View Full Version : Purchasing 06 tommorrow....any suggestions?

03-23-2006, 08:24 PM
Ok now i know this topic has been posted before but im not sure about one thing. Im going to be heading down to the dealer tommorrow to negotiate a deal on an 06. Im aware of the clutch cover and im hoping they will replace it with a new mag cover for me. I guess i will offer to buy the evans coolant because it doesn't sound like suzuki is authorizing that type of coolant and they are puting something else back in after the cover swap. If i do end up going the evans way.........is my warranty still going to be good or void? I hope i don't have any trouble in dealing with this issue.......im aware that some dealers have been jerks about it. Any suggestions?

And is there anything else i should be aware of before signing the deal? Can you sometimes get a little more warranty out of them instead of the measily 6 months? Thanks for your time as i know some of you are probably sick of these topics

03-23-2006, 08:49 PM
If you jump it you will most likely break your frame swingarm and possibly more, I've seen it more than once. I'm not trying to steer you away but I would never consider buying this quad.

03-23-2006, 09:27 PM
the only years with the frame problems was the 03s, from 04 and up they have a new company building frames for them and it hasnt happened since. as for the swinger breaking, never seen that happen but it probablly is possible if your a hard core MXer hitting 100 foot jumps.

03-24-2006, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by alberndt
If you jump it you will most likely break your frame swingarm and possibly more, I've seen it more than once. I'm not trying to steer you away but I would never consider buying this quad.

Unless your riding on mx tracks and jumping everything in sight you'll be fine..... Don't let alberndt scare you away.:rolleyes: