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View Full Version : El Camino

04-08-2006, 03:16 PM
OK, My mechanic/friend wants to sell me a 1985 El Camino. $1,800. 65K miles. This would be my first car. What do you think? The title has it listed under truck. I neds a paint job and a little TLC. Has new interior, and exhaust. A/C, power windows. Needs bumpers, but i might be getting them with it. New bed lining, and tires are OK. What do you guys say? What would you do? I have some money, and if I do get it, i will get my parents to pay for the rest and then pay them off over the summer.

04-08-2006, 03:39 PM
sounds like a pritt good deal , but i would offer $1500 cash and see if he takes it.

04-08-2006, 07:49 PM
Caminos are awsome. Either you love them or hate em. I would go for it if its in good shape or needs small work. Check the floor pans behind the seats to see if they are rusted through and the X member under the bed. Both are known for rusting out on caminos. Post some pics if you buy it.

04-08-2006, 07:54 PM
Only 65k on the clock and its an 85! :eek:

04-08-2006, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
Only 65k on the clock and its an 85! :eek:

ya but with those old odemoeters u dont know how many times it already roled around cuz they start over at 100,000

so it could be 165,000

04-08-2006, 08:13 PM
If it only has 65, definately get it. If it's 165k still probly get it.

Those things are pimp... slam it and hit it with some 22's, airbags, rollpan, front pan, ect.... It would be sick. Or, you could lift it...:devil:

Plus, you can haul your quad around it.