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04-16-2006, 10:48 AM
Im trying to quit smoking, Im at the 2 day mark, but getting mad really easily, how long will it take for the cravings to go away?

and dont recommend the patch cause I dont need those

04-16-2006, 10:49 AM
quitting cold turkey?? that is what i need to do....good luck....

04-16-2006, 10:56 AM
Whenever you get a craving do something taht interests you. Go out and ride your quad, have sex, whatever.

You'll forget all about it if you immerse yourself in what you're doing.

04-16-2006, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Iliketogofast
Whenever you get a craving do something taht interests you. Go out and ride your quad, have sex, whatever.

You'll forget all about it if you immerse yourself in what you're doing.

well im goin quadin then to a party tonite, and when I get drunk, or high, I dont have the desire to smoke

04-16-2006, 12:55 PM
I tried smoke away, the patch, the gum, pretty much every trick under the sun. The only way I did successfully quit, is you have to WANT to quit. If you can get it in your head that you don't want that anymore, you will get sick of them. My anti-cigarette was my grandfather who just got Emphesema (sp?).

Another trick is buy the NASTIEST cigarettes you can think of, and chain smoke them until you throw up. Then, in theory, every time you think of having a smoke you will remember that and not want one.

For the really bad days at work, I bought a tin of chew and that took care of those "I'm going to kill someone" cravings.

Good luck.

04-16-2006, 01:22 PM
i quit about a year ago but i've started back up and recently the stress brought it on, i quit with cigars, it worked. My boss is all anti-smoker and hes such a b..... about it.

04-16-2006, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by DieselBoy
i quit about a year ago but i've started back up and recently the stress brought it on, i quit with cigars, it worked. My boss is all anti-smoker and hes such a b..... about it.

...and your boss has good reason to be that way. I myself, always wonder, what is the exact reason for a person to even START smoking?? Any reason someone will give you is self-centered or ridiculous I can guarantee you that. I see all these kids smoking today, and the only reason I see for them to start smoking is SOCIAL in nature. Only the "cool" kids smoke so you better do that if you want to be "in". I can understand someone who has been smoking for a long time, and now MUST smoke due to a physiological addiction.

I CANNOT, however, understand anybody's reasons for starting smoking. Anyone that chooses to start smoking is foolish, and is simply wasting away their bodies and bank accounts on this mindless crap. I am taking pathology (study of diseases) right now, and you would not believe the amount of complications and peripheral diseases that come from smoking tobacco (not counting primary lung cancer).

My advice to the current smoker: QUIT BEFORE YOU ARE 25!! After that age, your lungs' natural ability to heal and remove potential carcinogens is greatly diminished, causing a much higher increase for cancer. I wish people would start using their heads and become educated about using this legal killer instead of trying so hard to be cool. People are so ignorant of the truth it just isn't even funny :rolleyes:

04-16-2006, 03:32 PM
start dipping

04-16-2006, 03:44 PM
well nacsmxer,not everyone lives in a perfect world that you lived in,i started smoking when i was 12,i am now 32.YES,WAS STUPID!!! Peer pressure from freinds or so-called freinds,which i am sure that is what you are thinking,when you are that age the urge to be cool,to stand out and just being one of the crowd is extreme.every one puts that on us.(to stand out) so before you go talking the talk,you must walk the walk. now,i am not trying to start a fight or anything but everybodies lives are different.i wish i would have never started smoking and i wish the world will just do away with cigerettes. to keep cigerettes away from children will be very hard and i wish the government was able to do something about it cause now i pretty much feel the same way you do. but in the past,it was different...

04-16-2006, 04:32 PM
my mom smoked for years and years, and she quit cuz when i was young i saw something about it on TV and about lung cancer and things like that and my grandma died from cancer...when i saw it on Tv i asked my mom if she was gonan die from it too? and it made her think and now she hasnt smoked in over a decade, and has no desire to...I can honestly say that the only time i tried it was when i was 7 and it tried 1 hit and i about threw up so i never wanted to do it and i never will....i have too many things i want to achieve and have...

