View Full Version : Tired of Barry Bonds...

04-05-2006, 05:05 PM
I don't know if this has really been brought up on here but I am just about to snap if I have to keep seeing about Barry Bonds and his steroid use. I feel that it is very apparent he has used some sort of steroid and or performance enhancing drug. The guy went from like 190 lbs. to 240 lbs of solid muscle. With all the accusations and so on, why do they continue to still let him play so the media can keep focusing on bringing up the issue? I think he is a joke to baseball present as well as its past when he is compared to Maris or Mantle when the closest thing to a steriod those guys got to was a steak. I just wondered if anyone else who follows baseball is tired of hearing about him and feels the same way. Also did anyone see where the fan threw the siringe at him? That just shows that his image to the public is a joke anymore. Just my worthless 2 cents. :rolleyes:

04-05-2006, 05:25 PM
i agree, everyone knows he did it and im sick of the media talking about it. Thats all i hear/read in Sports illistrated and ESPN

04-05-2006, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by PolarisRider
i agree, everyone knows he did it and im sick of the media talking about it. Thats all i hear/read in Sportsi llistrated and ESPN