View Full Version : Yamaha Raptor

07-29-2002, 03:31 PM
I went looking for a 400ex today. The place I went didnt have one, so he asked me am I interested in a Raptor. Im not really. I would like to have one, but a little too much $$. Well, we were talkin and he asked if he could come up with a good Raptor for around 3000-4000, would I be interested. Of course, I said maybe. I havent seen it, dont know the model, or anything. If it looks good and runs alright, would it be worth it. Or do you think theres something BAD wrong?

07-29-2002, 04:00 PM
Your asking Honda riders if you should by a rap tird?
But seriously, my friend bought the '02 raptor because the
'01 had so many problems. He says he likes it but deep down inside, I believe he wishes he would have gotten the 400ex.
The raptor is more top heavy and doesn't handle as smooth
in the air or on knarly terrain as the 400ex.
I personally would still buy a 400ex, stay away from '01
raptors because of possible defects that can get quite costly.

Sleeping Catfish
07-29-2002, 05:37 PM
there are a large amount of dealers still trying to unload brand new 2001 models according to people at the connection. don't buy a 2001 model.

07-29-2002, 07:02 PM
thank you guys for the info. Ill stay away from '01 raptors and possibly all raptors for that matter.

08-02-2002, 12:03 PM
I'd stay away from the '01 Raptors. Depends what type of riding you're planning on doing. If you ride sand dunes, the Raptor will run circles around the 400ex, but if you are looking at trail or track riding I'd go with the 400ex any day. I've owned both and that's my opinion/ $0.02.

08-02-2002, 02:37 PM
I'd buy a rat-turd for $3000.

08-02-2002, 04:02 PM
or go to a farm, get a rat and sell the turds for $3000:blah

08-02-2002, 08:30 PM
yep tell him if is a 01 put 02 gears and clutch in it;)

08-03-2002, 08:29 AM
yeah if its an 01 flip him off, moon him and get the heck outta there

08-13-2002, 09:12 AM
I think you should give the z400 a look before you make a decision, just my opinion

08-13-2002, 12:40 PM
my buddy just bought a 2001 Raptor and the thing is useless in the trails, cant even get it out of 1st and he never got it out of 3rd all day. If I had dunes around me I'd definitly have one hands down compared to my 400. I love my 400s reliability but something bugs me about it, don't know why, it just does. I think my hatred of honda cars may have tainted my 4-wheeler love of Honda even though I love my recon. thats just my .02

08-13-2002, 12:45 PM
Just dont get the Z...

08-13-2002, 12:48 PM
you have a Z? why would you say that? or are you busting everyones chops?

08-13-2002, 12:49 PM
nix my last question, I did not read your stats below. Did you ever find the punks that stole it?

08-13-2002, 01:18 PM
i hate two things about quads and two things only

one when people get hurt on them from being stupid such as not wearing helmets, or riding double and so on

and two the fact that every who doesnt have one either wants one and steals it or bashes you for having it

08-13-2002, 01:18 PM
freaky good luck finding those a-holes who took your bike man do me a favor and give them a puch for me and everyone else on exriders

08-13-2002, 01:23 PM
Cant agree with you more. I really feel for the poor ******* that ever tries to steal my quads, by the time they get all the locks and chains of and put all the parts back on that they had to take just to get the wheeler to roll. they'll have to worry about the 3 dogs that busted through the windows and are attached to their necks and arses! I'd rather be shot than deal with what my dogs can dish out to a theif

08-13-2002, 01:59 PM
forget my dog but that person who is un loading my garage better have a high tolerance to pain baseball bats and an angry owner can hurt a lot more...
they better be fast workers to because i have so much s*it in my garage it would take them ten minutes to get to mine and the raptor parked in fron of mine has to have the kill switch put in the switch moved over the key turned the fuel on and so on plus it always has back flats so he would make it very far and with flat tires i can catch him on the 300 so he/she better be ready for a high speed roll if they have enough time to get it out

08-14-2002, 05:34 PM
thats right! 4000 punches in the dome!!