Calculate how much u will save, if u smoke 3 packs a week thats roughly 15 dollars (here it is about 5 bucks a pack) 15X4 is 60...then 60X12 is 720...almost a grand a year...if u make the average house hold income witch is about 40-50 grand, thats around 1.5 to 2 percent of your income...THATS ALOT! all for a habbit that u dont need and does nothing good 4 u...not to menton kill u sooner

04-16-2006, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Honda400exrox
Im trying to quit smoking, Im at the 2 day mark, but getting mad really easily, how long will it take for the cravings to go away?

and dont recommend the patch cause I dont need those

high, drunk and u smoke cigs?

ur like 16-17...how old do u have to be in the almighty north to do all this stuff?

04-16-2006, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by insaneracin2003
well nacsmxer,not everyone lives in a perfect world that you lived in,i started smoking when i was 12,i am now 32.YES,WAS STUPID!!! Peer pressure from freinds or so-called freinds,which i am sure that is what you are thinking,when you are that age the urge to be cool,to stand out and just being one of the crowd is extreme.every one puts that on us.(to stand out) so before you go talking the talk,you must walk the walk. now,i am not trying to start a fight or anything but everybodies lives are different.i wish i would have never started smoking and i wish the world will just do away with cigerettes. to keep cigerettes away from children will be very hard and i wish the government was able to do something about it cause now i pretty much feel the same way you do. but in the past,it was different...

No offense taken..;) I was simply trying to point out that people loose sight of the real danger they are putting themselves in all for the sake of being "cool". I just find it appalling how a substance so so harmful in reality, becomes normalized and "ok" to do just because everyone else does it. It is straight-up denial of reality and fact while accepting a socially-constructed comfort zone that is completely false. I mean, call me stupid, but that is pretty much true.

I agree that peer pressure is a strong influence with this issue, but an even stronger influence is a person's integrity and character. That, is what separates you from everyone else. All of my friends smoke now, even those who did not a few years ago. It is my own choice that keeps me away from that stuff. My point is, just don't justify any reason at all to start smoking, because it is just a false justification.

I would also like to point out that choosing to smoke does not make you a bad person in any way. It is just a very poor decision to make.

04-16-2006, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by mjpridered10
high, drunk and u smoke cigs?

ur like 16-17...how old do u have to be in the almighty north to do all this stuff?

LOL@ALMIGHTY NORTH.... 19 to buy cigarettes, 19 to buy alcohol, drugs: Illegal...

it's now illegal for people to smoke pot for medical reasons (even if prescribed) you will be charged, recently changed it...

04-16-2006, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer

I would also like to point out that choosing to smoke does not make you a bad person in any way. It is just a very poor decision to make. [/B]
And I do agree with that!!

04-30-2006, 05:32 PM
i quit smokin, dippin december 12th 2005 and the first week sucked but every week you go it gets better until it levels off. it is late april and i still crave nicotine. make it to your first week and youll be alrite.eventually you will forget about it. you can't quit unless you want to do it. my mom tried to make me quit and it didn't work. i know ppl that quit and they told me it can be 20 years later and you will still crave it. so all i can say is try. also chew cinamin gum. good luck man p.s. lay off the pot, way worse than ciggs

04-30-2006, 05:36 PM
i also quite cold turkey, its harder to do but faster than patches
also i would say hard cravings quit after a month

04-30-2006, 05:44 PM
My mom quit 5 years ago when my dad retired from work . She threw the pack out and that was it .... that's after smoking 2 or 3 packs a day for the last 30 years . If she can do it , anyone can .

