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View Full Version : No More Brooklyn Riding?

Mike Steel
04-15-2006, 11:30 PM
Every Brooklyn rider out here watch out because some Jerkoff in gerritsen beach wanted to be a dik and run over a lil kid with his bike now the parks dept is cracking down on every Brooklyn spot there is ... I went by diaomonds today and there was a full raid in effect and the guy there said Fountain is next . PARKS SHOULD WAKE THE *** UP AND GIVE US A LEGIT PLACE TO RIDE THEN YOU WOULDNT HAVE AS$HOLES RUNNIN LIL KIDS OVER! Just a warning to all that ride in Brooklyn......... MY QUAD DOESNT HAVE BRAKES ANYMORE!

04-16-2006, 08:35 AM
damn man that really sucks, i live on long island and i know what its like to be strapped for legal riding spots. it seemed like you guys had some alright spots to ride but like they say, one @sshole can ruin everybody's day. we need a legal riding area!!

Mike Steel
04-16-2006, 09:28 AM
I say we plan a protest Even though many riders arent going to be willing to take out their bikes and quads without real riding we need to show our numbers! There are over 350,000 registered OHV's in NYC !. I will see what permits are needed to do it legit and we should all take out our quads and bikes and park them on the LAWN IN CENTRAL PARK or MAYBE BLOCK OFF ALL THE BRIGDES LIKE THE IMIGRANTS DO then maybe will will get rights also! Seriously SOME news coverage might be just what we all need so the STATE OF NEW YORK could stop STEALING our money for registration fees . The STATE OF NY has stole my money for years and still hasnt provided a place to ride for any of us. YOu wait and see even if it is only myself with one quad I am going to stop and unload and just sit there with my quad untill people get really pissed of and realize its the STATE and CITY of NEW YORKS FAULT!

04-16-2006, 09:57 AM
Mike if you get enough people together you will be heard.But be careful when doing it.We Atvers already got a bad name out there.Just keep it clean and legit and get as many people together.Good luck check us out at www.atvnewengland.com

Mike Steel
04-16-2006, 05:20 PM
Oh I know Gixxer , Trust me the bad name we have is the reason that we dont have a place to ride! I am actually the president of a OHV club and I have spent 6 years doing it the legit way and by the books and the state and city still screw us. They are ROBBING our registration fees and even worse trying to say that they do use the funds towards trails ... YEA IN WESTBUBBA****SVILLE NY by Canada! How about some designated riding areas for the 350,000 registered OHV's in the 5 boroughs? what about our rights? Well thats why I am going to find out what permits I need to protest and when I get all the right paper work I am going to try and get as many of the OHV owners out with thier bikes and quads untill it makes the news and people wont take it anymore and demand a riding spot. If enough people just opened thier mouth it would be built allready but most people are allready pissed off to the point they think nothing will ever happen in our favor. Call your local news and I bet you they dont even pay attention to you or your story even if it proves that NYC registration fees were misused ! Dont worry I am a adult with the best intentions for us riders and stupid actions only bring bad reactions . I am in this to make OHV riding a RECONIZED RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY that is safe, familly orientated and should not be considered Criminals! Thanks for the input

04-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Seriously this is the way it goes, I will break it down like this since I have been riding atvs non stop for over12 years now in the same spots without any type of police issue.

When the weather warms, all the retards come out. They overfill the spots, someone gets hurt, and thats the end of that spot.

Riding quads in NYC in seasonable, you ride them in the fall till Easter which is usually the season ending. Cops do not like cold weather, cold mud puddles etc.. they do not want to get out of the car. Cold days keeps people in the house, which means more riding space for you.

This cycle has been in effect since like 1992 for me. I make all my trails, jumps, tracks in sept through october, then ride all winter. No one else rides but me and a friend, I have over 50 acres or more to myself. When it gets warm, people come and flood it like it all good, then come the cops.

Warm weather means street riding and jet skiing....

Fountain is not run by Parks department whom have hard-ons for bikes, Cops do not care only when you act like a fool or ride on the street...... We ride every sunday with them watching us do wheelies back and forth, act respectfull to them and they give the same respect back over there, and also riding with 2 cops makes it easier.

04-18-2006, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by C.Processing

Fountain is not run by Parks department whom have hard-ons for bikes, Cops do not care only when you act like a fool or ride on the street...... We ride every sunday with them watching us do wheelies back and forth, act respectfull to them and they give the same respect back over there, and also riding with 2 cops makes it easier.

same with one city down here.there is a huge dirt pit that everybody goes too.the cops dont care as long as we stay in the dirt.but we have the morons that decide to go up and down the street all day long.there is a bussiness with a security gaurds that calls the cops all day long.the cops will show up in the morning and tell everybody to keep it in the dirt.but in the afternoon the cops get tired of the calls from gaurds and show up to give everybody the boot whether they are on the dirt or not.people and towns/states are the same.the states/towns dont get the point that if they give us a place to ride we wont be riding where we dont belong and people dont get the point that if they do what the cops say and keep it in the dirt they wont be bothered.

Mike Steel
04-18-2006, 04:49 PM
I hear that C. I want to check it out but I didnt feel like dealing with the PArks J/o's The cops are usually cool like you said if your not being a ahole So Ill defintly let you know when Im gonna come down there

04-18-2006, 06:01 PM
That really sucks. I'm right over the river and heard good things about that area. I hear you on registration, steal the money and put it in thier pockets. I dont register my quad and never will.

At least they only raid. A ranger here in NJ shot and killed some guy on a quad.

Mike Steel
04-19-2006, 03:08 PM
Yea I heard about that , Thats Fn nutz . See some people take their job wayyyyyyyy to seriously oh and why the F should they be carrying pistols anyway? Either way you let me know when you want to ride and Ill make sure you get to see them.