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View Full Version : New Addition, And the Family, Pics of Toys

G Impala 63n70
03-22-2006, 05:59 PM
Hey everyone, Picked up another one of those "its locked up and crappy" dirtbikes from a guy at school. And just like last time (some of you remember, i got a yz80 under same circumstances) Me and Banshee Killer bring it home and like put a spark plug in it, change gas..Hook it up the the YFZ and give it a pull start, and rode it until we couldnt see in front of us. I love coming across deals like this..And the other one i dont think i showed off here is the 03 YZ125. Its stock. Dont ride it much, Want to trade for quad if anyones interested. Also pictured is the YFZ450, not pictured is the LT230 because well its boring and i dont like it.
The new dirtbike is told to be a 1988 XR 80 R with a 1994 Honda engine of some sort, is this also and xr80 engine does anyone know? This things prety quick for a lil 4stroke bike.

Well heres some pics, dont mind us being goofy in some pics, we were looking back at pics from like2 years ago and tried to make them in the same spot just difffernt bikes..Some of you guys remeber those pics..

once again lol

Your going to wonder how at 16 i have all this, well they arent all that expensive (minus the YFZ) and well lets just say im down to driving a crappy car and get none of my paycheck each week but its worth it when i fire my toys up

By the way i really only ride quads, dont even like bikes much..Just into bikes to get money to buy parts for the quad..Get it?

03-22-2006, 06:58 PM
Its always funny when people dont no how to fix something so they automatically assume its broken lol:cool: . Even funnier when you fix it and tell them there was nothing wrong!


03-22-2006, 07:09 PM
how much u pay for it?