The way it's going in Ontario , you won't be able to smoke anywhere , the way I like it !!!:devil:

04-30-2006, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
...and your boss has good reason to be that way. I myself, always wonder, what is the exact reason for a person to even START smoking?? Any reason someone will give you is self-centered or ridiculous I can guarantee you that. I see all these kids smoking today, and the only reason I see for them to start smoking is SOCIAL in nature. Only the "cool" kids smoke so you better do that if you want to be "in". I can understand someone who has been smoking for a long time, and now MUST smoke due to a physiological addiction.

I CANNOT, however, understand anybody's reasons for starting smoking. Anyone that chooses to start smoking is foolish, and is simply wasting away their bodies and bank accounts on this mindless crap. I am taking pathology (study of diseases) right now, and you would not believe the amount of complications and peripheral diseases that come from smoking tobacco (not counting primary lung cancer).

My advice to the current smoker: QUIT BEFORE YOU ARE 25!! After that age, your lungs' natural ability to heal and remove potential carcinogens is greatly diminished, causing a much higher increase for cancer. I wish people would start using their heads and become educated about using this legal killer instead of trying so hard to be cool. People are so ignorant of the truth it just isn't even funny :rolleyes:

very well said

04-30-2006, 10:08 PM
I had surgery on April 14. I smoked my last cigarette on April 13. Doc said smoking would take longer for my bones to heal.It is May 1. I cannot say that i dont want one,but i can say Im not going to smoke one.I smoked for almost 24yrs. I am now 38. This is something that you must really want. Like seeing that new quad at the stealership(I ment to say stealer and not dealer) or the one for sale in the classifieds.You know you get that feeling Im getting that one. You do all you can and you get it. Great Job. That is how you have to be about quiting smoking.Its hard to do but in the end you can look at yourself in the mirror and say GREAT JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2006, 11:22 AM
I've been smoking for a year and it's just way too hard to quit because all of my friend's smoke.

05-01-2006, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
I've been smoking for a year and it's just way too hard to quit because all of my friend's smoke. Hooray for willpower! Get new friends? You'll think different when you're 85 with a hole the size of a golf ball in your throat. Or maybe you'll be thinking how badass you and your friends were when you were smoking.

05-01-2006, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
...and your boss has good reason to be that way. I myself, always wonder, what is the exact reason for a person to even START smoking?? Any reason someone will give you is self-centered or ridiculous I can guarantee you that. I see all these kids smoking today, and the only reason I see for them to start smoking is SOCIAL in nature. Only the "cool" kids smoke so you better do that if you want to be "in". I can understand someone who has been smoking for a long time, and now MUST smoke due to a physiological addiction.

I CANNOT, however, understand anybody's reasons for starting smoking. Anyone that chooses to start smoking is foolish, and is simply wasting away their bodies and bank accounts on this mindless crap. I am taking pathology (study of diseases) right now, and you would not believe the amount of complications and peripheral diseases that come from smoking tobacco (not counting primary lung cancer).

My advice to the current smoker: QUIT BEFORE YOU ARE 25!! After that age, your lungs' natural ability to heal and remove potential carcinogens is greatly diminished, causing a much higher increase for cancer. I wish people would start using their heads and become educated about using this legal killer instead of trying so hard to be cool. People are so ignorant of the truth it just isn't even funny :rolleyes:

That is a pretty ignorant response. Just because you don't smoke doesn't mean that people who do's reason for smoking is to be "cool".

I personally started smoking about freshman/sophmore year of highschool when i was rediculously tanked at a buddies house, and decided to smoke one of his mom's cigs to watch teh fire on the tip or something stupid. Anyways, it was a terrible idea and i've been smoking ever since. I was down from a pack a day to 2 cigs a day and about to quit when me and my ex broke up, so Ive been back at a pack a day ever since. I'll quit once I find the right lady to keep me motivated again.

