View Full Version : Car clubs anyone?

03-27-2006, 10:20 PM
Who all here is in a car club and what do you guys call yourselves? My buddies and I started a car club called JoCo Customs, since we all do all of our own work. Not one of our cars has ever been to a shop. Theres about 5 of us actually in the club right now with about 3 others getting ready to join. Heres our website we just made a few weeks ago. My car is the '98 Camaro( JoCo 002). Tell me what ya think.

JoCo Customs (http://www.freewebs.com/jococustoms)

03-28-2006, 03:50 AM
I was in a car club once....It was called Slick Stylin Customs, Michigans most customized car club was our little saying...it was pretty fun for awhile...but geeze was there alot of Drama!!

03-28-2006, 06:19 AM
i was intensegravity president of the arkansas chapter and petitioned severed ties for a while

03-28-2006, 06:33 AM
tell me why the hell you would buy a 3.8 L automatic camaro. that made me laugh right there my friend.

killen them all
03-28-2006, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by circusfreak6
tell me why the hell you would buy a 3.8 L automatic camaro. that made me laugh right there my friend. ^^^^^

03-28-2006, 09:01 AM
most car clubs are just a bunch of kids running around with stickers and usually their clubs are a joke.

TaT900 so far is the only one i see that has been in a club, Intense Gravity is the real deal. they have chapters, meetings, hold events and also go to shows, and help each other out.

i was almost in Negative Camber till i found out how big of dicks they are at shows, now if i go its clubless.

Originally posted by circusfreak6
tell me why the hell you would buy a 3.8 L automatic camaro. that made me laugh right there my friend.

or puts a body kit and wing on a mustang, thats pretty funny also

03-28-2006, 10:01 AM
camber guys can be harsh but not all of em i wanted to be nc very badly when i was in the truck scene but i guess when you have the best stuff you can look down on otheres but i never did that when i was pres of our club its was like family and it was quality not quanity

03-28-2006, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by tat900
camber guys can be harsh but not all of em i wanted to be nc very badly when i was in the truck scene but i guess when you have the best stuff you can look down on otheres but i never did that when i was pres of our club its was like family and it was quality not quanity

yea, the ones i hung out with here local was ok, but when i went to see them at greenville they were dicks. i would have been in NC underconstrustion but i havent even tried since then.

IG has some nice quality rides and also some mag coverage of the vehicles.

03-28-2006, 11:15 AM
the club is no longer really texas has sole rights to the club the arkansas chapter dismantled and so did missouri and the founderof the club just had twins so hes m.i.a

03-28-2006, 03:45 PM
Haha not exactly the comments i was expecting but whatever works. And actually we do go to ALL the local car shows, help each other out, and do have meetings. SO do not diss before you know the full story. As for a 3.8L auto, you buy what you can afford, Im only 20, do you realize what kind of insurance it would be with the ls1?? And we obvisously are building are cars for shows, which is why there is a MUSTANG with a BODY KIT and WING. No we are not the biggest club, but im sure all the other clubs started out with hundreds of people :blah: . How many of you can say you did ALL of your own body work, and im not just saying fixing a dent??? Just my two cents:D

03-28-2006, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by 01screamindemon
Haha not exactly the comments i was expecting but whatever works. And actually we do go to ALL the local car shows, help each other out, and do have meetings. SO do not diss before you know the full story. As for a 3.8L auto, you buy what you can afford, Im only 20, do you realize what kind of insurance it would be with the ls1?? And we obvisously are building are cars for shows, which is why there is a MUSTANG with a BODY KIT and WING. No we are not the biggest club, but im sure all the other clubs started out with hundreds of people :blah: . How many of you can say you did ALL of your own body work, and im not just saying fixing a dent??? Just my two cents:D

Ummmm, I wouldnt be too proud... they appear to be bondo queens. Just my opinion.

But there is credit due to doing it yourself. :cool:

03-28-2006, 03:52 PM
HAha ,that too is funny, 98% all of our molding is fiberglass, but believe what you want, you wont hurt my feelings.

03-28-2006, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by 01screamindemon
HAha ,that too is funny, 98% all of our molding is fiberglass, but believe what you want, you wont hurt my feelings.

the mustang sure has alot of bondo work... thats what I was talking about.

I'm not into bondo or fiberglass. Check back with us in 5 years and lets see how well it holds up.

Anyways, I'm not here to bash... just post my opinion.

Good luck with the projects!

03-28-2006, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by 01screamindemon
How many of you can say you did ALL of your own body work, and im not just saying fixing a dent??? Just my two cents:D

i can say it, did my own body work, fully shaved and all welded in, built my own bag brackets, designed and built every piece of my 4-link. built my c-notch. did my interior and also a 3 1/2 inch body drop.

in my experience, all the small local car clubs that start up are usually primered rides or people who plan on modding but never do and just sit in parking lots and talk trash and cause trouble. also anytime you see someone with an actually nice ride you ask then to join your club.

MOFO, 5 yrs, your giving it way too much credit, try a year and se how it is.

03-28-2006, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by quadrcr161

MOFO, 5 yrs, your giving it way too much credit, try a year and se how it is.

Oh I know... I was being nice.... too nice. :p

(mental note: this might be the first time I ever said that!) :devil:

03-28-2006, 04:16 PM
Yea i wished i could have welded everything, but unfortunately the back fenders are the only metal body part I have. SO fiberglass was really the only other option i had.

03-28-2006, 04:18 PM

also to the Orginal Poster, your profile says your in ILL, with the weather changing that much and getting that cold, the filler/fiberglass will shrink and crack under the paint and if it dosent it will be noticeable and you will be able to see the lines of the shaved part.

03-28-2006, 04:25 PM
So-IL tends to stay pretty mild...but I see what your saying. I guess we will find out soon enough :D . Haha i have no worries, though, I am confident in my work :p :D