View Full Version : bent stock axle

04-03-2006, 07:38 PM
has anyone bent their 06 axle?/ my bike is only 4 months old so its still covered ..i gotta call my dealer to see what they say.i dont race..bikes only got about 15 hrs on it..i thought i had bent the wheel when i slid into our lift in the garage.i just replaced the wheels thinking that they were bent..well that wasn't the case ..took the wheel of today to see if it was the hub..it wasn't it the whole axle..i didn't hit the lift that hard..do they suck that bad..just want some opinions..if they wont replace it under warranty..what should i replace it with..and should i replace the hubs too..can i do it myself ..(axle replacment) or should i take it somewhere..not too mechanically inclined but my dad is/...sorry for the long post..any help would be appreciated

04-03-2006, 07:50 PM
i think the factory only covers it if it is a factory default...

04-03-2006, 08:53 PM
yeah i dont know if the factory will cover that. but i have a stock axle if your interested. i'll sell it to u for $25.

Over-land 450r
04-03-2006, 08:56 PM
i garrenty they wont. its not hard to change an axle 30-45minz with the right tools and no problems. i have a stock axle if you want but its an 05' but there the same i think. correct me if im wrong anybody...

04-07-2006, 09:13 AM
they will cover it ONLY if it is a manufacturing defect on the axle and i doubt that.

it is pretty easy to replace the axle.

take off wheels and hubs. leave on the chain for now. i would losen the sprocket bolts though. take off the rear caliper. loosen the axle nuts. i use a 15 inch cresent wrench and a pipe wrench. take the snap ring off. slide the rotor off. slide the caliper bracket off. (may take a bit of gental forcing). take the chain off. should slide out thru the chain side. replace the sprocket, GREASE generously, put back and reverse the process. MAKE SURE THE 0 RINGS GET BACK ON PROPERLY.

if you have the money i would go with a dominator by prm or even the D2.

but if not i would jump all over the $25 dollar axle someone already offered you.

04-07-2006, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by gbcap
if you have the money i would go with a dominator by prm or even the D2.

Do you mean RPM? I don't think PRM makes axles.

BTW, the factory won't cover your bent axle. That is something that is attributed to you riding your quad, not something that factory screwed up on while building it.