05-01-2006, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by insaneracin2003
well nacsmxer,not everyone lives in a perfect world that you lived in,i started smoking when i was 12,i am now 32.YES,WAS STUPID!!! Peer pressure from freinds or so-called freinds,which i am sure that is what you are thinking,when you are that age the urge to be cool,to stand out and just being one of the crowd is extreme.every one puts that on us.(to stand out) so before you go talking the talk,you must walk the walk. now,i am not trying to start a fight or anything but everybodies lives are different.i wish i would have never started smoking and i wish the world will just do away with cigerettes. to keep cigerettes away from children will be very hard and i wish the government was able to do something about it cause now i pretty much feel the same way you do. but in the past,it was different...

Hear that, I'm playing my violin for you dude. What you just said is an excuse, everybody deals with the same peer pressure if you party with friends that smoke. NACSMXER could not of said it better on his first post.

MRH Racing
05-01-2006, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
That is a pretty ignorant response. Just because you don't smoke doesn't mean that people who do's reason for smoking is to be "cool".

I personally started smoking about freshman/sophmore year of highschool when i was rediculously tanked at a buddies house, and decided to smoke one of his mom's cigs to watch teh fire on the tip or something stupid. Anyways, it was a terrible idea and i've been smoking ever since. I was down from a pack a day to 2 cigs a day and about to quit when me and my ex broke up, so Ive been back at a pack a day ever since. I'll quit once I find the right lady to keep me motivated again.

Same here.

I actually still smoke when I am drunk.

i would say I smoke maybe a pack a year, Whenever I am at partys and get drunk I smoke 2 or 3 cigs.

But I could never see myself getting addicted to them first try like you did.

I smoke cigs at partys but then after I sober up. I have no desire to smoke one at all.

I dont believe people that say everyone gets hooked on them the first time you smoke one.

Cuz like I said, Whenever I drink, I end up smoking something (pot, cigs)

But, could never even imagine relying on any of it daily.... would be terrible.

05-01-2006, 01:53 PM
Dont go part.. go have sex lol... dont talk to anyone you can get mad at easily... dont go riding in the woods were it is relaxing because it makes you want one... thats what i did:) its been 1 year and 4 months:) you can do it man

05-01-2006, 02:21 PM
I got addicted because every weekend for about a month me and my friends would smoke pot and get drunk, then we would all have a colt, then I got addicted to tobacco

05-01-2006, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
That is a pretty ignorant response. Just because you don't smoke doesn't mean that people who do's reason for smoking is to be "cool".

I personally started smoking about freshman/sophmore year of highschool when i was rediculously tanked at a buddies house, and decided to smoke one of his mom's cigs to watch teh fire on the tip or something stupid. Anyways, it was a terrible idea and i've been smoking ever since. I was down from a pack a day to 2 cigs a day and about to quit when me and my ex broke up, so Ive been back at a pack a day ever since. I'll quit once I find the right lady to keep me motivated again.

I'm sorry, but don't call my response ignorant since I didn't think of the "I started smoking cigs because I tried them when I was drunk" or the "I started smoking cigs because someone held a gun to my head" scenarios. Got any other great reasons people start smoking? I stand by what I stated in all my posts. What I said does not cover every individual, i'm simply pointing out an obvious trend.

So you're telling me, that you were drunk, never smoked before and decided to try it... I can understand that. So later on a couple days later you were sober and then decided it would be a good idea to start this habit?? Either you don't have much sense, you have an oral fixation, or you were influenced by other people who smoke and that got the ball rolling for you.. What exactly was your reason for starting.......when you were SOBER? Don't tell me you were already addicted by the time you sobered up now.

05-01-2006, 04:37 PM
It was more of me being 14-15 years old drunk, smoking a few cigs which made me feel great when i was drunk, then trying a few after that to see if I would get that same feeling sober, and then it was all down hill from there. Im not defending smoking at all, I wish I had the courage to quit cold turkey like this guy is doing, I just find it ignorant for you to label everyone who smokes as initially starting to try to be cool or to fit into a crowd.

