ur motor will loose power cause of pre or post ignition, ur power stroke will not be being used to its full potential the hight octane gas burns longer and more persice, the key will ignight ur air gas mixture a milla second early and because hight octane burns longer you get more power out of your motors power stroke

04-17-2006, 02:15 PM
That's why im not using it, im wanting to know if i use a rev box when i have an 11:1 piston in will the advancement in timing from it make me have to use a higher octane. Or is there one that doesnt advance the timing and just gives me a higher rev limit.


04-17-2006, 03:07 PM
My WB cdi advances the timing. I've done back to back tests with the stock box vs. WB and the extra advance on the WB box does make a difference regarding detonation. My 10:8:1 416 will detonate with 91 (the highest octane pump fuel available in my area) with either cdi but the onset of deto is delayed with the stock box. With either box I only detect deto under grueling conditions--like the end of a long, steep dune on a warm day. I can immediately stop the deto if I back out of the throttle a little--but who wants to do that?!?!

I've tried an ocatane booster fuel addative and that didn't seem to help (maybe it was just a poor product?). I'm switching to a race/pump mix so I don't have to worry about deto continuing.