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View Full Version : Questions on my Yoshi

07-26-2002, 12:08 AM
Ok, this has big a big pain in the _SS! im hoping you all can help me out..., we started with a Yoshi slip on and K&Nair filter with an open airbox with a DJ170..NOw we are buying the Yoshi header to go complete,decided later on go go with the whole thing,but now,no one... and I do mean no one.. knows the answer to my question...Is there any need to Re-jet?Yoshi doesnt know,Honda doesnt know,Denton racing doesnt know,dyno doesnt know..I am hoping some of you know any ideas?As far as I know,the170 is the largest main jet for the 400ex....Thanks

07-26-2002, 12:16 AM
the only real way to tell is to just do it...if the headpipe is larger than the stock...you more than likely may have to do a minor re-jet... question though,,,I have a big gun complete system...But i was going to buy just a slip on first and the headpipe later....but they said the slip on wouldnt fit the big gun headpipe...im wondering if its the same with your Yosh??

later good luck

07-26-2002, 10:16 AM
Castor400-ex~~Ummmm Let me see if I understand you first..You were wondering if maybe my pipe wont fit right since i purchased it as a slip on? It depends on the model?We called and talked to Yoshi and apparently there is a model(the one we bought)that you can buy separate pieces,and some you cant.Our header should fit fine.at least it better!They said it would,It will be here on tues.,so i guess we will see...They said it should be a breeze to put on too.I cantwait to see what a difference it makes,raced one on a 400ex and he flew hill climbing.. :)

07-26-2002, 10:19 AM
I don't think the header will require you to re-jet, especially since you are running a 170 K&N, open airbox combo, I think it will be fine