I dont really understand how you can copare starting when you're drunk to starting with someone holding a gun to your head, but alright.

Obviously no one can get addicted when theyre sober. Alot of my buddies smoked, so after that initial night curiousity took over, then habit, then addiction. I know you're dead right that most people probably do start to try to be cool, but don't assume everyone is the same. Who knows, maybe someones wife cheated on him, so he needed a release? You never know.

05-01-2006, 05:01 PM
I am trying to point out that I am not labeling EVERYBODY as such. I am simply taking notice to the mass amounts of kids these days who start smoking for due to social reasons, it is getting pretty bad.

And the whole gun to the head comment I was being sarcastic. I said that because most reasons for starting to smoke are not good ones at all. My point is that there is really no good reason to start.

I don't mean any animosity towards you at all and I hope you can conjure up the will power to quit someday before it's too late.
I am nobody to tell someone what to do, it is their life. There are smart choices in life and there are not so smart choices in life... I will leave it at that :o

05-01-2006, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by LuckyOxygen
start dipping

yea i chew

05-01-2006, 05:15 PM
its pretty hard not to smoke at work, ecspecially if it is raining.

05-01-2006, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
I am trying to point out that I am not labeling EVERYBODY as such. I am simply taking notice to the mass amounts of kids these days who start smoking for due to social reasons, it is getting pretty bad.

And the whole gun to the head comment I was being sarcastic. I said that because most reasons for starting to smoke are not good ones at all. My point is that there is really no good reason to start.

I don't mean any animosity towards you at all and I hope you can conjure up the will power to quit someday before it's too late.
I am nobody to tell someone what to do, it is their life. There are smart choices in life and there are not so smart choices in life... I will leave it at that :o

Yea man, I agree with you 100%. It's true that tons of kids are getting hooked on these death sticks everyday to try to look cool in front of their friends. It's just sad and stupid these days with all we know about the harmful effects and risks taht go along with them.

05-01-2006, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
Yea man, I agree with you 100%. It's true that tons of kids are getting hooked on these death sticks everyday to try to look cool in front of their friends. It's just sad and stupid these days with all we know about the harmful effects and risks taht go along with them.

Our country is very well educated on the harms of smoking.

In the 50's and 60's everyone smoked if you DIDN'T smoke you were an outcast.

Our country has the least % of people that smoke compared to european countries.

Go over to London or any other european city. EVERYONE smokes!!

But our country *****es about it the most.

Factory 450r
05-01-2006, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Honda400exrox
well im goin quadin then to a party tonite, and when I get drunk, or high, I dont have the desire to smoke

Thats weird, everytime I drink or get high I smoke ALOT more than I would normally. I'm 17 and have smoked since I was 12, and I congratulate anybody who can quit:cool:

05-01-2006, 09:56 PM
get you some levi garrett extra chew!

smells like dog food but sure is good

Factory 450r
05-01-2006, 10:03 PM
I seriously wouldn't start chewing instead of smoking. They are both harmful and equally addictive.

I chewed throughout my freshman and sophomore year in High school for weight lifting since we couldn't smoke, and I did quit smoking for a while, but then I found myself trying just as hard to quit chewing.

Stick with the smoking, girls accept smoking more anyway than chewing:D

05-01-2006, 11:37 PM
smoking is WAY more harmfull then chew or dip

i used to dip quit now i chew im not addicted to chew bt i sure like it

Factory 450r
05-01-2006, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by 89honda 250x
smoking is WAY more harmfull then chew or dip

i used to dip quit now i chew im not addicted to chew bt i sure like it

Irrelevant.... I didn't think I was addicted to smoking after 4 years when I was 16 and tryed to quit...

Smoking and chewing/dippin is equally dangerous

Chew/dip- you have a risk of tongue/lip/mouth cancer

Do smokers have as much risk of mouth cancer? Nope

Smoking- risk of Lung cancer/emphesema

Do Chewers have as much risk for lung cancer? Nope

Now tell me how smoking is more harmful....

At least the effects of smoking are in your lungs, rather than rotted gums and teeth


05-02-2006, 12:17 AM
my dad is 48 been dipping sence he was 13 nothing wrong with him

my friend is 16 been smoking for 4 years cant walk up a flight of stairs without stoping

you can live without gums and teeth

you cant live without lungs :p

05-02-2006, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by 89honda 250x
smoking is WAY more harmfull then chew or dip

i used to dip quit now i chew im not addicted to chew bt i sure like it

yea so instead of a hole in ur throat u get gum cancer rot ur teeth away and get a hole in your lip sounds like the smart alternative

05-02-2006, 05:02 AM
anybody can quit. they just got to WANT to quit.... its all in your head.. i've heard so many people say they tried and theres no way they can. thats bull crap.... they didnt want to...

05-02-2006, 10:25 AM
chew is the nastiest crap there is

marbrolo (sp?) menthol for me

05-02-2006, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by JR3
yea so instead of a hole in ur throat u get gum cancer rot ur teeth away and get a hole in your lip sounds like the smart alternative

Exactly !!!

But hey think of it this way . As long as he's not smoking , it's not killing the others around him .... only destroying himself .

Just recently they've banned smoking in all public places here in Ontario . That means bars , restaurants , buildings , etc . You have to be atleast 30 feet away from a public entrance to smoke . If you get caught it's a $500 fine . I love it !!!!

There was nothing worse than going to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal , only to have someone sitting behind you light up a smoke and ruin it all . I used to go to the bars , come home , strip off all my clothes and throw them outside for the night so that they could air out cuz they smelt so nasty .

05-02-2006, 11:34 AM
I do not mind people smoking, it's their bodies. The one thing I absolitely HATE is 2nd hand smoke. I hate being around it, thats how it effects me..

05-02-2006, 11:43 AM
i smoked for 20+ yrs.. i decided to quit and then about 5yrs ago i quit..

you truly must want to stop..

there are more reasons to stop smoking than keep smoking.. mostly $4 per day * 365..

i bought my EX with the money i saved..

whether some may understand it or not, i actually enjoyed smoking a cig at the end of a day over an icy mug of beer at the tavern where my buds were..

fire that bad boy up and feel it hit your lungs.. that warm twinge followed by the cool air of the bar.. blow out a big cloud and stop right at the end to make a ring... mmmm.... mmmmm... yea boy...

if it wasnt killing me physically and finacially..

i can taste foods and drinks.. run farther(playing with my kids..)

id forgotton what it was like..

until youve quit.. truly quit.. youll never know..

05-02-2006, 12:25 PM
My problem isnt smokin, I dip cope long cut im prolly not gonna stop any time soon though cuz im not a quitter. lol

05-02-2006, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by 89honda 250x
my dad is 48 been dipping sence he was 13 nothing wrong with him

my friend is 16 been smoking for 4 years cant walk up a flight of stairs without stoping

you can live without gums and teeth

you cant live without lungs :p

Thats my whole take on it too. Don't get me wrong chewing is in no way healthy for you but it has less effect on the body then smoking. Smoking screws with your respitory system and chewing doesnt.

05-02-2006, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by PismoLocal
Thats my whole take on it too. Don't get me wrong chewing is in no way healthy for you but it has less effect on the body then smoking. Smoking screws with your respitory system and chewing doesnt.

wow only 1 person agrees with me :D

05-02-2006, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by PismoLocal
Thats my whole take on it too. Don't get me wrong chewing is in no way healthy for you but it has less effect on the body then smoking. Smoking screws with your respitory system and chewing doesnt.

yup, i have never smoked, and i never will....both my parents smoke like crazy and i have tried but i cant get them to stop. my dad has even almost had a heart attack while he was at work last year, but he hasnt stopped. he has also had blood clotts in his legs, all it would take is one of those to goto his heart and he would die.....its terrible.........please guys, dont start smoking, besides looking like an idiot....it kills you

05-02-2006, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by flybyyou440ex
i quit smokin, dippin december 12th 2005 and the first week sucked but every week you go it gets better until it levels off. it is late april and i still crave nicotine. make it to your first week and youll be alrite.eventually you will forget about it. you can't quit unless you want to do it. my mom tried to make me quit and it didn't work. i know ppl that quit and they told me it can be 20 years later and you will still crave it. so all i can say is try. also chew cinamin gum. good luck man p.s. lay off the pot, way worse than ciggs

pot is good for your heart!

05-02-2006, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by PismoLocal
My problem isnt smokin, I dip cope long cut im prolly not gonna stop any time soon though cuz im not a quitter. lol that crap is hard to quit too, i finaly did though, 5 weeks ago. sun flower seeds really do help.

05-02-2006, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
yup, i have never smoked, and i never will....both my parents smoke like crazy and i have tried but i cant get them to stop. my dad has even almost had a heart attack while he was at work last year, but he hasnt stopped. he has also had blood clotts in his legs,
all it would take is one of those to goto his heart and he would die.....its terrible.........please guys, dont start smoking, besides looking like an idiot....it kills you

This is exactly the type of horrible complications from smoking that I previously mentioned. Smoking causes and accelerates Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries/ blockage of arteries due to plaque build up).

Another terrible warning sign you mentioned was the fact that he almost had a heart attack and the fact that he has had blood clots in his lower extremities. Those clots are called deep leg vein thromboses (aka plaque). If a thrombus becomes mobile (thromboembolus), it will enter the lungs 1st and block the pulmonary artery thereby shutting blood flow to the heart completely. If that ever happens to your dad, he has a maximum of 25 minutes to live and hopefullly get treatment.

It is appalling that your dad knows about these conditions, yet continues to smoke. You really need to get him more educated on the facts. We don't want death being the last thing to open your parents eyes to what is really going on :( ;)

05-02-2006, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by wckedclownz69
pot is good for your heart!
lmfao yea it is also good for your lungs and even better for the brain cells

05-02-2006, 06:29 PM
wen i smoke pot, i feel lyke i em da smurtest kid in skcool..u dun feel dat way erebodie?

Don't smoke, or you won't be kidding when you type like that.

05-02-2006, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by NacsMXer
This is exactly the type of horrible complications from smoking that I previously mentioned. Smoking causes and accelerates Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries/ blockage of arteries due to plaque build up).

Another terrible warning sign you mentioned was the fact that he almost had a heart attack and the fact that he has had blood clots in his lower extremities. Those clots are called deep leg vein thromboses (aka plaque). If a thrombus becomes mobile (thromboembolus), it will enter the lungs 1st and block the pulmonary artery thereby shutting blood flow to the heart completely. If that ever happens to your dad, he has a maximum of 25 minutes to live and hopefullly get treatment.

It is appalling that your dad knows about these conditions, yet continues to smoke. You really need to get him more educated on the facts. We don't want death being the last thing to open your parents eyes to what is really going on :( ;)

yah, its hard to talk to him cuz he just blows it off and acts like he's invincible or something. he just ignorant, he thinks that he's healthy when he's not......my grandmother had a heart attack and that caused her to quit smokin, and she is 70+ now and is very active....i was thinking to myself yesterday that i wish something would happen to him, but not hurt him, so that it would open his eyes. i feel like there's nothin i can do and it sucks

and of course 2nd hand smoke isnt good either, and i used to have really bad asthma, so its not good for me. i heard about some singer that used to perform in night clubs, who got lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke and died at a young age. i think im just gonna snap one day and tell them everytime i find a pack of cigarettes im throwin them in the garbage, and eventually the money loss will get to them......
idk.......but i need to do something soon, before its too late or ill hate myself forever when something bad happens